I’m Secretly Married to a Big Shot

Chapter 1221: Would you please fulfill my aunt's wish

"Auntie, you're too polite, and I didn't do anything. If I said something that made Auntie unhappy, I hope Auntie won't take it seriously."

"Why? Oh, you must be very hungry after saying so for a long time." Madam Bai took Qiao Mianmian's hand and said intimately, "Tell Auntie what you want to eat."

"But, aunt..."

"Will you satisfy your aunt's wish? I have always wanted to cook for my daughter, but..." said Mrs. Bai, her eyes flushed.

"Auntie, don't be sad. If you can, you can cook a bowl of noodles for me."

Qiao Mianmian was embarrassed to have Mrs. Bai cook her food for her.

However, when she heard that Mrs. Bai said she wanted to make a meal for her daughter, she suddenly felt a little sad, and nodded in favor.

"Noodles? Just a bowl of noodles?"

"Well, I just want to eat some noodles now." In fact, she didn't want to trouble Mrs. Bai too much.

"Okay, you wait. I'll do it for you right away."

Mrs. Bai turned around and happily went to cook her noodles.

Qiao Mianmian thought that a noble lady like Mrs. Bai could not cook. She thought that as long as Mrs. Bai could cook the noodles, it would be good.

Unexpectedly, after more than ten minutes, Mrs. Bai actually made a bowl of seafood noodles that sells quite well.

The nutritional color of noodles is very good, it seems to make people feel appetite.

"Mianmian, the noodles are ready, you try to see how it tastes. I haven't been cooking for a while, I don't know if the cooking has declined. I can't guarantee anything else, but I can still cook a bowl of noodles. of."

Mrs. Bai put the cooked noodles on the dining table and watched as Qiao Mianmian picked up the chopsticks, her expression looked forward.

Qiao Mianmian took a bite of noodles slowly under her watchful look.

"How is it delicious?" Mrs. Bai asked immediately.

"Well, it's delicious." Qiao Mianmian took another bite.

She was really surprised, not expecting Mrs. Bai not only cooked the noodles, but also so delicious.

The craft is absolutely not bad.

It can even be called very good.

This bowl of seafood noodles is even better than what she ate outside.

"Is it really delicious?" Madam Bai's eyes brightened, her cooking skills were affirmed, and she looked a lot more happy.

"Well, it's really delicious." Qiao Mianmian said honestly, "It's better than many seafood noodles I've eaten before. Auntie, I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good. Auntie has specially learned ."

Mrs. Bai saw that she was not happy after speaking politely, her eyes were bent, she smiled and said, "I have learned it, I learned it for your uncle when I was young. You know, I want to catch it A man’s heart must first grasp his stomach, so he learned all the dishes your uncle likes to eat at that time."

"Later, I learned to cook, and I also like to cook. Now, I occasionally go out to the kitchen myself, but because your uncle is still doing things abroad, and now come back less, so I rarely cook. "

Mrs. Bai said: "Hurry and eat, the seafood noodles will be fishy when they are cold, and it will not taste good."

Qiao Mianmian nodded and buried his head to eat noodles seriously.

Mrs. Bai was sitting next to her, watching her noodles eaten by her a little bit, and she felt very satisfied.

She said softly: "Mianmian, if you like to eat noodles made by your aunt, you will come over and cook for you. Aunt will also cook a lot of dishes, and you can slowly make them for you later."

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