I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1360: From beginning to end, I have never hated you

She felt particularly wronged.

It’s okay if someone yells at her for calling her, but the people she likes do the same to her.

Is she really so annoying?

"Yes, it's my brain that's bad, it's my mind that's too sloppy. I'm sorry, I know I'm doing something wrong, I won't do much fuss in the future." Shen Xin choked with tears while grieved, I know you don’t like me, you hate me, and I’m shaking you in front of you again and again without seeing it. It’s because I have no self-knowledge, I have a thick skin. But rest assured, this is the last time, I will Never do these self-assertive things anymore."

"You asked me to come over, just want me to stop doing more fuss in the future. I know, I really won't do it in the future. Thank you for giving me a face and not saying these things in public."

After Shen Xin finished speaking, she reached out and wiped her tears.

She lifted her eyes, tears on her trembling lashes, and looked at Qiao Chen with red eyes: "Sorry for causing you trouble."

Qiao Chen frowned, stared at her for a while, and then spoke again, his voice calmed down a lot: "Have you finished?"

Shen Xin was shocked.

Qiao Chen said again: "If you are finished, can you let me talk? The next thing I say is sincere, there is no lie. So Shen Xin, you can hear me clearly."

"I didn't blame you for being busy, I didn't hate you, and you never bothered me."

"The words I just said don't mean to blame you. I just want to tell you that I am not interested in the women, and they are not what you think they are."

After talking, Qiao Chen froze himself.

He suddenly realized that he was explaining to Shen Xin.

But his relationship with Shen Xin now, he didn't need to tell her that at all.

He didn't have to tell her what the relationship was with those women.

Shen Xin opened her eyes in surprise and couldn't believe it.

He said he didn't hate her?

Did she hear it wrong?

However, he obviously hated her.

If he didn't hate her, how could he let her stop lingering on him? If he didn't hate her, how could he pretend to turn a blind eye every time she meets with her?

If he doesn't hate her, how can he be gentle to everyone, but always remain indifferent to her.

If he doesn't hate her...

Recalling the bit by bit during this time, Shen Xin is really hard to believe, he really does not hate her.

"Qiao Chen, do you really... don't hate me?" Shen Xin still looked at her with tears in her eyes.

Qiao Chen suddenly felt annoyed.

Again, every time.

When he saw Shen Xin crying, he was upset.

This irritability is not because of disgust.

He couldn't figure out what the reason was, but when he saw her weeping, he felt very uncomfortable.

Those tears, like a thin needle stuck in his heart.

As soon as she shed tears, he started to feel pain in his heart.

"I never hated you." Qiao Chen looked at her, saying one by one, "Shen Xin, from beginning to end, I have never hated you."

"But, I've been beating you for several years." Shen Xin squeezed her lips for a while, mocking herself, "Don't you really think I'm bored. Qiao Chen, you don't have to take care of my feelings, I also Not as fragile as you think. You don’t need to lie to me."

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