I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 90 Points Lottery

Finally seeing the light, Jiang You breathed a sigh of relief, sped up and walked out.

There were only a few minutes before and after, but Jiang You felt that it was very long.

The trees were so long that they blocked out the sky and the sun. Although she had been in and out of the forbidden area of ​​​​the academy several times, she had not traveled all over the forbidden area and walked every road.

Jiang You thought it was normal to get lost in the dense forest, but Xu En's voice followed her everywhere. Every time she went slightly wrong, Xu En would point out the right direction behind her, and he would be precise enough to turn around.

Jiang You wanted to turn around and retaliate several times, but swallowed it back. She could only follow the direction Xu En said and walk in front of them to lead the way.

Miss, you've had a hard journey.

Hearing Xu En's voice, Jiang You's eyelids twitched. She smiled softly and said, You have to work so hard without Captain Xu.

Others also walked out one after another. This time, Xu En did not force Jiang You to go in front and lead the way for them.

Xu En took out his mobile phone, clicked on the screen a few times, and then said to the others: Go ahead, I have sent you the location. Follow the markings above and don't miss any one.

They went in different directions and quickly disappeared in front of Jiang You.

The laboratory building was not far ahead. Jiang You originally thought that their destination was the laboratory building, but now it seemed that it had nothing to do with it, and no one entered the building.

It seems that this is just a direction Xu En chose at will.

Everyone else left, but Xu En didn't move. He just stood here and didn't put away his cell phone.

The distance between the two of them was not far away. As soon as Jiang You lowered his head, he could scan the screen of Xu En's mobile phone, which was filled with dense moving red dots.

But there is one largest red dot in the middle that has never been moved.

Within a few seconds of Jiang You watching, a large part of the red dots on the screen disappeared.

Jiang You was still thinking whether these red dots represented NPCs in the academy, but the number of red dots seemed to be much greater than the number of NPCs in the academy.

The red spots were still decreasing, and suddenly, Jiang You heard the sizzling sound again.

She was already very familiar with this electric sound.

Sure enough, after a few rings, Jiang You heard the familiar game prompt.

[Dear player, it has been detected that your special task: the NPC's commission is being completed, and the current progress is: 80%. 】

Jiang You's eyes moved. After the final settlement of the game copy, the player was notified to take the shuttle bus to leave. Jiang You's mission progress was still 50%.

Moreover, after the game was settled, her special mission column turned gray, with a few words behind it saying Abandoned.

Although it was not too late for her to receive the special mission, Jiang You still didn't know what to do with the other half of the mission's requirements.

She thought she could only let the mission fail. Unexpectedly, being forced to stay by Xu En, she had an unexpected surprise. She heard the game's prompt for the mission again.

Jiang You opened the game panel, and the task column displayed:

[Special mission: NPC’s commission,

80/100 completed. 】

The word Abandoned at the end of the mission introduction is still there, but the special mission is no longer gray. Except for the few extra words at the end, it is exactly the same as when she first received the mission.

It seems that the targets corresponding to these red dots are the same targets that the children in the special mission want to take revenge on.

Jiang You continued to look at Xu En's phone screen. The red dots were rapidly decreasing, and the progress bar of the special task was slowly growing as the red dots decreased.

There are fewer red dots on the screen, and the largest red dot becomes more noticeable.

Xu En raised his head and looked at the highest floor of the experimental building. The strongest energy body he felt was there.

By getting rid of all these energy bodies, the Perfect Cooking Academy can be completely closed, leaving it in a closed state and automatically repaired and rebuilt.

Xu En put away her phone. Jiang You's sight suddenly fell and she blinked.

Miss, thank you for your cooperation. The Law Enforcement Bureau still has official business to handle. Can you please leave first?

After saying that, Xu En didn't wait for Jiang You's consent, he turned around and walked towards the laboratory building, leaving Jiang You behind.

I? leave?

Where can I go if I leave now? ! The progress bar of the special mission is not full yet!

What's more, you pulled me out of the car and sent me back!

Wait! Jiang You raised his voice, Captain Xu, wait for me!

Xu En stopped and turned around to see Jiang You running fast and then appearing next to him.

Jiang You smiled and said: Captain Xu, I won't leave. I also want to contribute to our law enforcement bureau.

Xu En's expression was dazed for a moment. He looked at Jiang You's firm eyes and fell into silence.

He tried to make Jiang You stay downstairs, Xu En said: Miss, you...

Although she didn't know what he wanted to say, it was absolutely impossible for Jiang You to leave on her own now. She quickly interrupted Xu En's next words and said, Captain Xu, stop talking, I won't leave! I want to go with you Our Law Enforcement Bureau will advance and retreat together!

Xu En opened his mouth, but suddenly didn't know what to say. He didn't ask Jiang You to leave.

Jiang You acquiesced that Xu En agreed to take her with him, and she followed Xu En up from the experimental building.

In the past few days in the dungeon, Jiang You was most familiar with the lower floors of the experimental building, and she had never been up there.

Along the way, Jiang You saw many students lying on the ground, lying in a pool of blood. The organs of those students were more or less missing.

There was a student lying on his back with his eyes open. There was a big hole in his chest and his heart was missing. There were claw marks on it. It looked like something had scratched his chest and taken out the heart.

I'll go up first.

After Xu En finished speaking, before Jiang You could react, his speed instantly increased and he disappeared in front of Jiang You.

Suddenly, there was the sound of fighting from upstairs, and then there were footsteps.

It seemed like a group of people were running wildly.

Jiang You remembered that there were ten floors in the experimental building. She had only reached the eighth floor now, and there were still two floors left before she could reach the top.

The chaotic footsteps are getting closer and closer.


Leave the academy!

A group of students, with blood on their bodies, jumped down from above and crowded the corridor. Jiang You could only lean to the side.

The students looked panicked. When someone was going downstairs, they grabbed Jiang You who was motionless. Without waiting for her to react, they pulled Jiang You and ran away.

Stop looking! There's nothing there!

There is no advanced teaching at all! They were all eaten!

Dean! The dean is a monster!

Jiang You looked back and saw that she was driven back to the first floor by the fleeing students.

Downstairs in the laboratory, the space was vast and no longer crowded. The students pulled each other and ran towards the door.

Jiang You tried to break free several times, but was desperately grabbed by the student next to him.

Run! Don't look back! Don't go back! You will die!

The students were trying to save Jiang You from leaving, but she had no choice but to follow them out of the college gate.

Just after walking out of the door, Jiang You heard the game prompting her that her mission was completed.

[Dear player, congratulations on completing the special task: NPC's commission,

You will be entered into a free drawing. 】

[Do you want to conduct a points lottery? 】

Jiang You: Yes.

At the same time, the experimental building collapsed, and a familiar figure stood on top of the ruins.

Xu En turned around and looked around, as if he was looking for something.

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