I’m Really Unnerved In Tokyo

Chapter 835: White lover

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Panic began to spread rapidly throughout Hokkaido due to the delay in arresting the cannibalistic cassock hanging.

It was not until later that an official bear catching team composed of "professionals" arrived in Hokkaido and tracked the whereabouts of the giant bear in the mountains and launched a sneak attack on it.

After the cassock hung with its powerful body and escaped against the attack of the bear catcher, the bear catcher used the soil to cover up its aura and tracked it for several hours before closing in on it and killing it completely.

It is said that the cassock hanging is unusually large, just a corpse lying flat on the ground, with a height of nearly 3 meters and a weight of 380 kilograms.

The angry villagers boiled the meat of the hanging cassocks into "bear meat hot pot" and ate them. The fur and skull were later lost.

The Hokkaido Agency issued a bear-suppression order after the largest beast wounding massacre in Japanese history, and thousands of brown bears were shot to death one after another.

"It was the best hunters of our clan who helped the bear hunting team track down Kassa Xuan. Unlike the official records of you and the clan, in the records they left, Kassa Xuan had actually turned into a ghost bear at that time. And among the members of that special bear hunting team, there are several inhuman beings..."

Looking at the cassock hanging like a hill in the distance, there was no fear in the city assistant's eyes, only endless compassion.

"At the end of the cassock hanging, it was one of the swordsmen holding two swords who used a move of 'cassock cut' to cut along the white hair on his chest before he was completely killed."

For the Ainu who regard bears as gods born in the mortal world, the existence of "ghost bears" is tantamount to a symbol of "fallen gods".

This is also the reason why the Ainu people, who were incompatible with the He people at that time, shared the same hatred on the matter of hanging the cassock.

"After the cassock hanging incident, although you and your family completely wiped out the ghost bears in Hokkaido, it also led to the tragic death of thousands of innocent 'sons of God'."

"Hey, now is not the time to be merciful for your son of God, look..."

"It's that bus!!!!"

As the distance got closer, a white bus appeared in the eyes of the two of them on the winding mountain road where the cassocks hung over their chests.

"No, they are too close to the cassock hanging!"

Seeing the bus that he had come from a long distance and was searching for life and death appeared in front of him, Fujiwara Takumi could not feel any joy.

Because, the giant bear that chose people to devour was roaring in the direction of the bus.

"I finally found Qianye, how could I let you..."

He gritted his teeth and twisted the accelerator hard: "Please, if... the warriors of the Warring States period! You must be worthy of the new can of gasoline that was just added to you!"


At the entrance of the Changwen Tunnel, the terrifying giant bear head hanging on the cassock was reflected in Xiaoniao Yumayumi's large and tranquil eyes.

"So, these ghost bears are deliberately attracted by this cult?!"

The rich gray aura is constantly overflowing from the thick and long mane.

"It is said that Hokkaido used to be a place with four distinct seasons. It was not until the angels in May were charmed by the demons in December that it became a snow country that stays forever in winter..."


Before "No. 2" finished speaking, the solid ice at least one meter thick at the entrance of the tunnel appeared cracks in the violent vibration...

It seems that a peerless beast is about to come out of the cage.

"Let's take a break from the gossip, since the protagonists have all appeared..."

Glancing at the direction of the tunnel with trepidation, "No. 2" threw the huge head in his hand onto the bus and turned it into a part of the front of the bus wrapped in ice: "Act 4, White Lovers, open!"


Seeing his action, the cassock hanging on one side let out an angry roar, opened a huge mouth comparable to the entrance of a tunnel, and bit towards the bus...

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't worry... This is what I finally got my hands on..."

Seeing the action of the cassock hanging, "No. 2" shook his finger like a cat, "It would be too boring to let you eat it like this..."

A strand of ice ridges condensed at the bottom of the car, turned into dozens of thick horseshoes, propped up the entire bus, and rushed out along the smooth mirror-like road...

"If you want to get your skull back, just go after it!"


Let the cassock hang the huge mouth with the stench and stench, bite the air!

"Little Bird You!!!"

At the same time, Sousuke Araki, who was wearing a "brown bear suit" and could only be regarded as a "bear cub" compared to the cassock hanging, rushed out of the gap in the ice wall.

What appeared in front of him was a bus that was erected by ice sculptures and horseshoes and ran towards the Frost Avenue leading to the top of the mountain...

"Be careful, that bear!!!"

On the roof of the car, Yumayumi Kotori, who almost fell out of the car, grabbed the emergency access door...


And, the super-giant ghost bear that reluctantly chased to one side and overturned countless snow forests.

"Araki-sensei... I'm fine... I have to find a way to stop the car!"

The sight of the two who finally met was interrupted by the high speed of the distance...

"Your Excellency Araki, you said... your little girlfriend, will she hang her cassock between her teeth first, or will she fall into the crater first?"

Hundreds of meters in the air, the figure of "No. 2" gradually disappeared, and the chilling words came along with the strong wind.

"Enjoy yourself, this despair is a greeting from the president of the Aum Shinrikyo!"

"Bastard... Absolutely not, let you succeed!"

He already knew the situation on this end through the "connection" between the bond ropes, so Araki Sosuke did not care about the cultists who disappeared in the clouds, and jumped up the steep permafrost that was the width of the lane, heading towards the bus that was going away. chase...

"Qianye, throw your pendant on the ground!"

On the bus, Xiaoniao Yuzhengumi had an idea and roared at Qianye Ye in the car.


Qianye Zi broke the red rope around his neck without hesitation, and threw the quaint gouyu to the ground.

The fleeting red light gushed out from the dim gouyu and penetrated into the bottom of the car...


A few horseshoes just below the chassis immediately melted...

The speed of the bus going up along this "Tongtian Avenue" has slowed down for a while~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Great, slow down..."

"Are we saved?"

Although I don't understand the reason, everyone in the car cheered when they saw this scene.

"Mr. Araki, my spiritual power can still stimulate the dry and pale jade again, which should make the car stop completely!"

"No, you can't stop until the bear has been dealt with!"

The voice of Sousuke Araki just sounded in his mind, and outside the thick ice layer of the car window, a huge figure like a mountain appeared...


Taking advantage of the opportunity of the bus to decelerate, the huge cassock hangs at a speed that is completely inconsistent with its size, and has come to a position that goes hand in hand with it!

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