I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

: 833 Takumi's abbreviation

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With a wave of his wings, his whole body moved upwards nimbly, passing by the locomotive under his feet, leaving behind a suffocating cold wind.

"Even if there is no way to deal with that Araki Sousuke today, at least please stay here as a goddess!"

Thick ice crystals spread up from the feet of the warriors of the Warring States Period, freezing the two people in the car together!


The two people and one car turned into an "ice sculpture" that fell powerlessly into the snow.

"Up, down, down, left, right, ab!"

The next second, a golden chrysanthemum pattern lit up from under the ice layer, turning the ice into dew like a candle.

"Bastard, bastard... I fought with you!"

Fujiwara Takukai climbed up from the snow, waved the imperial coin in his hand, and ran in the direction of No. 2.


"No. 2" hovered steadily at a position three meters above the ground, with his hands hanging by his side, looking at the "Son of God" running in a state of confusion below.

"I noticed before, your technique seems to have a huge distance limit?"

One after another sharp ice edges rose from the ground and appeared on Fujiwara Takukai's path.


However, the next scene made "No. 2" a little surprised.

Fujiwara Takumi, who ran on the snow with one foot deep and one foot shallow, could always use awkward postures such as wrestling, slipping, and imbalance to avoid those ice edges by the slightest, and stumbled to narrow the distance between the two sides.

"Is this the effect of some kind of blessing?"

I couldn't see it clearly in the sky before, but this Fujiwara Takukai didn't seem to use any commendable techniques from beginning to end.

He thought that it was thanks to the protection of Sosuke Araki that Fujiwara Takukai and others could survive their overwhelming offensive.

Now that I think about it, the blessing of the Son of God should also play an important role in it.

"Steady, Takuhai, your only chance of victory is to narrow the distance between the two sides!"

Fujiwara Takumi didn't answer the other party's question, just ran with his head down.

"Hmph, I see how long you can hide..."

As the "No. 2" raised its hand, dozens of dense ice ridges surged up on the ground in front of Fujiwara Takumi...

"Sengoku warriors, please!"

Fujiwara Takumi suddenly stopped and shouted to the side...

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The dark warriors of the Warring States suddenly sprang out from behind the snowy hill on the other side and ran towards him!

"When?! Oops, ignoring that Fu Sang God..."

Only then did No. 2 notice that, taking advantage of the opportunity of Fujiwara Takumi to attract his attention, the locomotive Fu Sang Shen did not know when it touched the front!

"Yes, this is, a senior Taolu..."

Looking at the rapidly approaching warriors of the Warring States period, Fujiwara Takukai jumped up with all his strength, with a grin on the corner of his mouth: "Follow me up and deal with him!"

After a "close-to-body fight" with Mochizuki Che on the mountainside, he knew very well...

His only reliance is the opponent's underestimation, and the coercion that comes with that useless spiritual power.

The moment he got up from the snow, he knew in his heart that with his physical fitness, even if he ran to the front, he would not be able to touch this cult that could fly freely.

The only chance is to use the only explosive and jumping Sengoku samurai on the scene to raid the opponent...

Then, use the powerful deterrent power of his "sixteen-petal eight-fold chrysanthemum pattern" to pull his opponent to the same starting line as himself...

In the end, defeat the opponent with rich "hand-to-hand experience".

"Boom boom boom!"

The Warriors of the Warring States leaped at lightning speed...

"Wait, wait, this pose..."

Raising the front of the car, he firmly caught Fujiwara Takumi with a frozen expression in mid-air...

… the buttocks.

"...It's completely different from what I thought ah ah ah ah!"

Then, in the screams of Fujiwara Takukai's chickens and eggs, the heavy locomotive stepped on the rising ice edge all the way up, like a rocket launch, towards the second, which had not fully reacted!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Combination skills, "Plasma Tornado Blast Up, Tire Burning Chrysanthemum, Snow Limited Ice and Fire Dual Sky Edition"!

"Here, let me down!"

Enduring the scorching and painful friction between his thighs, Fujiwara Takukai opened his warm embrace towards the man in the white robe mask who was getting closer and closer in the air...

The ancients said, once it comes, it is safe.

Although the body position is different from what he expected, as long as he can raid to the expected height and pull the opponent down the snow, a little friction between the thighs is nothing.

"That, your Excellency, have you misunderstood me..."

Facing the sour-faced Takumi Fujiwara, "Two" stood still in the air, and the ice crystals in front of him quickly condensed and compressed...

The difference from before was that the color of this ice cube was so deep that it didn't even reflect light.

Between the two, there was a vivid, plump and plump black female ice sculpture in an instant!

Looking closely, there is an unfathomable hollow below the ice sculpture of a beautiful woman, the inside of which is the width of one person, just like a black "human-shaped coffin".

"Declare in advance, the closer the distance, the stronger my 'Xuetiangou's power' will be!"

Fujiwara Takumi, who "lifted off vertically", like a rocket connected to the space station, plunged into the black "Snow Maiden".


That "snow maiden", in which Fujiwara Takuya Customs was in, fell straight from the air into the snow.

"Being locked in this 'Snow Maiden', even if you have the protection of the gods, your Excellency should have nowhere to hide, right?"

"Boom boom boom!"

And the warriors of the Warring States who landed together were trapped in a layer of ice all over their bodies, and even the wheels could not turn.

"It's a mistake, I didn't expect this guy, the closer the distance, the faster the speed of the ice and snow..."

Fujiwara Takumi, who was sealed in "Snow Maiden", suddenly fell into a mess.

"Right, left, lower, upper ab!"

Resisting the shredding pain, he slammed the imperial coin in his hand on the pitch-black ice in front of him.

A burst of golden chrysanthemum patterns erupted inside the black human-shaped coffin!

Shinto, UU reading www.uukanshu.com purification.

However, the unfavorable purification only caused a small circle of melting inside the black ice cube...

"No, no way..."

Looking at the black liquid slowly dripping from the inner wall and then frozen into ice crystals, a flash of despair flashed in Fujiwara Takumi's eyes.

"Can resentment really condense to this level?"

The black ice coffin that trapped him turned out to be frozen from grievances compressed to a liquid state!

"No need to work hard, this 'dark ice' has a lot of 'divine power' injected into it, which is definitely not an ordinary technique to destroy!"

Outside the ice layer, the hoarse voice of "No. 2" came.

"Unfortunately, even in this climate, I can only create dark ice five meters in front of me, otherwise you would have been buried on that hillside!"

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