I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 846: Hale Brothers

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On the mountainside, dark snowflakes were scattered, turning the originally pure white world into muddy cement from the dust of the clear road.


The city assistant, who was wearing a cold-proof suit and had a white robe tied on his back, was lying on all fours, dodging the falling snow and the swirling smoke, and running towards the foot of the mountain.

"Look at this black snow... This is the sin of the He clansmen on this land..."

Sangoro, who was lying on his back, stared at the crystal clear, pure black hexagonal ice crystals on his fingertips.

"In this snow of resentment, the entire Hokkaido will return to purity, and the blood and instinct in the ancient blood of the Utali people will also be awakened."


At this moment, the city assistant who was shuttled in the snow had red eyes, thick limbs, thick mane covering his body, and crazy saliva dripping from his long and narrow fangs, obviously he had no time to listen to his murmur...

This appearance looked even more ferocious and terrifying than when he prayed for "Bear Spirit shelter".

After Fujiwara Takukai disappeared as a "light" and the volcano erupted and caused an avalanche, the city assistant took Sangoro and tried to escape to a safe place.

However, after staying in this snow of resentment for a while, his half-demon bloodline took over his body as if he was out of control, his rationality was gradually covered by animal nature, and his appearance became more and more like a monster.


After a muffled sound, in addition to Mt. Yotei, where a large amount of lava was flowing, Mt. Horojiri, which is also an active volcano on the other side, also erupted with thick smoke.

"Have both the female mountain and the male mountain erupted... Snow mountains are volcanoes. This stunning scene of melting ice and fire and lava blooms is even more spectacular than fireworks... Nature is the real artist!"

Under the black snow, the fiery red light of Mount Horojiri and Mount Yotei gradually eroded the original pure white, and Sangoro looked a little crazy for a while.

"You can die in this kind of art, you have no regrets in this life... Let me down, take me, and you will die here too!"

He struggled to roll off the back of the city assistant, let alone untied the rope, it was extremely difficult to even turn over.

"Go back to Lake Toya, and tell everyone not to leave the island and wait silently for the arrival of the new world..."

Although Fujiwara Takumi saved his life, the sequelae caused by the damage to the "source of divine power" left him like a lump of mud, unable to control his body at all.

"Sangoro... hoo... follow me... go back... forgive me!"

The municipal assistant, whose language ability was completely degraded, tenaciously tightened the rope that bound Sangoro around his back, and continued to move forward with his head down.

"Go back and forgive your sins? No need..."

Powerlessly, Sangoro gave up his struggle, looked at the apocalyptic scene behind him, and laughed at himself: "I didn't even deserve the chance to forgive me long ago."


Because "Xiong Mountain" and "Female Mountain" erupted together, more snow bodies began to slide, and from the left and right sides converged into white monstrous waves, rolling toward the two of them!


Aware of the terrifying power behind him, the city assistant quickened his pace and rushed forward.

However, in the face of this overwhelming avalanche, even the thick woods can only be uprooted, and human beings are as small and helpless as ants.

"Look, these glaciers don't look like a lonely Utali... They accumulate thicker and thicker in the snow and wind year after year, never melting... But I don't know, as they get higher and higher, they also get sharper and sharper. , no one can come near."

Knowing that the two of them had nowhere to escape from Sangoro, they spread their hands like flying, as if they wanted to embrace the snow tide that was getting closer and closer.

"One day, when the weight of loneliness exceeds its limit, it will collapse, and the frenzy of the avalanche will swallow the whole world."

Being able to die in the natural disaster that he personally promoted is considered to be benevolence.

"what is that……"

Vaguely, a spot of light flashed in Sangoro's eyes, breaking through the snow and lava, getting closer and closer...

"Forget it, what it is, it doesn't matter to me now."

Before he could tell the difference, the overwhelming white snow had drowned his sight...

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In the wild exhaust sound, a dark figure broke out from the front end of the snow tide that was getting bigger and bigger, and rushed towards the two...

"Is it the messenger of hell?"

In a daze, Sangoro saw a strange beast with one horn, dog ears, tiger head, lion tail, and scales on its body.

"This is also more artistic than Nara Yoshitomo's half-length dog..."


As night fell, between the mountains of Yotei and Horojiri, apart from the flames of lava, it seemed that only black and white remained.

"What?! Fiance?!"

There was an uproar in the bus that was chased by avalanches and lava and was galloping on the 45-degree mountainside slope.

"Although, although Qianye is already eighteen years old, but..."

"Okay, so bold!"

Ignoring the lava and snow waves still rushing on both sides of the car window, everyone including Kotori Yumayumi, their surprised eyes fixed on the front of the car, Fujiwara Takumi's stiff back.

If the two who were left with only a pair of boxers in order to save the bus were regarded as "Haier brothers"...

Sousuke Araki, who climbed out of the crater, covered his body with tattoos, had an evil face, and developed muscles, was naturally a dark-skinned "Brother Haier"...

And Fujiwara Takukai, who descended like a god, with beautiful eyebrows and icy muscles, is Haier's younger brother who is more likely to make people feel good.

After regaining her calm, a girl secretly asked about the relationship between Chiba and Fujiwara Takumi.

A minute after Qianye leaked his mouth to Gu Yuansha, a certain "don't tell anyone else" secret has become a well-known thing in the whole bus.

"I... My marriage with cousin Takukai...was secretly arranged by my parents when I was a child..."

Qianye Zi, who was beside him, buried her flushed face in her chest and explained with choked sobbing: "I, we also only found out this year!"

"Eh~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Isn't that the legendary 'fingerprint for marriage'?!"

"It's great, my fiancé is actually a 'professional' with special abilities..."

But this obviously belongs to the supplementary explanation of "adding fuel to the fire", which has caused a greater uproar.

"Hahaha...that, that...this kind of arranged marriage, we haven't asked our own wishes, we can't do it..."

"Cousin Takukai, do you want to break off the marriage? How dare you make a three-year contract with me..."

"I-I didn't mean that, at least after confirming the person's wishes before it can be counted..."

Just when Fujiwara Takumi smirked and wanted to reveal the topic...

"Yeah, fiancee or something, it's really good..."

A strong lemon smell suddenly rushed into the nose.

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