I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1374: It's totally the standard of heaven and earth

"Xiaoxin, you have trouble at home now, so you must help."

"Mom, I..." Shen Xin clenched her lips and met Shen Ruo's cold eyes, she reddened her eyes.

She wanted to say that she and Qiao Chen had become a stranger.

Even if she goes to Qiao Chen for help, Qiao Chen will certainly not help.

Moreover, Qiao Chen had just returned to the Mo family, and she did not want to trouble him at this time.

If the Mo family were willing to help, they would have already helped.

"Xiaoxin, don't you want to help?" Shen Rou stared at her with some persecution, "You can't be blessed by your family, but you don't do anything. Don't say anything about this matter is difficult, you will Can it be difficult for me. You are also part of the Shen family, and now is the time for you to contribute."

Mrs. Shen said immediately, "Xiaoxin, then you can ask for Qiao Chen."

Mrs. Shen knew the conditions that Mo Yesi issued.

Therefore, she is anxious to marry Shen Rou in a short time.

But she was also forced.

None of the men who had a blind date with Shen Rou were eye-catching, and felt that those men were not worthy of her daughter.

She also didn't want to marry Shen Rou to those men.

But compared with the interests of the Shen family, she ultimately chose to sacrifice her daughter's interests.

But if Shen Xin really knew the young master of the Mo family and asked the other party for help, she would not have to rush to marry Shen Rou.

As long as the Shen family has survived this difficulty and returned to the past, what kind of man can she choose softly?

Shen Xin opened her mouth and had a lot of words to say. At the end, she said something else: "Okay, I... I will try it."

"It's not a try, I must try my best to make him nod and promise to help." Shen Rou grabbed Shen Xin's hand, his attitude changed suddenly, and his eyes became gentle, "Xiao Xin, you are our only hope now, In any case, you have to let Qiao Chen nod."

"Sister believes you can do it."

Shen Xin looked up at Shen Rou, tears rolled in the corners of her eyes, and pulled her hand out of Shen Rou's palm.

Seeing Shen Rou's expression stiff for a moment, she spoke again, and her tone was no longer as intimate as before: "Sister, I will go to Qiao Chen. But if he wants to help, I can't guarantee it."

After Shen Xin finished speaking, she turned her head and said nothing to Shen Rou.

Shen Rou squeezed her lips and looked at her with such anger, her eyes showing anger. j

Is this wronged?

But just asking her to find Qiao Chen, she felt wronged?

What about her blind date these days?

She was ridiculed by jokes, looked down upon by all kinds, did she feel wronged less?

But even if she felt a fire in her heart, she was still down.

Shen Xin nodded and agreed to go to Qiao Chen, which made Shen Rou relieved.

With Shen Xin, Shen Father and Shen Mother will not force her all the time.

She really didn't want to marry those men who fell in love with it.

After these days of blind dates, Shen Rou now clearly realizes how good Mo Yesi and Miyazawa's conditions are for the opposite sex.

The men they blinded to her were completely above ground.

Shen Rou regrets it.

She regretted why she had focused on Mo Yesi, and why she had not cherished Miyazawa well.

At that time, Miyazawa was willing to marry her.

If she is not attached to Mo Yesi, if she is married to Miyazawa, she must be very happy now.

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