The tall doorman wearing a chef's hat stood up.

The college broadcast sounded again: Notification that the new head chef has successfully taken office and the cooking competition will be held as normal.

The loudspeaker was loud and spread throughout the entire college.

Zhao Yingjun breathed a sigh of relief: That's good, that's good. As long as the main mission is normal.

Upstairs in the staff dormitory, several rooms were brightly lit. After the notification sounded, those lights were quickly turned off.

Director Li, who was standing outside and watched the whole process, walked back to the room and closed the door with a bang.

Clicking on the game panel and seeing the doorman's favorability score of 100, Jiang You was in a good mood and the smile on his face deepened.

The guard's temperament now is completely different from before, and he looks into the distance.

The night gradually began to dissipate, revealing a glimmer of light on the horizon.

At the door of the restaurant, the body of the former chef was still lying there, and there were holes punched in the door of the restaurant.

These need to be cleaned up before dawn.

After pondering for a while, the tall doorman walked towards the restaurant. Before leaving, he said to Jiang You: I know you did all this for me. Now I have successfully become the chef. For such a great kindness, I will definitely repay you.

After he left, Jiang Ling and Cheng Qianli came over.

Several people had different expressions. Zhao Yingjun said tsk and was about to speak.

Before opening his mouth, Crab glanced at the others. Jiang Ling's ears were empty and he was not wearing a translator.

Cheng Qianli couldn't understand what the crab was saying, so Zhao Yingjun took out the communicator and started typing.

Zhao Yingjun: Damn it! Youzi! Wasn't that NPC the guard that day? What's your relationship? You saved him, and he just said repaying his kindness and left. Do you believe this?!

His gossip spills out of the screen.

Jiang You glanced casually, her eyes lingering on the word Youzi for a while. In the real world, some friends around her liked to call her that.

As the saying goes, you rely on your parents at home and friends when you go out. Many friends lead to many paths. All living beings are equal, so what's wrong with NPCs? I like to exchange sincerity for sincerity. Since we are friends, of course we have to trust him.

Of course verbal promises don't count, but the favorability level of 100 on the panel cannot be faked.

After saying this, Jiang You turned to look at the crab on the flying carpet.

The black flying carpet is covered with thin black down. The crab's entire body is sunk into the down, making it look comfortable and warm.

The flying carpet, like the automatic wheelchair, is a transportation tool in the game mall, and it is much faster than the automatic wheelchair. Correspondingly, its price is higher than the 400 points of the automatic wheelchair.

Jiang You curled up her lips, changed the topic, and said with a smile: But NPCs all know that they need to repay their kindness, so what do you think about how we can help you get rid of control and regain your sanity?

Jiang Ling and Cheng Qianli were on the side, quietly watching Jiang You and Zhao Yingjun communicate.

Jiangling's communicator screen appeared. She saw the message in the group, but she didn't speak or interrupt. A smile flashed in her lowered eyes.

She could already imagine what Jiang You would ask Zhao Yingjun for as reward, and it must be a points transfer.

In the novice copy, the newcomer has nothing but the newcomer aura, and the role of the newcomer aura is also linked to the player's own luck.

Rather than relying on such uncertainty, it's better to make good use of activated skills.

Just looking at Jiang You's performance, her skill intensity must be high, and every time she uses a skill, she needs to spend points. The higher the skill intensity, the more points she needs to spend.

In the past two days, Jiang You traded with other players and exchanged some points. She didn't know how much she had left after using her skills.

There is no need for Jiang You to ask Zhao Yingjun directly for props. She has already signed a contract with her. One or two more props will make no difference. All she needs is points.

After listening to Jiang You's words, Crab rolled his eyes.

He was not the only one who was saved by Jiang You, and he couldn't be the only one who was paid. Although Zheng Xiaoying was not here, she was in the group.

Crab opened the communicator and continued typing in the group.

Zhao Yingjun: Youzi, you saved the two of us, Yingzi and I will definitely repay you.

Seeing that he took the initiative to mention another rescued person in the group, it was convenient to receive two copies at once, so Jiang You also chose to send a message in the group.

Jiang You: I don't want to be rewarded for saving people, but every time I use the purification function of my props, I need to spend points, one hundred points at a time, so you can just pay back the money for using the props.

Crab stared at the communicator with one eye and looked at Jiang You with the other eye. How generous?

Although one hundred points is not a small amount, it is also very reasonable if it is just the points for using items.

Zhao Yingjun directly clicked on Jiang You's player number and started transferring money.

[Ding, Zhao Yingjun will transfer one hundred points to you. 】

Jiang You raised his eyebrows, he was so fast and such a rich man.

Since Zhao Yingjun was in the group chat and transferred money directly to Jiang You through his game account, such a prompt also appeared in the group message.

Zhao Yingjun transferred one hundred points to Jiang You.

The communicator kept ringing, and Zheng Xiaoying used props to hang herself outside the window behind Director Li's room, so she had no time to read the news.

The window in Director Li's room was open, and the booklet with the list of transfer students was placed on the table. The wind blew in through the window, and you could see the book being blown open by the wind, and the pages kept turning.

She had to be thankful that after binding the communicator produced by the game mall, only she could see the message, and only the owner of the communicator could hear the notification sound.

Otherwise, she would have been exposed long ago.

After completing the side mission she received, Zheng Xiaoying began to think about what to do with the main mission.

These completely mutated transfer students had their names crossed out when they were taken away as animals. They were not on the list of transfer students and could not participate in the cooking competition.

But if you can't complete the main quest, you won't be able to leave the dungeon.

It's useless no matter how many side missions you do, as you won't be able to get the rewards without your life.

My name has been crossed out, is there any way to add it back?

Zheng Xiaoying had a bold idea. She stole the book from Director Li and added her name.

She came in through the open window. There was no one in the room. Director Li was outside on the balcony at that time, and he didn't know what he was doing.

After Zheng Xiaoying came in, she found the booklet on the table. She felt happy but didn't wait for her to get closer.

The radio sounded again, and Director Li quickly opened the door and walked in.

Zheng Xiaoying could only withdraw temporarily. Fortunately, Director Li did not notice her and walked directly into the bedroom.

A burst of cheerful music came from the bedroom, accompanied by the sound of footsteps. Director Li did not sleep after entering.

Zheng Xiaoying lowered her head and looked at her current state. This body shape did not meet the conditions for sneaking in quietly.

She changed her strategy. Zheng Xiaoying bought a hook from the game store and planned to hook the booklet out directly.

The booklet was hung on the prop and slid out of the window obediently. Zheng Xiaoying caught the booklet and put it into the game package.

The communicator had been quiet for a while. Zheng Xiaoying opened the communicator. On it was the transfer record from Zhao Yingjun to Jiang You.

Looking at their chat history again, Zheng Xiaoying decisively transferred 100 points to Jiang You.

[Ding, Zheng Xiaoying will transfer one hundred points to you. 】

Jiang You, who had just returned to the transfer student dormitory, received a transfer reminder.

At this time, the sun had just emerged, and the door to the staff dormitory was opened, and groups of people in white clothes walked out of it.

Suddenly, the first staff member who walked into the restaurant screamed: Ah!

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