I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 866: History and Monsters

Ten minutes later, Hakodate Municipal General Hospital was downstairs.

The bus that came all the way from Lake Toya, crushed countless resentful spirits and saved many people, was quietly parked in the courtyard at this time, covered in black by resentment snow.

"Everyone, please line up and go to the hall. Someone will allocate rooms, distribute drinking water, food and cold protection equipment... The injured go to the other side, there is a doctor in the emergency room..."

The police officers holding light sticks, guarded by the members of the disaster prevention mobile team with live ammunition, are guiding the people to enter the hospital in an orderly manner.

"Hey, why is it getting colder and colder... Wait, it's already minus thirty degrees?!"

"If the temperature goes down like this, isn't Hokkaido going to be renamed the Arctic Road? No, why does it sound weird, like some kind of production company..."

Outside the hospital gate, on the dark side of the road, Takumi Fujiwara, wrapped in a heavy winter jacket, glanced at the thermometer hanging on the wall and exclaimed in amazement.

"Hey, looking at the current situation, I can tell what Sangoro said, it should be true."

Distinguishing Sangoro and Shisuke and his party, and before returning to the island of Toya Lake from the search and rescue camp with the clan, they have already explained everything they know clearly.

The reason why the Tokugawa shogunate spent a lot of money to build Goryokaku was actually to set up a "reverse pentagram array" here, and secretly gather the grievances of the entire Hokkaido island for its use.

"It seems that only by destroying the 'inverse pentagram formation' inside Goryokaku can we stop the grievances from the formation and turn Hokkaido into a ghost..."

At this time, the dark snow of resentment that enveloped the entire Hokkaido sky, swallowed the temperature and melted into resentment, was the manifestation of the resentment released from the formation.

Immediately, Fujiwara Takukai looked melancholy towards the dark northeast.

"However, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, who would dare to believe that what kind of 'Tufang Religion' actually secretly buried the remains of Tufang Suishan in that castle for more than a century?!"

After Goryokaku surrendered to the imperial family Kaesong, the remnants of the "Ezo Republic" and the "Shinsengumi" secretly established an organization called the "Tufu Religion", which has been trying to use Goryokaku for more than a hundred years. In the "Inverse Pentagram Array", I want to help the buried earthwork Sui San cast the body of a ghost.

However, it has been impossible to achieve it because the royal family had been prepared for a long time and directly "beheaded and destroyed the soul" of Hijikata Suishan.

Until recently, the Aum Shinrikyo Society, who had been secretly flirting with the "Tufang Religion" for many years, recently "selflessly" sent a grudge that claimed to be able to "repair the head and soul".

"Hey, Sousuke, are you listening to me?"

Although, Mori Luoji and his party who went to Goryokaku half an hour ago have not returned yet, and they cannot confirm with their own eyes whether Hijikata Toshizo has really achieved the body of a ghost or a god...

"When I think of facing such a ghostly 'historical celebrity', there is always an unreal feeling that the dream is about to be shattered..."

But just looking at the thicker and thicker snow of resentment in the air at this moment, and the resentment troops that attacked from the direction of Goryokaku from time to time, the "Deputy Commander of Ghosts" is probably coming as promised.

"What, do you have to add more? The gas is full, okay? Although we have made some money recently, we must learn to be frugal..."

Beside Fujiwara Takukai, who was thinking about it, Sosuke Araki was carrying a large bucket of oil can to help the Sengoku Samurai parked by the roadside.

"Hey, why do you think so much... No matter who he worships, in the past, the 'same frequency resonance' was dropped, and it would be good to deal with that breaking method!"

After **** on the oil tank cap, Sousuke Araki stepped onto the locomotive beside him: "Or, Master Takukai, you are actually afraid and dare not go?"

"No, I just think it's weird... After all, this person is included in many of the mother-in-law and sex-turning books that Lu Dou shared recently. 』

"Ah, what kind of messy categories have you picked in Lu Dou's cloud collection? ! 』

"You still have the face to say, I, I am a traditional 'historical department'...you, yourself, what is it that you usually go to his KIYOMI's infiltrating monster girl series? ! 』

"What happened to the monster girl, the monster girl has a monster girl..."

"Mr. Araki, I have already arranged "Akagi Senben" outside the fence... What are you talking about so happy? "

Just as the two were scolding the street with their arms on their hips because of "disagreement", the girl's soft voice suddenly sounded behind Sosuke Araki.

"Ha, ha ha ha, it's Little Bird You!"

"Little Bird Witch, you've come just right, give me a comment... filthy filthy... filthy filthy..."

Putting the rag from the rear of the car into Fujiwara Takukai's mouth, Sosuke Araki looked at the girl in the red and white witch costume wrapped in a down jacket and standing pretty in the black snow.

Behind her, vermilion torii gates are extending along the outer wall, sheltering the entire hospital.


Seemingly dissatisfied with someone's title, Xiaoniao Yumao put his hands behind his back, staring at him with bulging cheeks and a reddish face: "In the car before, I didn't say everything... just call someone Mako. now..."

Speaking of the latter, her voice became smaller and smaller, and a blush appeared on her face: "...Just like Risa-chan and the others."

But those big clear eyes still stared at the man in front of him uncompromisingly.

"Oh, sorry...I see..."

Facing the girl's eyes in the dark, and being deeply attracted by the shyness and boldness in the other's eyes, Sosuke Araki was a little stunned for a while.


"Retake Hakodate!"

"Yongwei Dongfangjun..."

At the same time, at the corner of the street, dozens of dark warriors and soldiers rushed out with a killing sound...


A huge black arm sneaked out from Sousuke Araki's back, and like a truck, it ran towards the group of resentful spirits who couldn't read the air...

"Ahem...that, hard work, really, really, really... true bow."


Let the black arm retract quietly from under the "starry sky"~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The two of them kept staring at each other as if they had never heard of it.

On the top of Mt. Yoti, after impulsive uttering some shy and unrestrained lines, both parties seem to have not been able to adapt to the new mode of getting along, and from time to time they will fall into this slightly warm silence.

"Cough cough cough cough... vomit... it smells so bad, what do you usually wipe with this thing?! Vomit..."

Behind him, Takumi Fujiwara, who was struggling to pull the rag out of his mouth, shattered the tranquility between the two with a horrific retching.

"Well, Mr. Araki, there is "Akagi Qianben", and those resentful spirits will be sensed by me as soon as they approach, but there is no big problem..."

When he came back to his senses, Yumako Kotori pulled his bangs behind his ears and looked away embarrassedly: "But, is it really okay for you two to go to Goryokaku?"

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