I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1402: You can always go to him

While stabbing, he gritted his teeth and said: "Bitch, die! Why don't you die!"

"I won't be defeated by you! You will make me like this, I won't let you go!"

"Even if I die, I will pull you **** back!"

The little man wore a piece of clothing, and the clothes were sewed with the words Qiao Mianmian.

The villain made of cloth has been pricked with needles, and there are dense needles from head to toe. It can be imagined how many times Jo Anxin has pierced this villain.

Qiao Anxin vented all his hatred to the villain.

She pierced for a while, sweating all over.

Until he felt his hands were sore, he threw the villain onto the bed breathlessly.

At this time, the cell phone that she threw on the ground rang.

Joan gasped for a while, bent over and picked up the phone from the ground.

She saw the caller ID and froze for a few seconds before answering the call.

It was her agent, Song Fang, who was still at Xinghui, who called her.

After taking her for a few days, she canceled the contract with Xinghui later.

"Reassure, I heard a friend say, are you looking for something to do now?" After the connection, Song Fang asked.

After Qiao Anxin left Xinghui, he stopped contacting Xinghui's people.

Song Fang will call her, which makes her a little surprised and strange.

After she was silent for a few seconds, she replied: "Yes. Sister Song, what's the matter with you calling me?"

"Well, it's something. I want to ask if you have found a job now. If not, I can introduce you here. It depends on whether you are interested."

Qiao An was stunned, a little surprised: "Sister Song, are you going to introduce me to work?"

She and Song Fang can't talk about how good the relationship is.

After leaving Xinghui, there was no contact.

Song Fang called her suddenly and said that she would introduce her job, which made Qiao Anxin feel surprised and puzzled.

Song Fang is not such an enthusiastic person.

"Relax, I also heard people say that you are looking for things to do everywhere. It’s just that I can introduce you to a job here, so I called and asked if you wanted to go. Of course, if you have already found something to do , Just when I said nothing."

"Thank you Sister Song, I haven't found anything to do yet. Of course, if there is a suitable job there, I certainly want to go. I don't know what work Sister Song will introduce to me?"

For Qiao Anxin, Song Fang's phone call is like a straw.

Although she didn't know what job Song Fang wanted to introduce to her, she thought to herself that as long as it was not too bad.

She needs exposure now.

Not appearing in front of the audience for a long time, she feared that she would soon be forgotten.

Song Fang was silent for a while, and then came out again: "Reassure, do you still remember Boss Huang who was built. Boss Huang fell in love with you when you first debuted, but you later followed General Manager Su, Huang The boss had to give up."

"Now you have scored with Su. Boss Huang heard that you have encountered difficulties recently, and you are very concerned about your affairs, so please ask me if you have anything to help. If so, you can go anytime. Find him."

Before Song Fang's words were finished, Qiao An's face looked ugly.

She was so angry that she hung up the phone immediately.

Before hanging up the phone, she had to scold Song Fang.

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