I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1379: This is a good thing, not a trouble

She returned to the nanny car.

Originally, she did not have a nanny car. Mrs. Bai visited her crew several times and saw that other actors were resting in the nanny car. When she was sitting alone under a tree to avoid the sun, she immediately gave her a heartache. She is equipped with a nanny car.

Qiao Mianmian couldn't refuse her, so she accepted it.

With this nanny car, it is indeed a lot more comfortable.

What Mrs. Bai prepared for her was a very spacious nanny car with a small table and even a small bed.

In the nanny's car was the fruit plate made by Mrs. Bai, fried fruit juice, and some snacks and biscuits.

It was Mrs. Bai who prepared her in the car early in the morning.

As soon as Qiao Mianmian got on the bus and sat down, she received a call from Linda.

She picked up: "Sister Xie."

Since Qiao Mianmian was no good every time she answered Linda's phone call, she was a bit guilty when she saw Linda calling her now.

I always feel that there is definitely no good thing.

"Mianmian, you're hot searching again." Linda spoke, his tone heavy.

Qiao Mianmian groaned in his heart, and a very weak and speechless emotion came to his mind.

She thought she had something black again.

"Sister Xie, have I caused the company trouble again?"

"That's not true." Linda was silent over there before saying, "This time is a good thing, not a trouble."

"Good thing?" Qiao Mian was stunned.

"Well, you are being praised, this should be a good thing."

Qiao Mianmian: "..."

How is this different from what she expected.

She thought that there was something wrong with her.

"Some flowers of that drama between you and Qin Han were put on Weibo, and netizens praised your acting skills. I have also seen that movie, and I really didn't expect you and Qin Han to play the opponent's drama, but he was not taken away by him. Your style. Your performance in this drama is much better than I thought. I know that gold always shines, how can my vision go wrong."

"More than 100,000 movies have been reposted today. I bet the ratings of this drama are absolutely explosive."

"Maybe you are relying on this drama."

Qiao Mianmian listened to Linda and froze for a while.

She didn't know about it at all.

Linda said something to her again, roughly to make her work harder, what would become better and better in the future.

A few minutes later, Linda hung up the phone.

Hearing the disconnection sound from the mobile phone, Qiao Mianmian moved the mobile phone signal to his ear and immediately opened Weibo.

As soon as I entered, I saw her hot search.



There are several hot topics for her, all related to the new drama.

Qiao Mianmian clicked into the first hot search, and the first time she saw what she saw was no longer all kinds of words that called her.

In the hot search, almost all praise her.

"The flowers of Qiao Mianmian's new drama are pretty good, they all say that she is a vase, but I think she is acting well in it."

"Can I say that I actually rejected Qiao Mianmian and Qin Han as Cp at the beginning, I think they didn't have a sense of Cp at all. But after watching the movie, I actually felt pretty good, and the two people seem to have a Cp sense. ."

"This should be a play with my brother Han, but the first female artist who wasn't beaten by his acting skills. Han Ge's performance needless to say, textbook-level acting. Qiao Mianmian's performance is really surprising and Unexpected. No wonder Brother Han praised her so much and stood in line with her. Brother Han should appreciate this little rookie, so he will help her."

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