I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 842: Miracle reappears

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"Sorry, I was delayed by that big stupid bear just now..."

Perhaps because of the distance, not only could they not be able to "see" their situation...

"Hold on...I've already crossed the mountainside, and I'll be able to..."

Even Sousuke Araki's response became latent and intermittent.


Listening to the embarrassed voice of the other party, Yumako, the little bird whose face was flushed from the cold, bit his lower lip tangled, but said nothing.


In the next second, after the thunderous loud noise, the mountain underfoot suddenly shook violently.

"Yes, is there an earthquake? Or..."


The agile "horseshoes" under the bus chassis suddenly solidified and broke for some reason, turning into shards of ice.

"Pain Pain Pain!"

The sudden "chassis hit the ground" knocked everyone in the car into a mess!

"Look... this ice is broken!!"

When they came back to their senses, the thick ice covering the windows also appeared in gaps and began to peel off from the surface of the car body.

As the gaps in the ice surface widened and the earth collapsed, the top of the mountain, shrouded in ice fog and barren, gradually became clearly visible.


Although the "horse stumbles", the bus is still on this smooth ice road, continuing to sprint forward by virtue of the previous inertia...

"The speed seems to be a little slower?"

Continuing along the ice road, the clouds outside the car window began to dissipate...

"Look, what is that?!"

The scenery in front of the windshield is suddenly bright!

"Fire, crater?!"

Under the setting sun, the concave crater with a diameter of about two kilometers, snow-capped and billowing smoke, appeared in the eyes of all teachers and students in the third class of three years.

This milk and chocolate-like texture is just like the popular Internet celebrity dessert "volcanic eruption".

However, they were not in the mood to enjoy the vast and beautiful snow scene on the top of the mountain...

Because the pungent sulfur smell, hot red lava and dark smoke in the crater had already solidified everyone's eyes.

"No, no, uncle driver, brake quickly!!!"

"I've been stepping on the pedals and the handbrake...but the road is so slippery that it doesn't work at all!"

"Open the door and jump out of the car, it's completely over when you fall!"

Moreover, the bus they were on was rushing towards the edge of the crater along the ice path without slowing down!


In the next second, the red-lit lava in the crater, together with the thick smoke, violently spewed out towards the dim sky!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

"No, Mom!"

Witnessing such a turbulent volcanic eruption up close, except for a few boys, the rest of the teachers and students have lost the strength to exclaim because of the suffering for several days.

"Korori Yuji...what's the matter...is it an earthquake?"

Hearing Sousuke Araki's question, Yuuma Kotori stretched out his hand to caress the rope on his head, and shouted loudly in his mind, "Fire, the volcano erupted! Mr. Araki, hurry up and leave me alone..."

"Volcano eruption?!"

On the mountainside, Sousuke Araki looked up...

What caught my eye were the black snow flying all over the sky, the lava and thick smoke from the volcanic eruption, and the avalanche that slid wildly and gathered into clusters...

Black, red, gray, white intertwined, as if the whole world was beginning to collapse.

"Are you kidding me, I came from Tokyo a long way, and the volcano erupted..."

Hearing the despair in the words of Yuma Yumiya, Araki Sousuke's eyes were burning with golden and white light...

"Yes, Araki-sensei can come from Tokyo for me, Mayumi is already very happy."

"What are you talking about, in order not to let me come here in vain, you have to cheer up!"

The tattoo on the surface of the body flashed a faint red flame, turning the thick bear skin on Sosuke Araki's body into ashes, and the speed that had already surpassed the limit of human beings increased again...

"Enough, Araki-sensei, really enough... I've already... ah!"

Before Xiaoniao Yumayu finished speaking, the scalding lava that spewed into the sky from the mountain pass, already carrying an irresistible high temperature, fell towards the roof of the sliding bus!

"Mako, what should I do now... everyone..."

Looking at the scalding lava that was pressing down on her head, Qianye looked at Yumayumi, the little bird who was sitting there with tears in her eyes, as if asking for help.

"Yes, Mayumi has done his best to protect us all the way."

Immediately, her expression became indifferent: "Faced with this kind of power in the world, how can a mere human being... Be here with everyone, at least not worry about loneliness..."

There was a trace of regret in the girl's eyes full of tears.

"Unfortunately, before leaving, I couldn't ask that guy out to say goodbye."


"Okay, sour!"

In the next second, the hot and dazzling golden light penetrated through the bus window and windshield, turning everyone's eyes into a vast expanse of white...

"It's over, the magma fell!"

"This time, before falling into the crater, it will be roasted first..."

"No, it should be smashed first, and you won't feel the 'cremation' after that."

"I'll thank you until I die for your reminders!"

The surrounding temperature suddenly rose in the pungent smell of sulfur, becoming extremely hot!

"No, no, I'm still a virgin!!!"

"Hum, hum, listening to you, at least I don't have that much regret..."

"Bastard, it's difficult, could it be that you... when did it happen, with whom?!"

"Enough, why can't I be quiet until the last moment of my life, and I have to listen to your bickering!!!!"

"Like the sun shining through the night, the dawn silently passing through the sky"

However, after the bus glided quietly for ten seconds, apart from the slightly pungent smoke and volcanic ash that hindered breathing, the hot or severe pain that everyone imagined did not come.

"Whose figure travels through reincarnation, the future road is at the foot"

After gradually getting used to the strong light outside the window, everyone subconsciously looked out the window...

"Look, everyone, what is that?!"

In the sky above the crater, I do not know when a man who was covered in chrysanthemum pattern and golden glow appeared and could not see his face!

"Don't be sad, don't be afraid, look forward to tomorrow with confidence"

"Light... Giant of Light?!"

Looking at the inexplicably familiar figure in this group of rays of light~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Qianye rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and brought down a few crystal tears.

"A new storm has appeared, how can it be stagnant"

"Uhhhhh, no, I can't lose!"

This bus has not been submerged by lava so far, and it is thanks to the "light man" who stood in the air in the crater...

AKA, Fujiwara Takumi.

"Through time and space, do your best, I will come to you"

"Lu Ren, lend me all your divine power! Tuohai Ina's wife is beyond light!"

At this moment, his hands crossed into a "cross" in front of his chest, and a sturdy golden glow erupted, shooting down the surging and endless lava!

Even the space around the light began to distort and blur in the continuous explosion.

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