I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 863: It's not a puppet, it's Aju

"Recapture the box house... What age is this, these antique-like resentful spirits, are they joking or joking?!"

"Even if the number of ghosts and gods increases to three, they are still ruthless characters like Kondo Yu and Okita Souji?!"

"Deputy captain, let's break out of the encirclement, be sure to bring the news out here!"

No time to pay attention to the situation outside the city, Sen Luosi and the other team members looked at the three ghosts and gods standing side by side in the city with ashen faces, and their bodies trembled unconsciously.

The strength of ghosts and gods is often positively related to the "belief" they can condense.

Shimazaki Katsuta, the famous Kondo Isam, the director of the Shinsengumi, the fourth-generation head of the natural Rishiyu.

Okita Sojiro, also known as Okita Chief Secretary, is the leader of the first team of the Shinsengumi, the deputy chief of the team, and the swordsman guide.

These two, in the history of the Shinsengumi, are not inferior to Hijikata Toshisan in both strength and popularity.

It can be said that it is these three people who are both Tama's natural Rishin-ryu and "Kondo family", who are deeply fettered.

Of course, along the way, the blood of "companions" with different political views also flows.

"Mr. Hijikata, the equipment of those guys outside the door... looks very similar to the repeating gun of Sa Chang's army..."

In the next second, Chief Secretary Okita narrowed his crescent-like smile and glanced sharply at Sen Luosi and his party who were in a dilemma outside the city gate: "Can you cut it?"


As if he had anticipated Hijikata Suishan's answer, the thin young man disappeared without warning in the city before he got the answer.

"Be careful!"

His vision suddenly distorted, Sen Luosi subconsciously grabbed a player next to him and fell back...


But the one who fell down with him was only the half body of the player...

A lower body that was slantingly divided from the waist, stood there unconsciously, gushing thick blood like a fountain.

"Yah, ah, sorry... I just woke up, this sword is a bit rough..."

A handsome young man with a sword in one hand, standing in front of everyone at some point, let blood splash on his body without hesitation.

"...Cut it again."

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Looking at the blood-stained innocent smile in front of them, everyone who was dominated by fear pulled the trigger one after another.

"Your guns are too slow."

In the light of the explosion of the spiritual bullet, the figure of Chief Okita made waves like ripples in the water, making it impossible for people to see clearly.

At the same time, it became blurred, as well as the dark and slender sword in his hand...

"No, the spiritual bullets are ineffective, hurry, hurry up!"

"Oh? You seem to be the leader..."

In the next second, the sword turned into black lightning and passed through Sen Luosi's pupils.

A kind of murderous intent that seemed to be strangled by the **** of death and could not be avoided no matter what, enveloped him.


Just when Sen Luosi thought he was going to die, a jet of darkness like a waterfall spread from all around like flowing water, blocking the entire city gate, separating everyone from Chief Okita from inside and outside the city.

"Huh? This is much more interesting than a musket!"

In the boy's slightly joyful low voice, the life-threatening sword emerged from the pitch black with difficulty.

At this moment, Mr. Okita's sword, which was so fast that people could not see clearly, seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and it seemed extremely jerky whether he advanced or retreated.

"This is... hair?!"

After recovering from the fear of death, Sen Luosi, who fell to the ground, realized that the thing blocking the city gate in front of him turned out to be dark, bright, dense long hair!

These long hairs were cut by the sharp blade, but they were entangled endlessly and unrelentingly, and they were stuck in it so alive.

"Uncles who are overpowering..."

A slightly low, yet innocent female voice sounded abruptly behind everyone.

"If you don't run away now, you won't have a chance... Aju said with a contemptuous expression."


Everyone turned back and found that there was only an empty arch bridge behind them...


It was not until they lowered their gazes that they noticed a petite figure less than twenty centimeters tall standing in the center of the bridge.

"It's not a doll, it's Aju..."

The girl doll in the black floral kimono and the pink belt was quietly watching them with the cold and stiff white porcelain face that was half-smiling but not smiling.

"Of course, there are also Mannenji Temple, and all the good children in Hokkaido... Aju introduced it with a slightly airy expression."

It was her long hair that fell to the ground who sealed the city gate and entangled Chief Okita's sword.

I don't know when, that black and beautiful hair has bloomed like black roses on the periphery of Goryokaku Castle, covering the ground for several kilometers in a radius...

In the cherry blossom forest outside the moat, those warriors who had originally marched out into the phalanx of resentful spirits were entangled in their long hair and unable to move.

A densely packed petite puppet was shuttled between black hair at a speed that was indistinguishable to the naked eye, tearing up those resentful warriors like locusts passing through.

"Hokkaido, what's going on..."

Everyone in the disaster prevention mobile team has a blank mind, and they have no intention to think about why this weird puppet from Qiaotou will save them.

"What's wrong with Hokkaido... Why, so many ghosts and gods appear one after another?!"

Because, looking through the spirit detective goggles, the girl's doll was burning with a gray-white aura that was not inferior to the three people in the city's Xinxuan group!

They have seen more ghosts and gods today than in this lifetime combined.


Hokkaido, Hakodate City.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, a tattered white bus, maintaining a speed sufficient to avoid suspension of driving, rushed into the dark urban area of ​​Hakodate from the empty lane.

At the rear of the car, not only were there several large sleds, but also five long queues of nearly 100 men who stepped on the sleds were dragged by lifelines...

From a distance, it looks like a fishing boat dragging a fishing net and returning home with a full load.


"Uh uh uh uh...I'm back...open the door..."

"Bang bang bang bang!"

As the bus continued to go deeper~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I could hear strange and resentful roars from time to time, sometimes mixed with resentful cries and gunshots, coming from the surrounding dark reinforced concrete jungle.

Attracted by the dazzling headlights at the front of the car, which is also the only light in the whole city, one after another silhouettes passed silently in the surrounding buildings and gathered towards this side...

But the giant chrysanthemum hovering on the roof of the car, inadvertently revealing the slightest divine breath, made them feel the obvious threat and did not dare to approach.

"Hey, is there a power outage in the city?"

"I originally expected to find a sento to take a hot bath...I haven't had a chance to wash since I came out of Tokyo, and it's starting to stink here and there...Is it misunderstood by Kotori Yu's smell? I have a problem with my life style..."

Looking at the dark, dead city streets, Sousuke Araki in the cab pouted in disappointment.

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