I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 874: fleeting years

"Ahahahaha, as expected, when no one is watching, the "Fujiwara state" can exert its strongest power! "

Along the "clean and slippery" road in front of him, Fujiwara Takukai stepped onto the bridge with akimbo laughing wildly.

If there are people watching, when he gestures these middle and second postures, it is inevitable that the "belief" will be insufficient due to the lack of "in place" of the movements and the too low voice of the lines, which will greatly reduce the effect of the technique.

At this time, if there is no "people" around, he will naturally let him play, how to be embarrassed, how to put on the second!

"So that's the case, did Emperor Meiji also build a shrine?"

The smoke dissipated and the resentful spirits retreated, revealing Hijikata Toshizo, who was isolated on the bridge, unscathed.

The surging coercion that filled the chrysanthemum pattern seemed to have no effect on him.

"The years are often the same, the flowers are still gone, and the fleeting years are all together."

As if the huge arrow of light that Fujiwara Takumi rubbed just now was just a gust of wind, he lifted the end of his hair with a bit of melancholy and sighed softly, like a poet who was saddened by spring and autumn: "Even if you are the emperor, in a In front of a hundred and fifty years of time, it's just a speck of dust..."

Shrines in Japan have various shrine names such as "Shrine, Taisha, Shrine, and Palace" because of their different uses.

Among them, the establishment of a shrine must be approved by the emperor.

Because only a shrine that enshrines the "dead royal ancestor" as a **** can be called a "shrine".

"In the realm of life, we finally lost to the royal family, but times have changed..."

Hijikata Toishan took out a long spear from his waist and pointed it at Fujiwara Takumi: "Another war has just begun!"


The moment he pulled the trigger, he turned into a huge bullet and came to Fujiwara Takumi with a spiraling air wave...

"Give it up, the shogunate has long since perished, and your battle is meaningless..."

Facing this ghostly raid, after forgetting his fear, Fujiwara Takumi, a "super high school level gamer", reacted extremely quickly.

"Powerful power will only attract another powerful power, making disputes endless!"

With his hands crossed in front of his chest, he put on a posture like "this way is not possible", and pushed forward...

"Takuhai Moonlight Barrier!"

A dazzling golden barrier was formed between his palms, preventing the bullets of Hijikata Suisan's incarnation from entering an inch!

"Hmph, what does the shogunate's ashes have to do with me..."

"From the beginning to the end, I am not guarding the shogunate, but the Shinsengumi created by Ah Sheng!"

Before the barrier, Hijikata Suisan appeared and pulled out the long knife around his waist!

"Let me introduce myself formally, the natural mind-flowing earthwork is three years old, along with the eleventh generation Izumi Mori, Echizen Yasuji, Horikawa Kunihiro, Shimohara Yasushige, see the reference!"

At the same time, one blade, one blade, and another blade emerged from behind him.

"Even if there is only one person left, as long as I am here, the Shinsengumi will be immortal! As long as the flag of Chengzhi does not fall, we will continue to fight!"

Before he finished speaking, Hijikata Toishan danced with sharp blades all over his body like a conductor who was playing...

May Rain Seven Changes…

Natural Lixinliu·Aoyi·The position of the floating bird...

Unexpectedly flattening the stab...

To draw the sword...

Secret Sword·Ring Dance of the Moon…

Five long knives lingering with the power of ghosts and gods brought unpredictable trajectories in the air, slashing densely on the barrier in front of Fujiwara Takukai, causing cracks one after another!

As if he was alone, an army!

"Hey...what kind of hatred?"

Feeling the sudden increase in pressure and the shaky barrier, Fujiwara Takumi hurriedly increased the output of divine power.

"This guy, it's not a joke..."

Across the translucent barrier, Hijikata Suisan, who was slashing with his sword, looked at each other. In the slender and stern eyes under the helmet of the other party's motorcycle, the frenzy of burning jade and stone made him shudder for a while!

Unexpectedly, this seemingly gentle and jade-like ghost and god, as soon as he shot, was a fanatical heroic figure who gave up his life.

"As expected of the priest of the Meiji Shrine, he is indeed powerful..."

Seeing that the chrysanthemum-patterned barrier in Fujiwara Takukai's hand stubbornly withstood his attack, Hijikata Suizan showed a smile of adversary: ​​"Very good, if not so, as our defeated generals, wouldn't we be dead?!"

"Hey, you're standing here now, it's already the best interpretation of 'dead to sleep'! 』

Those five long knives, like five peerless kendo masters, slashed at the barrier in Fujiwara Takukai's hands like rain, leaving no time to change their moves...

"However, if Your Excellency's determination is nothing more than that, I am afraid that it will not be able to hinder the footsteps of my army as it was back then!"

"One hundred and fifty years ago, the Meiji Shrine had not been built yet, so who hindered you? ! 』

At the same time, behind Hijikata Toshizo, countless dark figures quietly gathered like a torrent of black tide, followed by roaring towards Fujiwara Takukai!

Countless jet-black bullets and weapons swept through the cracked barrier like a raging wave.

Facing the "spokesperson" of Emperor Meiji, the legendary "Deputy Chief of Demons" finally revealed his hideous side!

"With such an army, it's no wonder that one man was able to be a prisoner back then, and fifty people were able to defend a piece of wood in front of thousands of enemy troops..."

For a time, Fujiwara Takukai seemed to be trapped in the midst of thousands of troops, and was almost unable to breathe due to the continuous rain of attacks and the mighty military coercion.

"Can I really defeat such a terrible army?"

Compared with these battle-hardened souls who have gone through life and death, he is nothing but a hothouse flower with empty power.


After a little hesitation, the barrier in his hand shattered!

"No, what am I thinking..."

Thinking of the dark hospital surrounded by ghosts and ghosts, there are still people waiting for him to return, and Fujiwara Takumi's heart is full of strength again.

"The other side is allin', so I can't be afraid."

Standing among the thousands of troops, Fujiwara Takukai stood still like a reef, and the golden light on his body became more and more fiery with the successive attacks!

"When the two forces meet..."

With his legs together and his hands stretched out to the sides, UU read www.uukanshu. com poses like hugging the sky...

"In the dazzling brilliance, the true figure will be revealed!"

The violent golden light, like thunder, gathered crazily from his hands and became more and more dazzling...

"Hey, did you finally come up with something real?"

Feeling the terrifying pressure in Fujiwara Takumi's hands, Hijikata Suizan subconsciously retreated...

"Takuhai · Spark Legend!"

At the same time, Fujiwara Takukai spun his body violently, setting off a chrysanthemum tornado on the narrow arch bridge, burning the surrounding resentful spirits into ashes...

Immediately afterwards, the thunderstorm was compressed into a sturdy and swift gigantic ball of light in his hands, and it slashed straight into the city gate behind Hijikata Suizan's body!


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