I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1411: Who the **** are you?

"Mianmian, your boyfriend is so kind to you, and you are so happy."

"Mianmian boyfriend is handsome and rich, and she is so good to her, which makes us envious of death."

Now Qiao Mianmian is the one being held by others.

Everyone knows that she found a handsome boyfriend who is rich and handsome. This boyfriend still likes her and cares about her.

I also heard that she is Bai Yusheng's cousin. Bai Yusheng takes care of her everywhere in the crew, and she seems to value her.

Where else would anyone dare to squeeze her out as originally.

Plus, even if someone who misunderstood her slowly came into contact, she probably knew what kind of person she was.

Prejudice against her will naturally disappear.

Moreover, although some people are dissatisfied that Qiao Mianmian is a related household, Qiao Mianmian is not the kind of vase that has no acting skills. Even if they are not convinced at first, after seeing Qiao Mianmian's acting skills, they have nothing to say.

Qiao Mianmian held an ice drink brought to her by Nana, listened to the various thank you around, and gave Mo Yesi a WeChat phone: Did you buy afternoon tea for our crew?

After waiting for almost a minute, Mo Yesi returned to her.

Mo Yesi:? Someone asked your crew to have afternoon tea? not me.

Qiao Mianmian stunned: Not you?

Mo Yesi: Well, not me.

Qiao Mianmian asked casually, Mo Yesi said it was not him, and she didn't ask any more.

She thought, maybe it was also the boyfriend of which actress in the crew.

Just like Mo Yesi also invited the crew to drink afternoon tea.

Anyway, whoever asked, she would just drink it.

The next few days, the crew had a strange thing.

Every afternoon, someone brings afternoon tea.

At first, everyone in the crew thought it was from Qiao Mianmian's boyfriend, but later Qiao Mianmian denied it.

The rest of the crew also said that they had never bought afternoon tea.

Even Bai Yusheng felt strange and asked someone to ask.

But nothing was asked.

The hotel said that it signed a confidentiality agreement and could not disclose the buyer.

This series of mysterious and mysterious operations made Bai Yusheng extremely uneasy and took a few drinks to go to the hospital for testing.

The test results came out, there was no poisoning or medicine, everything is normal.

This matter became the most eager thing that the crew discussed after the meal.

Everyone is wondering who is giving the love every day and spending a lot of money to invite the entire crew to have afternoon tea. Is there any rich man who has taken a fancy to the female artist of the crew and dare not express his confession, just use this trick to show his heart.

Also because of this matter.

In the past few days, the actresses of the crew have obviously put on a lot of effort than before.

Everyone fantasizes that he may be the one who is secretly crushed by the rich.

"Mianmian, who the **** are you? Afternoon tea is not cheap. Are you afraid of bankruptcy if you so please every day? And you said that this person is stupid. If he really likes a female artist in our crew, use What's the use of this method, no one knows who he is."

Qiao Mianmian was holding a fruit shaved ice in his hand.

She doesn't really care who the so-called crush is. She feels that since the other party has chosen this way, she certainly doesn't want to expose her identity.

If you don’t choose to expose your identity, that’s why it’s inconvenient.

Anyway, she was not interested in who the man was. She said that she was more interested in the shaved ice in her hand.

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