I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 74 The Fourth Examination Room

Jiang You stopped walking towards the stairs. He looked at the badge on the chest of the teacher over there, which had the character Lu written on it. In other words, their team was a Shandong cuisine team.

Shandong cuisine, and the goat that came to participate in the cooking competition. Adding the two pieces of information together, without thinking too much, Jiang You already knew the identity of this goat. He was Scar Man, Qian Yue’s husband, the man named Zhang Qiang’s domestic violence man.

Jiang You didn't write Zhang Qiang's name on the transfer student roster, his name was still crossed out.

Coming to the cooking competition in this capacity, will he get in smoothly?

Jiang You was a little curious.

She stopped walking upstairs and deliberately approached the team on the goat side.

Jiang You looked at the badge on teacher Lu Cai's chest. When the goat walked to the side, the badge on the staff's chest showed no reaction.

The teacher who checked the identity didn't even raise his head. When each student came over, the pen under his hand slid quickly on the booklet.

The student in front of the goat walked in smoothly. It waggled its tail and followed suit.

As a result, as Jiang You expected, he was stopped.

In front of the Shandong cuisine team, the teacher who was checking his identity raised his head for the first time.

He said: Who are you? What do you want to do by joining the competition team?

The moment he was questioned, the scarred man forgot that he had now completely transformed into a goat. He tried to explain: Of course I am here to participate in the cooking competition!

Unfortunately, the sound it made was just the sound of a sheep to the ears of the people around it, and they couldn't tell what it was saying at all.

The teacher at the front of the team listened to it and said with an impatient expression: Why are you howling? This is not the place for you to come.

Soon, a team of staff dressed in white arrived, holding chains in their hands.

The chain was swung up and tied around the goat's neck very accurately.

The goat struggled wildly, Why! They can all go in!

He clearly saw that there was a scalper in the team next to him, and he walked in swaggering, why couldn't he?

The goat struggled unsuccessfully, and several more chains tied his limbs together.

When the teacher at the front of the team saw this scene, his expression softened. He reached out and touched the goat's head and horns again and again. The movements under his hands showed affection.

He said, You're not supposed to be here, you're going to where you're supposed to be.

Jiang You stood on the edge and watched openly.

The goat's head pulled out from under the checking teacher's hand with great force.

When it saw Jiang You, it struggled even more fiercely.

The staff in white were dragging the chains, so he couldn't make any big moves. He stared at Jiang You with his eyes full of resentment.

Jiang You blinked, waved to it, and mouthed: Goodbye, never see you again.

The staff pulled on the chain and the goat was quickly pulled away.

After reading all this, the students from other teams have basically verified it.

Jiang You turned around and walked towards the stairs.

As soon as she reached the stairs leading to the second floor, she saw Qian Yue next to the wall.

Qian Yue clutched the floral apron with both hands, her fingers turning white and trembling slightly.

Jiang You could hear her rapid breathing.

Qian Yue bit her lip tightly and made no sound. Her eyes looked at the goat being pulled away by the chain in the distance.

Jiang You patted her tense hand and said, It's okay. Let's go up. He can't get out.

After getting the transfer student roster, Jiang You recalled the players who participated in the copy. She deliberately did not write Zhang Qiang's name.

Even ignoring Zhang Qiang's plot against her in the dungeon, Jiang You accepted Qian Yue's 100 points as a thank you fee, and she would certainly be able to do what Qian Yue promised.

As for Zhao Kai, Jiang You can consider that Zhao Kai saved her once in the first place and will not argue with him in this dungeon for the time being.

However, Zhang Qiang had nothing to do with her and framed her for no reason. Jiang You asked herself that she was not generous enough to repay evil with kindness.

Qian Yue suddenly came back to her senses. She let out a long breath, relaxed her clenched hands, looked back from a distance, looked at Jiang You, nodded vigorously, and said, Let's go.

The Shandong cuisine examination room was on the second floor, and they quickly left.

Jiang You no longer hesitated and rushed straight to the fourth floor, the examination room for Sichuan cuisine.

According to the order of entering the examination room, Jiang You was in the fourth examination room of Sichuan cuisine.

As she walked all the way over, Jiang You looked through the glass into the examination room.

When he reached the second examination room, Jiang You paused. In this examination room, sitting by the window in front was Zhao Kai.

Zhao Kai was playing with the kitchen utensils on the table when he suddenly felt a shadow lingering by the window. He looked up suddenly and saw Jiang You.

Jiang You waved to her and walked towards the two examination rooms at the back with a relaxed pace.

Different from Jiang You, Zhao Kai's eyes suddenly cast clouds. He thought Jiang You would never come, but he didn't expect to see her again within a few minutes.

Jiang You naturally saw the change in Zhao Kai's expression at that moment.

Although he didn't plan to argue with Zhao Kai in this dungeon, Jiang You would be happy to do it if he had the opportunity to cause trouble in Zhao Kai's heart and make him unhappy.

The invigilator in charge of the cooking competition had entered the examination room at some point.

A white figure blocked the door of the fourth examination room.

Jiang You knocked on the door, and the white figure turned sideways, making way for Jiang You to enter.

When he saw the face of the invigilator turning sideways, Jiang You suddenly opened his eyes wide, wondering why this invigilator looked so familiar.

She watched for a few more seconds. The invigilator looked back at Jiang You, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he said: This candidate, please take your seat as soon as possible and officially start the production of the cooking competition.

Jiang You walked to her place, but she couldn't help but glance at the invigilator. Not only did she look exactly like Uncle Liu, but her voice was also the same, and he was also responsible for matters related to Sichuan cuisine.

The difference was that the few times Jiang You spoke to Uncle Liu in the restaurant, his voice was slightly stiff. Most of the time, it felt like he had a fixed communication pattern.

But now, when his voice sounded, Jiang You no longer felt that deliberate stiffness. His voice was warm, magnetic, and had a very natural feeling.

The last time she saw Uncle Liu was in Liu Qing's laboratory. At that time, he was still in a coma. Liu Qing said that he successfully made an antidote to recover him.

Now that he has recovered, why is he here again?

Jiang You called the restaurant and asked the staff to go to the breeding area and release the animals. Uncle Liu was not seen in the team of staff.

This shows that the head chef can no longer control Uncle Liu. There is no need for him to continue to stay in the college restaurant, so why does he come here to be an invigilator again?

Jiang You was confused, but since Uncle Liu was here, where was Liu Qing?

Is he still in the lab?

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