I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1325: I don't need you to decide for me

The woman who asked for contact information froze.

A woman knows she is soft.

If the former Shen Rou said this to her, she would not dare to say anything.

Can think of Shen's current situation, where women will take Shen Rou seriously.

She sneered at Shen Rou: "Who should I be, it was Miss Shen's family. What happened, when did Miss Shen become the spokesperson of Master Gong. Master Gong hasn't even spoken yet, how could you I know he doesn’t want my contact information. Miss Shen has anything to do with Gong Shao."

Where has Shen Rou been so distressed before?

She smirked: "My relationship with Miyazawa is not your turn," said an unrelated person. I said he didn't want it, he just didn't want it."

The woman sneered again and looked at Miyazawa aside provocatively: "Mrs. Gong, does Miss Shen mean the same as you mean? Is it possible that Gong Shao and Miss Shen are interacting? If so, then I disturb Now."

Miyazawa looked at the talking woman indifferently.

The woman was full of confidence and did not take Shen Rou's words seriously.

But when she looked at Miyazawa's indifferent gaze, she suddenly panicked.

Someone in the circle has said that Grand Prince Gong likes Miss Shen Jia.

However, during this time, Shen Rou kept blind date, meeting so many people, and had not met Prince Gong's grandfather, it would inevitably make people think that those rumors are false.

The woman thought it was fake, so she didn't take Shen Rou seriously.

Miyazawa just looked at the woman indifferently and did not speak.

This attitude makes the woman a little puzzled.

The woman's complexion changed a little bit, thinking that Miyazawa was tacitly acquainting him with Shen Rou.

She can not take the current Shen family seriously, but if Shen Rou is in contact with Miyazawa and relies on the Gong family, then she is also an offense.

"It seems that I guessed right." The woman tentatively tried again.

Seeing Miyazawa still didn't say anything, her face changed again, and she hurriedly dropped a sentence of "disturb" and turned away.

After seeing the other women, there was still some confounding thoughts, and they all turned around and left.

Miyazawa's reaction made Shen Rou's eyes radiate with joy. Her eyes were slightly moist, and she moved to Miyazawa to say, "Zeli, just now..."

"Don't think about it, I'm just not interested in those women."

Miyazawa immediately interrupted her and said indifferently, "I will not need you to decide for me in the future."

Shen Rou's face stiffened.

"Cough, let's go in, don't squeeze at the door. That's right. As for the guy in As, why didn't you see him?" Yan Shaoqing looked at the atmosphere incorrectly and quickly changed the subject.

Lu Rao was a little surprised to see this scene.

He had never seen Miyazawa so indifferent to Shen Rou.

Hearing Shaoqing said that the two have been fighting for a while.

So far, the relationship is still so stiff, I really don't know what happened.

Obviously, the fault is Shen Rou.

Because it seems that Shen Rou wanted to make peace with Miyazawa, but Miyazawa didn't mean anything in this regard.

"It doesn't say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here." Lu Rao glanced at the familiar figure and hooked his lips.

"It's Asi and Sister-in-law. Wow, Sister-in-law is so beautiful tonight." Yan Shaoqing also saw Qiao Mianmian and Mo Yesi. When his eyes fell on Qiao Mianmian, he almost couldn't help whistling.

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