I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 72 Boss, please tell me

Jiang You came down from upstairs and smelled the smell of blood.

When she got closer to the first floor, she found that several sections of the stairs were broken.

Jiang You looked at the height and jumped down from above.

Hearing the sound of Jiang You landing, the staff on the first floor stopped what they were doing and looked over.

The moment their eyes suddenly met, Jiang You saw that their eyes were fierce, as if they were disturbed by her sudden appearance.

When it was clear that the person who made the sound was Jiang You, the staff turned back, and Jiang You noticed the changes in their bodies.

When she first came over, she didn't see the ears and tails on the staff, but now, these features appeared again.

The staff with only bunny ears looks cute, but if there is a complete bunny face under the bunny ears, it will not be so cute.

In addition, he was holding a furry rabbit leg in his hand, and half of his plush face was covered in blood when he chewed it.

Jiang You felt that his heartbeat was speeding up.

This time, the ground was not as clean as when she first arrived. There were blood stains and even corpses on the ground, both from staff and animals.

The staff were sitting on the floor, eating, and they were gnawing on the hairy limbs.

Scanning his eyes, Jiang You saw a human head. There were white clothes on the side of the head, which were the restaurant's work clothes.

The animals in the college breeding area did not look like humans. The head belonged to the restaurant staff, but Jiang You was in the restaurant and did not see his body.

There were corpses of other staff members on the ground, but Jiang You discovered that they had one thing in common, that is, none of them had a complete sentence about corpses.

The entire first floor of the restaurant is full of broken limbs, not just from animals, but also from the corpses of staff.

If the bodies of the animals were dismembered and eaten by them, what about the bodies of the staff?

Jiang You looked at the food in the hands of the staff. It had no human characteristics.

But their current bodies were all half-animal. Jiang You had to think that maybe what one of them was holding was his companion.

Jiang You walked around behind them and quickly walked out of the door.

When leaving the restaurant, Jiang You looked back. In the restaurant, various semi-animal creatures gathered together, including humans with rabbit heads, deer bodies with human heads, and deer bodies.

As they continue to eat, the animal characteristics on their bodies gradually diminish.

The rabbit-headed staff member only had the hairy upper half of his face and a pair of ears, and the lower half of his face looked like it had turned into a human mouth.

After leaving the restaurant, Jiang You looked up to the second floor.

Downstairs, unable to see the scene on the second floor, she remembered the smell of blood on the doorman and the blood in his mouth.

It is possible that the previous battle was not without casualties or corpses, but that all the corpses had been disposed of.

What better way to destroy the corpse than to eat it directly?

What's more, for those staff, the special substances contained in the animals that escaped from the breeding area are necessary for them to maintain their human form.

Jiang You felt that even if they didn't come to the restaurant on their own initiative, the college staff would go and catch these escaped animals.

The sun in the sky moves slightly westward from the center.

It was not very early now, so Jiang You used the communicator to send a message to Zheng Xiaoying and others, telling them the location of the cooking competition.

The rules of the cooking competition state that the location of the competition is in the teaching building, with fifty people per classroom, divided into venues according to cuisine, and each classroom is headed by an invigilator.

The method of the competition is very simple, there are no fancy competition system requirements, it is still simple cooking.

However, what is different from the daily cooking homework is that there are many judges, the judging panel will give scores, and finally the chief judge will make the rankings.

Before arriving at the teaching building, Jiang You first looked at the psychological consultation room in the corner of the first floor from a distance. The door was closed, and it was impossible to tell whether there was anyone in the psychological consultation room from the outside.

Considering that she had never seen Dr. Xiao during the day, Jiang You thought that maybe Dr. Xiao was not in the college now.

The broadcast announcement didn't say where the cooking competition was, but Jiang You met someone else downstairs, or actually couldn't say someone else, because it was just a colorful rooster.

With the familiar colors and human eyes, Jiang You recognized him at a glance. He was Liu Teng.

Seeing Jiang You, Liu Teng tilted his head and called twice to the stairs. Soon a person came out, it was Jiang Ling.

Jiang You didn't think it was a coincidence that she met Jiang Ling here.

At this time, the purpose of coming downstairs to the teaching building could only be the same as hers.

Jiang You couldn't help but think that maybe Jiang Ling knew the rules of the cooking competition earlier than she did.

She asked the guard about the relevant rules. How did Jiangling and the others know about it?

Boss, what a coincidence, we meet again.

Jiang Ling couldn't help but smile when she heard the familiar words, but she didn't ask Jiang You about the purpose of coming here.

She knew very well that there was only one possibility at this time and at this place.

That is because Jiang You knows that the cooking competition will be held in the teaching building, otherwise Jiang You would not waste time coming here.

It's really a coincidence. I was looking for you just now, and in the blink of an eye, I saw you.

Jiang You was confused. She raised her eyes and looked at Jiang Ling. She had always taken the initiative to find Jiang Ling.

In fact, the only time Jiang Ling needed her help was in the breeding area to free Liu Teng.

Moreover, that time she went to Jiangling first to buy props, and Jiangling took the opportunity to bring up the breeding area.

She asked: Boss, do you need my help with anything? If the boss has anything, just tell me and I will give you a discount, family and friends price.

The two walked into the building and heard Jiang You's words. Jiang Ling was noncommittal.

She didn't say much else, but went straight to the point.

Jiangling: How many do you still have of the morning cooking homework and the bottle of small black pills?

Jiang You blinked and said, Boss? Do you want to buy it?

Yes, if there are any, I want more than a dozen. Jiangling affirmed.

Jiang You checked the number of small black pills in his hand and remained silent for the time being.

Seeing her silence, Jiang Ling thought she meant not much.

Jiang Ling: Ten will do, too. If that's not enough, I can go hunting with you now. The staff of the college, or the group of animals in the breeding area, are all fine.

Afraid of Jiang You's rejection, she added: It's free. You just need to sell me the little black pills that are purified and extracted from their bodies.

After finally counting the number, Jiang You said, There's no need to grab them now, I just have thirty more in my hand.

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