I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 905: There are pictures and truth

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Seeing the other person's very familiar face clearly in the dark, Ryoma breathed a sigh of relief before the second, and stretched out his hand and punched the other person's shoulder: "You guy, I thought you couldn't catch up!"

Under the hood, it was Higashino Yukihira with braided hair, thin lips and wicked eyes. watermark ad test watermark ad test

His "substitution" was just right, and the black-robed people in the front and rear compartments didn't even notice that the "Mihuo" here had abandoned his clothes and fled.

"I've already arrived, but the three of them are too conspicuous together. It's better to be safe in light and dark."

Higashino Yukihira grinned cheerfully, and looked behind Ryoma Ermae: "Your 'temporary partner' seems a little too nervous?"

There, Niya, who had an indifferent face, didn't mean to "disarm". Instead, there was a sharp compass rotating rapidly at his fingertips, which seemed to be ready to act at any time.

"Cough, um, Miss Sister, let me introduce you..."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the room was a little subtle, Ryoma hurriedly introduced Niya with a smile.

"This one is the 'important informant' I mentioned to you, the victim of the Minami Honmoku shooting, and also Sousuke and I grew up wearing the same loincloth, Higashino Yukihira. "

"Hey... Before you came, you didn't tell me..."

However, in Niya's eyes looking at Higashino Yukihei, there is still an indifferent killing intent.

"The so-called 'poor victim whose body became a little strange because he accidentally touched the grudge' turned out to be a blood prince?!"

She has been fighting vampires in Europe all the year round, and she can naturally tell how surging the power of the blood race is surging in the black-robed man in front of her.

As for the origin of the creature of the blood race, whether it is "Cain", "Dracula" or other existences, there is still no conclusion.

In short, this is an extraordinary creature that is neither a god, nor a wraith, nor can it be classified as a human being.

It is an embarrassing existence that is similar in nature to a half-demon, but must coexist with humans.

The origin is unknown, and it cannot change the powerful survivability, bloodthirsty style and terrifying transformation ability of "similars" of the blood clan.

If it weren't for the many restrictions such as "beginning cleanliness" and "conservation of blood", I am afraid that all human beings in the world have already been transformed into vampires.

"Father Siena was originally in charge of transporting the grudge in Japan, the "Asamet Stone Face" in the confidential file no.395, was it used by you? "

Regarding the origin of the "Prince of the Blood of Asamet" who suddenly appeared in front of him, Niya quickly had an answer in his heart: "So, it is more appropriate to call you the 'Prince of the Blood of Asamet' now, isn't it? "

The thirteen clans, headed by the "Hidden Alliance", "The Magic Banquet Alliance" and "Neutral Clan", jointly abide by the principles of "avoidance", "dominance", "killing relatives", "customer respect", "responsibility" and "descendant". "The six precepts formed by the secret party, the Holy See and the blood clan maintained relative "peace" in Europe.

The Asamet tribe, which is in the "neutral clan", was exiled to the Middle East by other blood tribes because of their excessive pursuit of devouring the blood of the same kind, and they have long since become extinct.

The only possibility is the mask that was unearthed in the Middle East and smuggled to Japan not long ago, but disappeared with Siena's coma.

"Since the two claimed to be the witnesses of the 'Nanbenmu Wharf Shooting Case', why did they keep silent about what happened before..."

Eyes vigilantly glanced back and forth on Ryoma before Higashino Yuki Heiji, Niya slowly retreated towards the door of the carriage.

"Based on the facts in front of me, do I have the right to suspect that it was you who plotted against Father Siena for that grudge?"

"The reason for the lack of details is that Ryoma and Sousuke don't know what happened to me and what happened to the Nanbenmu Pier that night..."

Facing the vigilant nun, Higashino Kohei spread his hands calmly: "So, it would be safer for me, who fought side by side with Father Siena at that time, to explain to Your Excellency."

"Hmph, fighting side by side?! This is just your one-sided remark. Father Siena has always been alone, not to mention that he was also on a top-secret mission at the time..."

"There are pictures and truths."

The next second, a photo quietly popped out of Higashino Yukihira's sleeved robe.

"This is…"

Catching the photo that was falling in the air, Niya's eyes flashed with golden light, and she bit her lower lip in surprise.

In that humble "Polaroid" photo, four men and two women stand side by side.

A mixed-race loli with blond curly hair and black and blue eyes.

A high school girl with a black ponytail and a big and Nadeshiko.

She doesn't recognize the two girls on the far left in the photo, but...

"A dragon horse..."

Grinning crooked, oily guy with thumbs up.

"Araki Sousuke..."

A blond bad guy with a regretful face holding a "520 Bowl" certificate.

"And you... Higashino Yukihira..."

Covering his abdomen, with a pale face, he held the braided head of the "151 Bowl" certificate perfunctorily.

"And... Father Siena..."

The most important thing is that surrounded by this group of Japanese in the center, is a strong middle-aged black man who is extremely conspicuous by his complexion, squinting his eyes and smiling until only a white tooth is left.

On the certificate in his hand, a large "521 bowl" was written.

"I know that with my current physical condition, it is very unconvincing... About this, Father Siena also warned me... That's why I went to Kanagawa Prefecture specially and 'borrowed' this photo."

Seeing Niya's expression softened, Higashino Yukihira put on the mask, raised Erlang's legs indifferently, and sat on the seat next to him.

"This bus should arrive at the station in half an hour... Now, would you like to chat?"

Niya rationalized the black robe on his body and sat in the seat in the row behind the other party: "All ears."

Tokyo, Shinjuku, Kagurazaka.

In the middle of the night, the lanterns hanging in front of the Akagi Shrine were like flickering flames.

Adjacent to the main hall of the shrine, the "Mitsui Akagi Apartment", composed of vertical stripes and gray and white tones, is completely dark, and only one window in the corner of the top floor is still brightly lit.

"When there is an urgent matter, this guy Ryoma can't be contacted. Which red light district did he go to fool around?"

On the balcony, Sosuke Araki hung up the phone saying "the user you are calling is not in the service area" with a displeased expression, and walked into the Japanese-Western-style living room.

"Wow, where there is Lu Dou, there is no shortage of them!"

Stepping into the open kitchen, he unceremoniously opened the small refrigerator beside him and took out a bottle of iced drink.

"Gudonggudonggudong... Ha, comfortable..."

After raising his head to drink, he stretched his waist and sighed about the environment in the house: "The first time I came up, I didn't expect that the apartment in this apartment is much more spacious than I imagined, although the area is not as big as my (rented) one. Hao (fierce) house, but the decoration is too delicate."

Although the apartment in front of me is only a hardcover three-bedroom and two-bedroom structure, it is indeed a "large apartment" in an area like Shinjuku where most families of three live in "one set, one set".

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