I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1400: No one is killing me

But Qiao Anxin didn't transfer because of it, and her career didn't return to her past as she thought.

Although Mo Yesi did not let anyone continue to block her, but because of the things she had caused before, after the collapse of the people, the impact on her already exists.

She was put on the "Primary Three" hat, and on the moral level, she is no longer a qualified artist with three views.

For any artist, having a positive image is very important.

If the artist has a serious problem on the moral level, it will be difficult for the audience to accept the artist.

There is no shortage of entertainers in the circle. After the scandal broke, the popularity has plummeted since then.

After Qiao Anxin broke the scandal, the advertisers who had signed with her had canceled their contracts one after another.

The major brokerage companies dare not accept her.

Because although Mo Yesi has withdrawn the blockade order, but since others know that she is an artist who has been blocked by the Mo's president, there is nothing to be afraid of.

For a time, Qiao Anxin found that her situation was the same as before she was blocked.

She couldn't find a job.

There was also no brokerage company willing to sign her.

Even if she had reduced the signing fee by more than half, no company dared to sign her.

After she was rejected by a brokerage company again, she smashed her phone to the ground with anger.

"What's the matter, obedient. Is there any good news?" Qiao Anxin couldn't find a job, Lin Huizhen was even more anxious than her.

Qiao An's two years of being popular made a lot of money.

However, most of the money has already been compensated for liquidated damages, and even some are not enough. If she can't receive work in the short term and pay the remaining liquidated damages, she will be brought to court by the partner.

Once her defendant went to court, it was another blow to her career.

Qiao Anxin can't let this happen.

So she has been eager to find a job recently, but she has been looking for several days in a row, and she is always in a state of rejection.

Lin Huizhen saw that she didn't make a noise, and then looked at her like this, she knew it must be no more drama.

She frowned deeply: "How could this happen? Didn't you say that the little **** promised your dad that she wouldn't block you anymore? Did she lie to your dad and promised him on the surface, secretly still treating you Poisoner?"

Qiao An squeezed his lips tightly and shook his head after a ugly, silent look for a while, "No. No one is blocking me."

Even if Qiao Anxin doesn't like Qiao Mianmian, she still knows whether she is still being blocked.

She didn't get a job because she was blocked.

She thought about the reason and probably guessed it was because of the previous black material.

I don’t know who stolen her Weibo account, but also stolen the photos she took a long time ago and sent them out with her Weibo.

Those photos became the strong proof of her cheating Su Ze.

Once an artist breaks a scandal such as derailment, it will have a particularly great impact on his career.

If it is an economic company that is signed a little bit more, it can still be turned over by whitewashing.

If there is no powerful brokerage company, it is generally difficult to turn over again.

Qiao Anxin is now in a situation where there is no brokerage company.

She did not have a team to help her whitewash, did not return to a positive image, so she did not dare to venture with her.

"No one blocked you, so why is that?"

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