I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 32 Mom, you lied to me again

The little girl may not look big, but her hands are very strong.

She held on to the hem of her skirt tightly. Jiang You yanked her clothes hard and heard the sound of the hem of her skirt tearing.

Jiang You gave up.

The group of children in the open space also saw Jiang You at this time. They got up from the ground and ran towards Jiang You.

Stumbling, a child who looked to be the youngest tripped and fell to the ground.

Jiang You saw his head hit the ground, then disconnected from his neck, and rolled around on the picnic cloth.

The headless child used his hands and feet to crawl back and hug his head. He held his head with a pair of small hands and slapped it on his neck.

With a tooth-ache-inducing bang sound, Jiang You saw that the child's head had been attached, but his neck was missing. It seemed that too much force had been used and it had been inserted into the head.

The child put his head directly on his shoulders, opened his hands, and ran towards Jiang You, Mom!

This scene was too magical. Jiang You shook his head and opened his eyes again, but the picture did not change.

This is not a scene that can happen in the real world. Where is she now?

A picture suddenly flashed in Jiang You's mind.

She shouldn't be here, she just went downstairs to take out the trash.

No, it wasn’t trash, she was on a bus, and then what?

Jiang You touched her pocket and saw that the little puppet was lying quietly with a tasteless red string bracelet on her wrist.

She remembered.

The sound of the mental value continuing to decrease in his head sounded again. Jiang You glanced at the game panel:

[Health value: 90, mental value: 40. 】

I don't know when her mental level dropped below sixty.

Jiang You remembered the game's introduction to mental values. If the mental value was below sixty, it would be easier to see hallucinations.

Is this all an illusion?

Jiang You took out a bottle of mental value restoration potion and took it, and the mental value on the game panel instantly returned to 70.

When I looked again, the picture in front of me remained unchanged.

Jiang You blinked, which meant that what she saw was not an hallucination caused by a decrease in mental value.

However, when the sun is in the sky at noon, the position of the shadow does not move at all, which shows that the existence here is different from that outside the woods.

Either it's a new space, or it's an illusion created by someone.

With a move of his wrist, Jiang You could feel Liu Qing's position through pulling the thread.

Even if she has no direction, she can go out at any time.

In this case, when you don't understand something, of course you should go out first and talk about it later.

After all, she was not the only one who needed to find something in the forbidden area.

Cooperation means everyone working together.

Jiang You took a deep breath, picked up the little girl holding on to her skirt, closed her eyes, and started teleporting.

In a crowd of shocked eyes, Jiang You's figure disappeared in the woods.

At the same time, the little girl disappeared.

The children who were originally running this way stopped. You looked at me, I looked at you, each other was stunned.

Outside the forbidden area, Liu Qing was lying on a tall landscape tree on the roadside of the college.

Judging from the distance sensed by the pulling thread, Jiang You has reached the depths of the forbidden area.

Liu Qing looked towards the forbidden area, but could not see anything in the dense and tall woods.

Liu Qing closed her eyes and stopped paying attention.

He only needs to ensure that he is within the transmission range of the pulling thread, providing Jiang You with an opportunity to escape at any time when he encounters danger.

The setting sun was shining slantingly, with a little wind blowing, Liu Qing was lying on the tree with his eyes closed.

He has been waiting for this copy for a long time. If it fails, he will have to wait for another copy to be opened.

Suddenly, feeling something coming, Liu Qing opened his eyes suddenly and prepared to reach out to block it.


Jiang You's voice suddenly sounded, and Liu Qing changed his mind to receive it and hugged her full.

It feels cold and hard when you hold it, like stone.

Liu Qing jumped down from the tree and took a closer look. What he caught was a skeleton.

The little skeleton was no more than a few years old. Her bones were pieced together piece by piece and were full of cracks. After the fall, some places had fallen apart.

Following Liu Qing's movements, the little skeleton's hand fell to the ground.

The bones in her arm were broken into three pieces.

Liu Qing placed the small skeleton on the ground and waited for Jiang You's explanation.

Jiang You poked the little skull on the head, but the little skull showed no reaction, did not stand up, and did not turn into a little girl: I brought her out from the depths of the forbidden area, and she could talk when she was inside.

Liu Qing raised his eyes: ?

Jiang You: There is a very strange place in the forbidden area. There are many children there. I think it should be an illusion, but I can't break the illusion and I can't see what it really looks like there.

I can't go further inside, so I can only bring her out to you. This little girl should be the eldest of that group of children. As an old player who cleared the level in the previous batch, you must have experience, so I'll leave it to you.

Liu Qing squatted down and pieced together the broken bones of the little skeleton.

After putting it together, the little skeleton still didn't react at all. He thought for a while and suggested: You put it in the forbidden area and have a look?

Jiang You thought about it and realized that it was right. The little girl was very lively when she was in it before. Maybe it would be better to put it in.

She didn't move immediately. Facing Liu Qing's confused gaze, Jiang You said, Do you have a rope? Tie it for her. What if she goes in and runs away?

Liu Qing was quiet for a few seconds: You are right.

Jiang You put the rope through the little skull's head and tied a tight knot with force. Then he strung a few bones with the rope before moving the pieces of the little skull's body into the woods one by one.

Liu Qing couldn't get close and stood a few steps away, watching Jiang You's movements. His eyes were calm, only the corners of his eyes twitched when Jiang You kept tying knots.

Although he very much agreed with Jiang You's approach, which was completely reasonable and thoughtful, the operation of this scene was actually a bit strange.

With the last bone left, the body parts of the little skeleton were completely moved into the woods, and Jiang You stopped.

She wrapped the other end of the rope around the tree a few times, and then handed the other end to Liu Qing to hold.

Jiang You warned: You have to hurry up and don't let her run away.

Liu Qing nodded.

Jiang You then put in the last bone.

The broken bones were thrown randomly at the edge of the woods. In order to avoid wasting mental energy, Jiang You didn't waste any more time and went in to help the little skeleton put his body back together.

She also took two steps back and watched quietly.

For a long while, there was no movement.

Suddenly, Jiang You saw that the broken bones began to gather, but instead of gathering into small skeletons and putting the body together, they were piled together and moved secretly into the woods.

Jiang You blinked and looked at it quietly.

Sure enough, within a few seconds, the bones stopped.

No longer pretending, starting from the feet, stacking bones one by one, like building blocks, the little skeleton quickly put it together.

She still spoke in the voice of a little girl, this time with a crying tone: Mom, you lied to me again!

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