I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 895: inevitable destruction

"Originally, I haven't seen that girl for a while, not to mention that she has become like this, I am also responsible... I didn't expect you to be a bit of a brother like a fighting man..."

Before Araki Sosuke could finish speaking, Mochizuki Che had already put his hands on the wheelchair as if he was "not speculating for a long time"...

"Since you agreed, don't let it go, I have to concentrate on healing."

Then, with the agility of a wheelchair basketball player, he made a "180-degree take-off and U-turn" and disappeared into the elevator that was about to close.

"Hey, Sousuke, is this guy's injury really as bad as it looks?"

Looking at the closed elevator doors, Fujiwara Takumi rubbed his nose suspiciously.

"What about him, maybe taking leave after the mission, cheating insurance money and subsidies, etc., are the traditional arts of other people's disaster prevention mobile teams?"

"Let's go, we have to hurry up and go back to Tokyo."

After striding to the gate of the hospital, Sousuke Araki looked up at the sunny, cloudless blue sky, his slightly narrowed eyes flashing a dangerous light.

"Yukihira...Reiko...Old man Tokimoto...Those whose organs were taken innocently...and the conspiracy brewing under the feet of Tokyo..."

"If it wasn't for Sangoro to tell me personally, I still don't know, it turns out that we, Aum Shinrikyo, and the 'President of the Summit' still have such a big **** to settle!"


After half an hour.

"Mosimoxi...Oh, it's the old man...Have you read the mission briefing on Hokkaido?"

On the balcony of Hakodate Municipal General Hospital, looking at the bus that was moving away from below, Mochizuki Che answered the phone with a relaxed expression and a low tone.

"The ghost and **** Hijikata Toshizo who awakened in Goryokaku, the formation under the castle, and the grievances scattered all over Hokkaido have all been resolved... That's right, if it weren't for Fujiwara Takumi, he activated "Yasaka Qiongqu" at the last moment. Jade," I'm afraid I'll be buried with Hokkaido now..."

At this moment, he was wrapped in bandages, leaning on the edge of the guardrail effortlessly.

"You ask about the golden Buddha that flashed over Hokkaido? It should also be the 'miracle' that he gave when he used the artifact... After all, Amaterasu or something is not also considered to be the vestige of Vairocana. ?"

"Video data? I'm sorry, but before Kuroyuki was dispersed, none of the instruments in Hokkaido could work properly."

And the wheelchair that he was riding in was parked at the door of the ward like an abandoned sandal.

"Am I here? Except for the heavy casualties and the need to rest in place, there is nothing else..."

"Oh, by the way, that Princess Ye Zi has already set off for Tokyo under the **** of Sosuke Araki and Takumi Fujiwara... The people sent by Yin Yang Liao to pick up the two 'Shou Chen Ding' have also arrived in Hakodate..."

Holding the phone on his shoulder with one ear, Mochizuki lightly smiled and pulled off the three layers of bandages on his body...

"You ask about the mission of chasing Sousuke Araki? For that guy, I had a fight with Fujiwara Takukai on the snowy mountain, and even the "Shoten no Corner" was broken... I was stabbed many times by the ghost **** Isamu Kondo later. It would be nice to have the strength to answer the phone now..."

"What do you mean, 'Even me', that is the 'God favored once in 4,000 years' who carries one of the royal family's 'Three Divine Artifacts' with him... What's more, the divine power of Amaterasu's family is very powerful to me. The power of Jiangshan" restrained tightly. "

The bandages were flying, revealing his muscular, unscathed, sturdy body full of oil.

"Anyway, I have to train in Hokkaido for a period of time, and do a 'post-disaster investigation' by the way to confirm whether there are any sequelae of Goryokaku's formation."

"When do you expect me to go back to Tokyo? Ah, sorry, I should have an infusion..."

Listening to the inquiry on the other end of the phone, the chuckle at the corner of his mouth gradually spread towards the base of his ears, revealing a row of ferocious white teeth that gleamed in the sun.

"When the injury is healed and the matter here is dealt with, let's talk about the matter back."

In the next second, the mobile phone was like sparks scattered in Mochizukiche's hands, and it fell to the ground like fine black sand.


"Teacher... That's right, I've heard about the situation in Hokkaido..."

Next to the dimly lit, empty platform, Jiro Kotomine, dressed in a neat suit, was sitting on a long wooden chair waiting for the train.

"It's no wonder that the Yin-Yang Liao is so large that it dares to let Fujiwara Takukai go there alone..."

He had a serious face, and kept his phone ten centimeters away from his ears.

"Although it has been paid enough attention, this genius priest has lived in seclusion for so many years, and the hidden strength is still beyond our imagination... Besides, who would have guessed that he actually brought that artifact and summoned 'God's descent'... ... Distinguish Sangoro, the loss is not wrong."

Beside him, a slender woman with colored scales on her skin outside her dress is carefully thrushing his eyebrows, filling powder, and shading him...

"It's a pity, after training him to work in Hokkaido for so many years, he finally dug up the secret of the Tufang Religion and helped them activate the formation, but he died without even a day's persistence."

"Judging from the fact that he hasn't contacted me yet, 80% of them have taken his own life... It seems that the 'backhand' that the Tokugawa shogunate did not have time to launch is not as reliable as the legends say."

Just looking at Jiro Kotomine's state at the moment, he doesn't look like the leader of an anti-human cult at all, but more like a dignitary and celebrity waiting on the talk show next to the studio.

"Yes, I understand, teacher... Although Hokkaido's plan did not achieve the expected effect, but the divine power of the 'artifact' is exhausted, presumably the pressure on the royal family will be even greater..."

"Araki Sosuke and Fujiwara Takumi have already set off and returned? Hey, just in time, my 'audience seat' in the first row is still vacant."

Facing the mirror handed over by the woman beside him, Kotomine Jiro examined his handsome yet calm makeup.

"...Okay, don't worry, I hope the next time we meet will be in the 'New World'."

Hanging up the phone, he straightened his collar~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and stood up.

"Hmph, do you think of me as Awad's terrorist who can only do damage? What I want is a new world where the 'Blessed Ones' can live, not the 'City of Death' that was destroyed after the war... …”

Following Kotomine Jiro's calm gaze, on the opposite side of the platform track, a black train with a simple shape and a length of about 500 meters was quietly parked.

"But to do this, to disintegrate the existing order and the beliefs of people's hearts, is the destruction that must be passed before rebirth!"

The surface of this giant train is covered with uneven black carapace with hidden barbs.

And between the gaps in the "carapace", lava-like flames flowed past, and from time to time, white mist-like steam spewed out.

From time to time, there are believers in black robes with different shapes and appearances, who show their magical powers from the air and underground, and move huge plastic incubators into the black train.

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