I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1383: I do not accept your apology

Qiao An bit the corner of his lips, his eyes became more and more miserable, and he shouted timidly, "Sister."

Qiao Mianmian turned around and wanted to leave.

She didn't even know that Joe was at ease.

Qiao Ruhai didn't tell her just now.

Qiao Mianmian thought it was ridiculous to think of his rush to come over, and the worries along the way.

No wonder Qiao Ruhai would come to the crew to find her.

I'm afraid, I'm here to accompany Joe with peace of mind.

Qiao Anxin even shouted twice, and Qiao Mianmian didn't respond. She turned around wrongly and grievously shouted: "Dad, is my sister still angry with me, she doesn't seem to care about me."

"You did something wrong, and your sister should be angry with you."

Although Qiao Ruhai said this on her lips, she raised her head and looked at Qiao Mianmian: "Mianmian, I brought your sister over to let her apologize to you. She now knows that she is wrong and says she must apologize to you in person. I also promised her that she will never do those confusing things again."

Qiao Ruhai just finished, Qiao Anxin rubbed his eyes and cried, "Sister, I told Dad everything. Dad has scolded me fiercely. I know I did a lot of sorry for you, just an apology I can’t make up for it. But, I really knew it was wrong."

"Since I woke up, I've been reflecting on myself. I realized how ridiculous I was before, and I realized how much I did with those things. Sister, I'm sorry for you, please look at For the sake of our sisters, forgive me, OK?"

"I will never make mistakes again."

Regardless of how heartbreaking Qiao'an was crying, no matter how sincere she said that she apologized, Qiao Mianmian was all unmoved.

She was silent and waited for Qiao Anxin's performance before she said lightly: "Qiao Anxin, I won't accept your apology, and I won't forgive you. So, you don't need to apologize to me anymore, because of me Say, what you think is meaningless."

Joe stunned, the expression on his face stiffened.

Even the teardrop that was crumbling in the corner of her eyes seemed to be frozen, and solidified in the corner of her eyes.

Qiao Mianmian glanced at her again and said clearly and indifferently: "If you are here to apologize to me, then you can go back. There is nothing special in the future, I think we better not meet again."

The expression on Joan's face looked even more stiff.

She thought that in front of Qiao Ruhai, Qiao Mianmian had to take care of Qiao Ruhai anyway and would not make things too ugly.

So this time she begged Qiao Ruhai to come with her.

She didn't expect that Qiao Mianmian's attitude was so decisive, even if Qiao Ruhai was there, she still said so absolutely.

Of course, Qiao Anxin didn't really realize her mistake and really wanted to apologize to Qiao Mianmian.

What she realized was another thing.

Today, Qiao Mianmian's identity is not what she used to be. There are two big families, the Mo and Bai families, who support her. If she sees who is unsightly and who wants to let her die, it is just a matter of words.

Under such circumstances, Qiao Anxin wouldn't dare to confront her again.

Qiao Anxin also wanted to continue to stay in the entertainment circle.

She was afraid that she would always be blocked.

Only by asking Qiao Mianmian forgiveness can she avoid being blocked.

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