I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1496: What's wrong, report it to me immediately

Qi Anxin still stood still.

She looked at Qiao Mianmian, who was still standing aside, and the sense of shame grew stronger and stronger.

Fortunately, boss Huang remembered her for a few years, just got it, and still fresh.

So even if Qi Anxin didn't take the initiative to greet him enthusiastically, he didn't care much.

He walked in front of Qi An's heart in two or three steps, reached out and pulled the man into his arms and hugged it, his sweetheart screamed.

"My careful liver, how come I am not very happy. I came over to pick you up, are you still unhappy?"

When he was hugged in his arms, Qi An felt stiff.

Instinctively produced a rejection reaction, want to push him away.

Boss Huang pinched her waist, and regardless of the others around him, kissed her and kissed her.


Qi An's face flushed red and his body resisted.

Feeling her struggle, Boss Huang frowned, a little unhappy.

He was always thinking about Qi An's heart.

But that's because he didn't get it all the time, so he was thinking about it for so long.

Now that everyone is his, letting him knead round and squash, naturally it will not be as rare as before.

Because of Qi An's struggle, Boss Huang looked less beautiful.

Qiao Anxin reached out and pushed him away. She rubbed her back on her lips a few times. She saw Boss Huang sinking her face. She panicked and explained in a hurry: "Mr. Huang, you can come and pick me up. Of course I am very happy. . It’s just that you’re not busy, how come you are free?”

As she said, she took over the flower that Boss Huang had in her hand and pretended to be very happy: "This flower is so beautiful, I like it. Did you buy it for me?"

Boss Huang's face softened a little.

Just about to speak, Yu Guang suddenly looked at Qiao Mianmian, who was standing beside him, his eyes lit up suddenly.

He opened his eyes wide and stared at Qiao Mian Miazai carefully again, his eyes flashed again.

He seemed to have lost his soul, staring at Qiao Mianmian, his eyes widened.

Boss Huang has a brokerage company under his hands, and there are many beautiful female artists in the company.

He has played in all types, and naturally there is no shortage of beauty around him.

A few days ago, he just got peace of mind, and he felt full of accomplishment. But when he saw Qiao Mianmian, boss Huang's three souls and seven souls were mostly lost. His body could not move, and his eyes could not turn.

Even Qi Anxin was instantly forgotten to the side.

There are many female artists in Boss Huang's company, but as beautiful as Qiao Mianmian, he is the first time he has seen it.

His gaze was too direct, and Qiao Mianmian raised his head and met a pair of ugly eyes full of covets.

Boss Huang looked at her indifferently, as if he was soulless, and his covetous expression made no secret.

Qiao Mianmian frowned, his eyes showing disgust.

She already guessed who the man was.

As Nana said before, the owner of the newly signed brokerage company Qi Anxin is not a good thing.

The female entertainers in the company, but everything they can do, was dived by him.

Qiao Mianmian thought that Qiao was at ease and proud and could not accept such a thing.

But seeing the scene just now, Joe Anxin obviously has been...

Qiao Mianmian didn't know how Joe An's heart was sullied when he looked at this sly old man older than Qiao Ruhai.

She was too cruel to herself.

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