I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 897: trash dad

Nine years ago, Tokyo Metropolis, Saitama Prefecture Reiki Garden.

"I've said it all, I don't believe in those gods and ghosts... If you follow along like this, I will report to you to warn you about religious pyramid schemes!"


Outside the gate of the Lingyuan, a man wearing a Zouba Brazil suit, heavy glasses, and thin hair on the top of his head was hurriedly walking on the sidewalk.

"Hey, why are you deceiving yourself?"

Beside him, walking side by side, was an old man wearing a khaki robe, with white hair and beard, but a strong figure.

"You don't move your right hand when you walk, you hold your briefcase and mobile phone with your left hand, and you don't dare to look over there..."

His pace is slow, and the range of each step is not large, but he is able to maintain just the right distance from the man next to him, so that the other party can't get rid of it no matter how fast he accelerates.

"You clearly can see the child, right?"


Perhaps it was because the footsteps were too fast, making the body that was weak from working overtime day and night unable to support it, or the old man's words smashed the secret in his heart, and the man stumbled and fell to the ground in a desolate posture.


Beside his ear, there was a small, dull and childish whisper.

"Little, Xiaokui..."

Lifting his face with two lines of nosebleeds up from the ground, the man turned his head stiffly, summoning up his courage to look to his right.

"Are you... pain...?"

A petite, fuzzy black figure was quietly hanging on his right arm, staring at him dully with a pair of indifferent eyes.

"Xiao Kui!!!!"

The man stood up abruptly, nosebleeds and tears flew towards his right side, trying to hug the distressed figure, but because he couldn't touch it, he slammed into the ground again.

"It's all useless for Dad... If Dad can earn enough money to send you to the best hospital abroad, maybe he will be able to cure your disease..."

"Dad is a despicable liar. Not only did he not let you live in the big house he promised... In the end, he couldn't even let you live..."

He pouted his hips in defiance, let his face be buried in the dust, and cried out like a child.

"Even, Dad can't make you leave in peace, and you have to stay here to accompany me, a cripple."

The collapse of adults is often in an instant.

"Being trapped by love and nurturing spirit is not a long-term solution."

Looking at the man who fell on the ground and weeping bitterly, the old man on the side brushed his beard with his hands behind his back, and sighed lightly: "If this goes on, Ling Ai will not only be unable to re-enter the cycle, but may even lose herself because of the accumulated grievances and become a woman she does not want. Become an existence. If you are willing, this old man can…”

"No, don't say it, I know."

The man who fell to the ground interrupted the old man with a numb voice: "Since half a year ago, the deceased Xiaokui appeared by my side, but when my wife and others couldn't see it, I went to find him. Less so-called 'superior'..."

"Those who charge by the hour, some can vaguely sense the existence of Xiaokui, and some seem to be just fakes..."

"None of them can 'see' as clearly as you, and they still stalk them. But at least, from them, I know the difference between 'pulling out' and 'becoming a Buddha'."

Since his daughter died and "returned", half a year of hell-like suffering flashed through his mind.

"Xiao Kui has already been taken away from my eyes by 'disease' once... I don't want her to be 'killed' once again in front of my eyes..."

A stubborn and miserable smile appeared at the corner of the man's mouth: "I want her to become a Buddha...I want to see her leave with a smile...I want to see Xiaokui's smile again!!!"

"Xiao Kui, in the end, what do you want..."

He turned his head to look at his daughter who was still holding his arm, and begged and asked, "Dad gave you all your favorite toys, food, cartoons and games you like to watch... You still can't leave in peace. …”

His eyes behind the lenses gradually lost their luster and turned into a dead gray: "I see, you think it's too lonely to leave alone, right..."

The man squirmed on the ground, reached out and grabbed the briefcase that had fallen to the side, and took out a Swiss Army knife from it.


"Wait a moment, Dad...soon... Dad will walk with you, okay..."

Without any hesitation, he ejected the blade and pressed it straight to his throat...


The next second, he held the knife's wrist and was locked by the old man beside him.

"What...why stop me..."

The man wanted to try to draw his hand, but found that the seemingly skinny palm of the other party had a terrifying power hidden in it, making it impossible to move like an iron pincer.

"You're just a passerby, aren't you... I don't even have the money to pay your consulting fees... These things have nothing to do with you, right?!"

Even the only way to "relieve" was stopped. The man sat on the spot sluggishly, and turned the anger in his chest to the old man in front of him: "Could it be that I can't even want to die?!"

"Calm down!"

The old man slapped the knife off the man's hand, took out a bottle of eye drops from his arms, and quickly dropped it in his eyes...

Immediately, he took out another yellow talisman paper and stuck it on the man's forehead: "Try to listen carefully, your daughter, what do you want to say!"

"Xiao Kui..."

Squeezing out the sore liquid in his eyes along with his tears, the man moved his gaze to his right arm again...


There, the dark and thin black figure and the pale and tender familiar face became more and more lifelike in his eyes.

"No... to... hurt... myself..."

Under the flying of the annoying yellow talisman paper on his forehead, the small whispers in his ears gradually became clear.

"Xiao Kui...I want my father to be less tired...I want my parents to be happy..."

"Xiao Kui... I'm sorry... Dad is a waste..."

Hearing his daughter's words clearly, the middle-aged man was struck by lightning.

"Even if you're gone... I still have to make you worry about me... woo woo woo woo..."

It turned out that what my daughter had always wanted was not what she thought...

She didn't leave because she was worried about herself~www.wuxiamtl.com~.

"What are you waiting for... My cow's tears and psychic talisman are only effective for ten minutes at most."

"Me, what should I do?"

The words of the old man on the side woke the man up.

"One cannot be forced to become a Buddha, one must let go of the spiritual body and make the mind perfect..."

Looking at the father and daughter separated by life and death, the old man's eyes flashed a trace of unbearableness.

"Since her heart is tied to you, you should try to solve it!"

"I solved the knot... Xiaokui said she was worried about me... I wanted me to be less tired... I wanted me to be happy..."

Muttering to himself, a maniacal smile appeared on the corner of the man's mouth: "I, I know..."

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