I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 849: Noboribetsu

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"This guy is so heavy... Sousuke, grab your hand and pull him in!"

"I'm driving, ask some boys to help you..."

Under the complicated gaze of everyone, with the help of several boys, Fujiwara Takumi slowly dragged the bald muscular man with a blue nose, swollen face, shriveled body, broken horns, and a painful expression into the car.

"Wait, where's the tee on him? Did it get stuck by the window?"

"How could I know that kind of thing?"

Then, they found themselves pulling back this "unidentified object" full of mosaics from the window, which seemed to be a little less than before...

"Sorry, sorry, there was a broadcast accident, girls, please don't look this way!"

"Ah!! Perverted!!!"

Although the inside of the car became chaotic due to the entry of some unknown object, everyone was extremely certain that they could return to Hakodate safely.

Regardless of brown bears, resentful spirits, cultists or evil spirits, they should not be as terrifying as the "temporary bus driver" in the cab.


"What the hell...is this the end of the world?"

At the foot of the sheep's trotter, dozens of members of the disaster prevention mobile team were hiding in the woods where the black snow fluttered.

"Beep beep beep beep..."

"The reading of resentment exceeds 1000 units... If there is no supernatural existence nearby... it can only mean that the concentration of resentment in the air has increased ten times compared to before..."

From the moment the black snow began to fall from the sky, the grievance readings on their wristwatches had been rising slowly but steadily, with no sign of stopping to this day.

"Raise the alarm threshold, don't worry about the resentment readings! If this goes on, the avalanche will soon spread to this place, should we step back for a while..."

Under the tree behind them, on the small sled, among the group of Ainu dogs who were still unconscious, lay two priests in black robes.

"But the captain is still on the mountain..."

"You go first with your things, we will stay here and wait for the captain!"

Glancing at the snow waves that were slipping and falling, one of the higher-ranking team members made a decision.

"Then be careful!"

"Don't worry, there's no baggage to hold you back, we'll be able to catch up soon."

There were dozens of people in the team, pulling up the sled hand in hand, carrying the equipment, and quickly evacuated in the direction from which they came.

"The avalanche is getting closer... Where is Captain Mochizuki..."

The remaining ten people are still hovering on the edge of the woods, their anxious eyes searching for the snow tide that is getting bigger and bigger and rushing fast...

"No, it has exceeded the safe distance. If this continues, this jungle will not be protected!"

"Retreat for a while before continuing to observe the situation!"

Seeing that the snow waves on the mountainside were getting higher and higher without stopping, several people looked at each other, turned around and headed towards a slightly higher hill behind...

"Beep beep beep..."

The resentment detector, which was rising at a constant speed, suddenly increased its alarm sound!


Behind the hill, the dense forest trembled, the snow fell, and several "giants" that were more than three meters tall and looked like huts...



A tiger-skin tent on the waist, a golden rod in hand, plus fangs and ghost horns and different skin tones...

The giant that appeared in front of the team members is 100% in line with the traditional Japanese impression, evil ghost!

"Offline database comparison... The target shape is 101% similar to the "Jigokudani Evil Ghost" recorded in Hokkaido literature! "

"Noboribetsu Jigokudani...Isn't that a tourist attraction? For so many years, I have never heard of any evil spirits haunting it..."

"Also, even though Hell Valley is right next to Lake Toya, the straight-line distance is 60 to 70 kilometers, right?!"

Seeing that more and more evil spirits suddenly came out of the forest one after another, the team members only felt that their minds were blank and had no sense of reality.

Noboribetsu Jigokudani, part of Shikotsu-Toya National Park, is a strange valley formed by lava after a volcanic eruption 10,000 years ago.

Since the bursting crater is still erupting with grayish-yellow gas, the air is full of sulfur-flavored white gas, and the scarlet surface formed by the condensation of lava makes this fiery valley like hell.

The specialty of Noboribetsu, in addition to Jigokudani and hot springs, are demons.

It is said that the ancient Hell Valley seems to really lead to hell. From time to time, there will be evil spirits appearing and eating nearby pedestrians and residents.

Therefore, Noboribetsu has preserved the customs of Noboribetsu ghost street, ghost fire road, ghost fireworks and ghost masks from ancient times to the present.

"What, what to do?!"

"Are we retreating strategically, or are we retreating strategically?"

"There are avalanches and volcanic eruptions behind, where are you going?"

There were evil ghosts in front, and avalanches and volcanic eruptions in the back, and everyone was caught in a dilemma for a while.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... human beings... so many?!"

"I haven't seen such a lively and fat human being for many years!"

"It's all men? It's a pity that I can't eat the two most plump pieces of 'my dear meat'..."

"The man is good, chewy, and the golden rod is good for the kidneys too!"

"Don't be picky, it's rare for Hell Valley to open, this time you have to eat enough!"

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple...

Just as they hesitated, seven evil ghosts with different skin tones and terrifying appearances have emerged from the forest one after another, forming a gorgeous landscape in the black and white world...

"I'm going to take them back to Jigokudani to do 'Hot Spring Sukiyaki'!"

"You know the fart, it is the freshest to cut sashimi now!"

"It doesn't matter, you take the body and let me **** the brains!"

"Donate gold and jade!"

These evil spirits looked at the ten sturdy team members not far away with greedy and surprising eyes, and did not even notice that the saliva on the corners of their mouths had turned into icicles.

Deterred by the opponent's tall size, hideous appearance, and the gaze of "man is a knife, I am a fish", the team members clenched the firearms in their hands, but their minds were blank...

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep... Cheers!"

The resentment snow fluttered, and the evil spirits were all around~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After the "resentment detector" value on their wrists exceeded the 10,000 mark, they finally burst into flames and **** smoke!


"Don't hesitate, suppress the firepower, spread out and break through!"


After being "exploded" by the resentment detector, several team members glanced at the approaching avalanche behind them and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

"Da da da da da..."

Intensive light of spiritual detection bullets bloomed on the rock-like muscles of those few evil ghosts!

But only on the rough skin, leaving a few "eyes of needles"-like red spots.

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