I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 907: monsters on the web

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On the side of the Aum Shinrikyo Club, although Sangoro kept his promise, he gave a lot of key information without saying anything...

However, because he has been lurking in remote Hokkaido for "secret operations" these years, he is actually not clear about the "large-scale sacrificial event" brewing in Tokyo by the Aum Shinrikyo recently.

Because the information at hand was too complicated, Sosuke Araki found Mai Hanyu immediately after returning from Hokkaido.

His inability to sort out the context and grasp the key points from the messy information does not mean that others have no such ability.

"Sister Hanyu, Lu Dou, you must help me dig out the unforgivable guys from the Aum Shinrikyo!"

Thinking of the words "Aum Shinrikyo", Sousuke Araki's face under the shadows began to turn murderous.

"After knowing what these guys are doing behind their backs, I can't bear it for a second!"

Bliss Club, National Essence Club, Kanto Federation, Trinity Group, Galactic Alliance Church...

It wasn't until yesterday that he learned that these several extremist organizations and cults with "deep ties" to him were actually "tentacles" supported by Aum Shinrikyo.

And the death of Higashino Yukihira, Reiko and Tokimoto Ichiro, Mochizuki Ayano and Siena unconscious, all have an indirect or direct relationship with Aum Shinrikai...

For the first time in his life, he had such a strong desire to make something completely disappear from this world.

"Calm down first, what you have done has exceeded our expectations. Not only did you save Hokkaido and bring back important information, but you also started a new 'research material for hidden energy field entanglements'..."

A fragrant, graceful figure suddenly approached Sosuke Araki.

"Well done, Sleeper, this is your reward."

On his forehead, the hot and soft touch disappeared in a flash, instantly smashing the hostile aura rising from his body.

"Huh? Just now, what happened..."

Sousuke Araki rubbed his forehead blankly, his confused eyes fell on Mai Hanyu, who had walked to the refrigerator casually and took out the mineral water.

"Ahem, Sister Hanyu, your reward is too perfunctory... I strongly request that it be 'issued' again..."

Looking at the curve that "looks horizontally as a mountain and a peak on the side, the distance is different from the distance", Sousuke Araki feels that his fragile nasal capillaries are in jeopardy again.

"It's good to have fighting spirit, but you can't lose the stance of calm thinking."

"What the Aum Shinrikyo Society has done in secret over the years seems to be to better collect 'sacrifices'... In addition, they continue to give believers things that can transform ordinary people into 'ghosts'... "

Ignoring someone's "strong request", Hanyu Mai raised her head and took a sip of mineral water, pacing back and forth in the living room, thinking to herself.

"This president should have mastered some kind of mechanism that is more able to convert 'sacrifice' into 'power'! Unfortunately, Sangoro is far away in Hokkaido, and he has never participated in the 'sacrifice'..."

Her eyes suddenly caught sight of Hou Hai Lu Dou, who was burying his head in checking the "report": "Chief hacker, I authorize you to temporarily open the 'Wall of Asgard' to confirm the progress of information collection about the 'Master President'. !"

"What? It's better to just say 'physical gateway'..."

Putting down the large stack of "papers" in his hand, Hou Hai Ludou sat in front of the computer, reached out and pressed a device like a nuclear bomb launch button.

"Wait a minute, let's see how 'Airi-chan' is doing... Oh, I collected a lot of information about 'Kotomine Jiro'..."

The red light on the button immediately turned green.

"Temporarily connected to the external network through 132 springboard servers... The minimum theoretical immune intrusion time is 54 seconds... It is estimated that it will take 22 seconds for the collected data to be transmitted to the local area after screening..."

While typing on the keyboard with one hand, his other hand was still nervously on the button, as if he was planning to press it whenever the situation turned bad.

"By the way, I always thought it was strange, why did I suddenly 'move' here..."

Looking at Atsumi Ludou, who was nervous even downloading a data package, Sosuke Araki suddenly remembered a doubt that had been simmering in his heart: "Also, there is no need for wifi in this house, and a signal is also set up. The jammer makes the mobile phone signal zero, is it a 'electric shock Internet addiction withdrawal center' specially built for Lu Dou?"

"Hey hey hey, of course it's because... When you were watching the Polaroid with your arms around the little witch in Hokkaido, geniuses like us had already discovered the conspiracy of the Aum Shinrikyo and made preparations for everything in advance."

Hanyu Mai, who was beside her, rubbed the ends of her smooth hair, and let out a wild laughter without realizing it.

"Tsk, what does the old lady mean... While you were going to Hokkaido, we discovered that the power of the Aum Shinrikyo is not only far more terrifying than we imagined, but even mobile phones and the Internet were terrifying because of some unexpected 'evidence' obtained. It is possible to be under the surveillance of their 'supernatural means' at any time..."

"The brothers and sisters who were so frightened and lonely, they could only go to the land of the only "familiar" **** to build a "safe house", holding Akagi Himeto Sama's thighs shivering."

Before Hou Hailudou's "translation" of resentment was finished, the green button beside him suddenly flashed!

"Tsk, just went online, did you find it by smelling it?"

At the same time, a large stream of flowing information also popped up on the secondary screen on the right.

"It's so fast. It has broken through the defenses of 10 servers. Even the guys with supercomputers in the darknet can't reach such a speed..."

Staring at the screen with sweat on his forehead, at the moment when the database download progress reached 100%, Hou Hai Lu Dou laughed wildly and pressed the button in his hand: "Ahahahahaha, what is 'absolute control'? Turn off the machine!"

As if he had experienced a multiplayer sport~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He wiped his sweat, raised his head and poured a large bottle: "No matter how good you are, you can't cross the disconnected network cable and find the land of the gods, right? !"

"By the way, what happened just now is..."

Behind him, Sousuke Araki, who was stunned, asked.

"Consistent with the information you have learned, I don't know since when, the Association and the Institute of Truth, and even the ninth lesson, have been targeted by a 'monster' hidden in the Internet and suspected to be related to the Aum Truth Society. ."

After accurately throwing the empty bottle in his hand into the trash can behind him, Hou Hai Ludou, who was relieved, continued to explain.

"However, it is fortunate that the association has been very poor before the Obon Festival, and the management methods of Uncle Shiben and Vice President Chang Tian are also very old-fashioned.

"So, that guy shouldn't have obtained too much key information, it's nothing more than a little bit of spirit remover code name and personal task information in the app background."

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