I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

: Eight hundred and fifty-two cities with hypothermia

"I really didn't get rid of spirits in Tokyo (!

"Back to Hakodate?! Ahahahahaha..."

Sangoro, who had been lying in the back row with cold eyes, suddenly let out a mad laugh: "God's punishment has arrived, at this time in Hokkaido, there is no place for human beings... Ohh Ohh ohh……"


"Who gave me a sock... ah, thank you... ugh, this smell is strong enough to take off now..."

Before he finished speaking, Fujiwara Takumi impatiently pressed his head and squeezed his mouth open, letting the other party close it under the double deterrence of the surging "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" and "male high school students' socks" mouth.

"Kun Araki, don't worry about overloading, we have our own way!"

Outside the car, the members of the disaster prevention mobile team have taken out the lifeline from their waists, tied it to the luggage rack, and lined up a long line behind the bus...

With the skis under their feet, although it was a little cold, they could easily "hitch".

"Okay, then you have to hold on tight..."

Helplessly, I glanced at the avalanche that gathered again on the mountainside, and the "calf candy" that couldn't be thrown away from the back of the car...

"...I don't care if I fall behind!"

Araki Sousuke stepped on the accelerator and galloped through the forest that had been turned into pitch black by the snow of resentment.


Hokkaido, Hakodate City.

Night has come, this small port town, which is mixed with exotic customs and Japanese traditions, is famous for the world's top night scenes, but at this moment, because the power system is inexplicably paralyzed, it is plunged into pure darkness.

One after another ghostly shadows quietly shuttled through the dull streets and alleys.


"Someone is outside... help... there are monsters!!!"

"Dear, what's wrong with you, how did you become so big... ah, who the **** are you, don't come in ah ah ah!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Unexplainable roars, exclamations of the people and gunshots were intertwined in the streets and alleys.

"Citizens, please don't panic, the power system is being repaired, please call us for help if you are in danger..."

The police officers wearing cold-proof equipment and carrying live ammunition are running around the streets and lanes with light sticks for disaster relief in hand...

"There is currently a special kind of rabies that is spreading through the air. If you find yourself or the people around you show any unhuman behavior, please immediately keep the physical space away from the person with the disease, ensure your own safety, and ask the officials on the street to deal with it. "

While they used firepower to intimidate the figures that appeared in the dark, they used the most primitive means of communication to appease the trembling people hiding in the building.

From the moment the sun disappeared over the sea level and the black snow fell, the power system and electronic equipment of the whole city began to be gradually paralyzed.

As the black snow grew thicker, even the lighting equipment such as candles and flashlights could not be used due to inexplicable electromagnetic interference and extreme cold.

"It's very dangerous outside now, please stay in a closed, warm place and wait for rescue, don't listen to any strange sounds, and don't open the door to strangers!"

What is even more troublesome is that after the black snow fell, people in the city began to show inhuman characteristics such as long hair, fangs, animal ears, sharp claws, wings, and one eye, attacking indiscriminately like manic beasts. everything around you.

Not only the streets and alleys, but even above the gloomy sky and under the deep sea, wherever darkness covers, there seems to be a gradually awakening existence, silently watching all this.

The heavy black snow falling from the sky seems to be eroding the city's former temperature little by little, bringing everything to a dead silence.

"Report, Deputy Captain Senluo, all the nearby private line base stations have malfunctioned, and there is no way to contact the headquarters."

On the first floor of the Municipal Hakodate General Hospital, a fully-armed disaster prevention mobile team is on guard in the dark hall.

"Report, there is no news from the captain for the time being, but we have managed to leave a mark near the main road into the city..."

From time to time, a team member hurried in from outside the door, reporting the latest information to Sen Luosi sitting on the bench.

"Report, the order in the city is out of control now. Not only are there many crazy half-demons, but there seem to be resentful spirits and ghosts in motion. We can't control it with our existing manpower!"

Before sunset, after evacuating back to Hakodate with the wounded and their remains, their group rested in the hospital for their injuries, waiting for Mochizukiche's group to return.

However, before the matter at hand was finished, the pure black snowflakes floated in the air...

In the face of a sudden and chaotic city, they can only use this hospital as a temporary base to try to find out the current situation.

"Phenomena such as electromagnetic disturbance and energy failure are completely consistent with the anomalies in Taito District on the night of the Obon Festival, and it is confirmed that the concentration of grievances is too high."

"But just because the concentration of resentment is too high, there is no way to explain why so many out-of-control half-demon suddenly appeared..."

Sen Luosi frowned, and his fingers quickly tapped on the armrest.

"After so many years of investigation and clean-up in the Yin-Yang Liao, it is impossible for such a number of half-demons to exist in Hokkaido..."

From the electromagnetic interference and sudden temperature drop a few days ago, to the current half-demon awakening, the active spiritual body, and a series of strange things, it all started because of this resentment-rich snow disaster...

"Behind this black snow, there is something else!"

Piecing this series of clues together, he smelled conspiracy.

"Don't worry, the maintenance of order is handed over to the regular police first, and we must find out the root cause of this matter as soon as possible!"

After a long silence, Mori Rose struggled to stand up and walked towards the door that was covered by Kuroyukihime.

"But, Captain, your injury..."

"The needles have already been stitched, so it's not in the way for the time being. The resentment in the snow cannot appear out of thin air. The source must be somewhere..."

Looking around the dark city, he raised his wrist and looked at the dashboard in his hand: "The team that went out to detect grievances, haven't they come back yet?"

"There is no news for now. According to the scheduled time, it should be back soon."

In the absence of any supernatural being close, the grievance reading has reached a terrifying 3,000 units, and the upward trend has not slowed down at all~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Such a level of grievance, if a patient died in the hospital at this time, I am afraid it will be "Stand into a ghost".

"Where is the priest Kono?"

"The team sent to Hakodate Hachimangu has just returned. The shrine is empty, and the priest Kono has not been found."

"Tsk... This is really true, the house leaks happen to rain overnight... There are five minutes left, which is the latest time they scheduled to return..."

The feeling of being unable to communicate with the outside world, as if being suffocated in a plastic bag, made Senros anxious: "After five minutes, if there is no new progress, we will take another action."

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