The clock in the hall was ticking every minute, and it was not yet eight o'clock. Everyone looked at the empty console and looked at each other.

Director Li, we don't have any ingredients, what should we do?

The person who made the sound shocked Jiang You. It was the NPC aunt who had always been unknown and transparent.

She saw in the transfer student handbook that the NPC aunt's registered name was Sun Yu, and she took the identity of a male player.

However, she is very active in handing in her homework every day, so it seems not surprising that she would ask such a question.

Behind her black-rimmed glasses, Director Li's eyes were gloomy and her air pressure was very low. She said, Wait.

After hearing this answer, the players had different expressions.

Qian Yue's position was relatively forward. She took a few steps back, came to Jiang You, and said, It's a bit strange. Director Li didn't bring a list of transfer students today. How will the final grades be calculated?

Jiang You naturally noticed this situation, but she knew very well why Director Li didn't bring the manual. It was because Zheng Xiaoying had stolen the manual and she didn't have it.

Now, the transfer student handbook was lying in Jiang You's trash can.

Regarding Qian Yue's question, Jiang You looked at the low-pressure Director Li and joked: Is it possible that Director Li feels that no one can pass today? So, there is no need to bring a booklet because there is no need to register.

Qian Yue was startled by her words, couldn't help but grabbed her apron again, and said: No way, under normal circumstances, all players will not be wiped out in the game copy, and NPCs will not be wiped out for no reason. Rampage.

Although Director Li looked unhappy today, she was not angry when someone asked a question. Instead, she answered. Her voice was a few degrees colder, but she didn't look like she was going crazy.

Zhao Kai also discovered this phenomenon and turned his eyes. He thought about the new rules that Director Li had just announced. They only said qualified and unqualified, but there were no standards. How to judge this?

Among the remaining players, he has the deepest degree of mutation.

Zhao Kai placed both of them on the armrests of the automatic wheelchair. He lifted the black fish tails onto the wheelchair to prevent them from being dragged on the ground when walking. He was afraid of being stepped on, after all, they were his legs.

Zhao Kai believed that he had no talent for cooking. On Tuesday, Jiang You rushed to be the last one. On Wednesday, there was the female player who suddenly went crazy and handed over an empty plate.

If the rules and rankings were the same today as before, then he could still pray that something unexpected would happen and he would not be last.

But the new rules announced now will be divided according to whether they are qualified or not. It is very likely that more than one person will be unqualified by then.

There must be a way to know the qualification standards. Zhao Kai looked up at the expressions of others. They were also curious.

However, no one asked questions. Who could possibly ask the NPC?

Zhao Kai looked around and finally looked at Jiang You.

Just then, Jiang You lowered his head and their eyes met.

Jiang You raised his eyebrows. Zhao Kai's concern about the cooking homework was very obvious, and it was almost written on his face.

After looking at the wheelchair under him, Jiang You sat up from the stool in front of the console and walked towards Zhao Kai.

Jiang You holds the Miao Miao House in her hand. In the square box, a crab is lying on a stone.

Zhao Kai found the square box she was playing with, and his eyes trembled. The memory of the octopus entering his mouth came back to him. Zhao Kai suddenly felt sick and wanted to vomit.

Brother Zhao, are you afraid that you will fail today's cooking homework and be disqualified? Jiang You asked.

Zhao Kai rolled his eyes at her. Isn't this obvious? Just ask anyone else, who wouldn't be worried?

Jiang You put the square box in his hand on the operating table. Only then did Zhao Kai see clearly that the box was not the strange little octopus, but a crab.

Jiang You's expression seemed very relaxed, and she didn't take the cooking work seriously at all.

Zhao Kai: Aren't you worried?

Jiang You smiled and nodded, Why should you worry? I will definitely pass.

Of course she is not afraid, whether it is the ranking of the cooking assignment, or passing or failing.

Since they are all judged by cooking dishes, Jiang You believes that the standards of judgment will not change.

As long as the standards are the same, she is destined to be number one.

Now all the blue flowers in the forbidden area of ​​​​the academy have been destroyed, and the animals in captivity in the breeding area are no longer where they are.

And the special materials extracted in her hand, those small black pills, already filled more than a bottle.

The staff in the college cafeteria may not have as many special materials as she does.

Therefore, if she wanted to pass, it couldn't be easier, just throw two in.

Touching his big slippery and sticky black tail, and looking at Jiang You who looked calm and could move normally, Zhao Kai suddenly felt resentful.

He thought that Jiang You should have just died on the shuttle bus.

Zhao Kai glanced at Jiang You with resentment.

Zhao Yingjun was lying on the stone of Miao Miao House, and he happened to catch Zhao Kai's eyes.

Although I didn't know what he was thinking, looking at his expression, I knew he wasn't thinking of anything good.

Crab exclaimed: Fuck! Yuzu! What's going on with this dead black fish? I think he wants to harm you!

Jiang You pressed the earphone and said nonchalantly: I know, he has always wanted to harm me.

With Zhao Kai's current condition, if she wanted Zhao Kai to die, she wouldn't have to ask the guard to take action, she could just sit back and watch him being rated as unqualified by Director Li today.

When Jiang You spoke, he did not deliberately lower his voice, and several people around him could hear it.

Jiang Ling looked up, and the first thing she saw was a crab lying in a square box. Then she looked at Jiang You's ears, and sure enough she saw that she was wearing cartoon crab-style headphones.

Jiang Ling knew that Jiang You was talking to Zhao Yingjun, but he didn't know who they were referring to.

Zhao Kai didn't know that Jiang You was talking to Zhao Yingjun, and he was the only one in front of Jiang You.

Zhao Kai had just thought about letting Jiang You die, and suddenly heard her say such words. Zhao Kai was shocked, but Jiang You saw that his expression was the same as before, there was nothing special about it.

And although Jiang You's trust in him didn't continue to rise, it didn't fall either.

Although he didn't know what Jiang You was talking about, Zhao Kai felt that Jiang You couldn't be talking about him.

The clock hands reached eight o'clock, and some staff walked in from outside the hall.

They hold the utensils containing ingredients in their hands and place them on the operating table in front of the players in order.

Director Li: Let's get started.

After speaking, Director Li quickly walked out of the hall.

Jiang You picked up the square box containing crabs from Zhao Kai's operating table and walked to his seat.

Before leaving, she lowered her head and said, Brother Zhao, if you want to pass the homework, I'll give you a discount, 100 points, guaranteed.

Someone heard her words and glanced at Jiang You, with curiosity in their eyes.

Jiang You added to the other players: Low price discount, no kidding. If you have any needs, you can come to me. 100 points, guaranteed.

Before he could reach his position, Jiang You heard an exclamation.

At the same time, a strong stench hit his face.

Jiang You quickly walked to her seat, but she did not open the lid in front of her.

She stood and looked at the other players. On their operating tables, what appeared in the opened lids were not prepared ingredients, but some rotten things whose prototypes could not be seen clearly.

It's also possible that today's ingredients are these spoiled things.

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