I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1408: Miss Qiao doesn't seem to have any doubts

Qiao Mianmian can have any comments.

She was afraid of pitting the other side, so that the other side reconsidered.

Since they understood everything, they still decided to sign her, so she had no reason to refuse.

Anyway, she had already said it.

At that time, the product really can't be sold, so don't blame her.

"Mr. Zhang, since you have considered it clearly, then cooperate happily." Qiao Mianmian bent the corner of her lips and extended a hand.

Zhang Hai also extended his hand and smiled, "Miss Qiao, happy cooperation."

When Zhang Hai left the crew, he got on the phone and called out.

After connecting, he respectfully said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Young Master, things are done."

The man's low, hoarse voice came over: "Have she signed the contract."

"Yes, the contract has been signed. According to Gong Shao's instructions, a normal signing fee is given. Miss Qiao does not seem to have any doubts."

the other side.

In Gong's studio.

Nuo Da's studio has few objects. The white curtains are rolled up by the wind, and several pots of lilies that have just bloomed are planted on the exposed window sill.

Outside the window is the palace garden.

In the summer season, many flowers are blooming in time, and at a glance, the flowers are colorful.

Miyazawa sat by the window, pulling his shirt sleeves to his elbows, holding a brush in one hand, dipped in some paint, and using the brush to gently outline the girl's beautiful and soft face on the drawing board.

He was holding the mobile phone in the other hand and answering the call.

After saying a few words, he left the phone aside.

The man's attention was concentrated on the painting in front of him.

On the drawing board, there is a young girl with a delicate and beautiful face, a long roll, a long white dress, sitting barefoot on the seashore.

Her feet were soaked in the sea water, and her long skirt was also soaked in the sea water.

Several seagulls circled around the girl, and the girl held out her hand with a seagull in her palm.

The girl looked at the seagull in her palm and smiled sweetly and warmly.

This picture is almost completely finished.

Miyazawa took a paintbrush and tapped on the girl's dark eyes. The girl's black eyes were even more angry when she looked at them.

Miyazawa finished the last stroke and put away the brush.

He sat in front of the easel, his long, dark eyes staring at the girl in the painting for a long, long time.

No matter how he painted, he couldn't draw her own charm.

Miyazawa felt that he must have been devastated during this time.

After returning from the banquet that day, he began to dream of Qiao Mianlong more frequently.

These nights, almost every night, she will fall into his dreams.

He felt that his psychological problems had also become abnormal.

He seemed to have two villains in his heart, and the two villains kept arguing in his body every day.

A villain said: A friend's wife cannot be bullied. Qiao Mianmian is your brother's woman. Even if you like it, you can't think of her. Miyazawa, you give up, it is impossible in your life.

Another villain said: You finally met the woman you like, maybe except for her, you will never meet the second woman in your life that will make you feel excited. Do you really want to give up like this, really don't fight for one. Are you sure you will not regret it later?

Every day, these two ideas will endlessly circulate in his mind.

He spends every day in such contradictions.

He had decided to give up, but the next day he felt unwilling and changed his mind.

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