I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1365: I can't spare you

Without Qiao Mianmian, many things would not be like this now.

She will not be in a close relationship with Mo Yesi. If she and Mo Yesi still have a previous relationship, this time something happened to Shen, Mo will definitely help.

Miyazawa can't ignore her.

As long as Shen has survived, she will still be the most sought after Miss Shen Jia.

Her life in the past two decades has always been good.

Since Qiao Mianmian appeared, she has been unlucky, and her life has become more and more uncomfortable...

So, without Qiao Mianmian, can her life change back to what she used to be?

If Qiao Mianmian is gone...

When the thought came out of her mind, Shen Rou's eyes were murderous.


"Old lady, Mrs. Bai said she has something to ask you to talk about. I don't know if you have time now."


The old lady is holding Qiao Mianmian's hand and talking, asking her something about work.

Uncle Zhang came and followed a man behind him.

Qiao Mianmian looked up and saw that it was Mrs. White, and immediately stood up and walked towards her.

Mrs. Bai also stepped forward and gently took her hand.

The old lady on the side saw it, stunned, and wondered in his eyes: "Does Mrs. Bai know you with us?"

Mrs. Bai held Qiao Mianmian's hand and looked up at the old lady. She smiled and replied warmly: "I know, naturally I know. The things I want to talk to the old lady are related to Mianmian, no Do you know if the old lady has time?"

The old lady froze, looked at her, then looked at Qiao Mianmian, and then nodded: "Naturally there is time. Madam Bai sit down and talk, Zhang Bo, you go and bring Mrs. Bai a cup of tea."

"Then I'm welcome."

Mrs. Bai did not squeeze, the old lady let her sit, she chose a seat next to the old lady and sat down.

Qiao Mianmian also sat down with her, sitting beside her.

Mrs. Bai has been holding Qiao Mianmian's hand without letting go, a look that is rare to her.

The old lady looked at this scene, even more suspicious in her heart.

When did Qiao Mianmian have such a good relationship with the Bai family?

To the old lady's surprise even more, she found that Qiao Mianmian and Mrs. Bai looked quite a bit.

The two sat together, big and small, and looked similar, looking like mother and daughter.

"I don't know what Mrs. Bai wants to tell me? How is it related to Mianmian again?"

Mrs. Bai glanced at Qiao Mianmian and pondered for a moment before speaking out: "The old lady wants to know that my family had a daughter. Over the years, we have been looking for her, but there is no clue."

The old lady nodded: "I have heard about this matter. But I heard that there has been news recently, maybe someone will be recovered soon, is that true?"

Mrs. Bai smiled and said with joy in her eyes: "Maybe it is God that I am no longer willing to separate my flesh and blood, and finally returned my Xiaoqi to me. Old lady, we have recovered Xiaoqi."

"I've found it back?" The old lady was a little surprised, but still very happy for Mrs. Bai, "That's really great. Where did you find someone? Has the child recognized you now, does she have tonight?" Come with you?"

The old lady said while looking around.

Looking at it, Qiao Mianmian's eyes fell on him.

She looked at Qiao Mianmian's and Mrs. Bai's similar appearance, and then looked at Mrs. Bai's intimate look, and there was already a guess in her heart.

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