I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 30 I introduced you to a job

The distance wasn't too far, but Jiang You still felt a little strenuous dragging a doorman with a normal adult weight like this.

A few steps away from the door of the restaurant, Jiang You saw an acquaintance. She hurriedly shouted: Uncle Liu! Help me!

Uncle Liu was about to enter the restaurant carrying a basket of lively fish.

Hearing the sound, Uncle Liu turned his head and saw Jiang You dragging someone.

The four beards were pulled together by Jiang You, and the doorman's catfish mouth was pressed together, making him speechless.

His movements were faster than his brain. Uncle Liu put the fish basket in his hand on the ground and walked quickly towards Jiang You.

Subconsciously, he felt that Jiang You's affairs must be more important than him, and he could not refuse Jiang You's request.

With Uncle Liu's help, the doorman was easily dragged into the restaurant.

There were many people in the restaurant at this time.

It's almost time for school to end in the afternoon, and most of the staff will be here.

As soon as Jiang You came in, a staff member in white came over, Why are you here? Do you need our help with anything?

As soon as he entered the restaurant, the doorman stopped struggling and lay on the ground pretending to be dead. Jiang You kicked him twice, but there was no reaction.

Jiang You: Prepare a whole fish feast for me.

The staff obeyed and left.

Jiang You squatted down, faced the doorman's eyes that opened when he heard Quan Yuyan, and said with a smile: Quan Yuyan, did you hear that? I won't lie to you, right?

The little eyes on the doorman's catfish face were darting around, and he swallowed his saliva and nodded.

Finding that the staff did not pay attention to him and no one chased him away, the guard slowly got up from the ground.

A dozen different fish dishes were placed on the table near the window, and the staff continued to deliver dishes here.

The guard held the fish in his hands and ate it intently.

One after another delicacies made of fish were brought to the table. The guard now forgot about the fear of the rules, and there was only a whole fish feast in front of him.

Every staff member in white who came over stared at the doorman with unkind eyes, but when they saw Jiang You sitting opposite, they smiled again and did not get angry on the spot.

Eat slowly, this is specially for you, no one will compete with you, Jiang You asked, Do you want to always have fish to eat?

The guard's mouth was full of fish and his speech was slurred, but when he mentioned that there was fish to eat, his eyes sparkled at Jiang You.

Jiang You: If you want to eat fish, then stay in the restaurant. As long as you stay here, I guarantee that you will have endless fish.

The doorman nodded first and then shook his head violently. He said, They won't let me stay here. They will drive me away. This is the first time I have successfully entered a restaurant.

As he spoke, he pointed to the restaurant staff.

Jiang You looked in the direction he pointed, and the staff looked at the doorman in a very unfriendly way.

No wonder the doorman is so resistant to entering the restaurant. It turns out that this kind of experience still exists.

In such a college, only the restaurant provides three meals a day, and the guard is not allowed to enter the restaurant, so what will he eat?

Should I just be hungry all the time?

Jiang You looked at the guard lovingly and said domineeringly: Don't worry, just tell me whether you want to stay or not, and I'll take care of the rest.

Although the guard was hesitant, it was difficult for him not to be tempted by such an attractive offer, so he nodded.

Jiang You raised her eyebrows. Since it was the doorman who wanted to stay in the restaurant, she could only show her good character of being helpful and help him.

At the Sichuan cuisine window, Uncle Liu, who had been looking over here, noticed Jiang You walking towards him.

Uncle Liu, Jiang You asked with a friendly smile on his face, My friend wants to stay in the restaurant. He can work and provide three meals. However, you must not let him leave the restaurant.

Uncle Liu raised his eyes and saw that the guard had his back to this side and was devouring his food. However, he was wearing the overalls of a college guard and could easily recognize him at a glance.

Janitors are not allowed into the college cafeteria.

Uncle Liu was about to refuse, but what he said was: Okay.

The words had been spoken, and Uncle Liu could not change them anymore. He said: I will watch him for you. There are so many people in the restaurant, and he can't get out.

After getting the promise, Jiang You felt relieved.

By the window, the doorman was still eating.

Uncle Liu ignored it and walked to the kitchen. The fish in the basket had stopped beating and was dying.

Uncle Liu picked up a fish, but did not deal with it in a hurry. He looked out of the window and saw Jiang You downstairs.

After settling the guard, Jiang You planned to visit the forbidden areas of the academy in advance, so as to prepare for entering the forbidden areas.

Although she had been there twice before, she was chased in both times and only wandered around the edges without going deep.

The mission asked her to go to the Land of Rest to find special materials, and Liu Qing also wanted her to find materials that induce mutations in the forbidden area.

What is it?

Jiang You first checked the game panel:

[Health value: 99, mental value: 95. 】

In order to save money, Jiang You didn't use the recovery potion in time when his health and mental values ​​dropped to more than 80.

As a result, she later discovered that the attribute values ​​would recover little by little over time.

Jiang You safely kept the recovery potion in his prop backpack in case of emergency.

Jiang You opened the prop backpack and checked the number of recovery potions. There were ten bottles of health recovery potions and ten bottles of mental recovery potions.

With the medicine bottles filled to the brim, Jiang You felt very safe.

There was also a small puppet lying in the prop backpack. After thinking about it, Jiang You took out the substitute puppet and put it on his body.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

It definitely makes sense that the game would proactively provide surrogate props.

Stand-in Puppet is a passive prop, just carry it with you. It can actively bear a fatal injury for the player.

Jiang You walked around the tall forest and discovered that the sign hanging on the edge of the forest read no entry.

She had originally thought that was the name of the trees.

Every piece of land in the planting area has a sign. On the first day, Jiang You looked at a few pieces, and they all contained plant introductions.

Due to the inertia of his thinking, Jiang You never paid attention to these brands again.

If she had seen No Entry in advance, she would not have rushed in when being chased by the furious guard.

Suddenly, the school bell rang in the afternoon, which also meant that the college staff started to get off work. The time agreed between her and Liu Qing was coming soon.

Suddenly, many people poured out of the teaching building.

Jiang You ducked into the forbidden area, and the string on her wrist did not respond, which meant that Liu Qing hadn't come yet.

Through the tall and lush trees, Jiang You saw the crowd gradually dispersing.

Everyone was heading towards the inside of the academy, and no one was heading towards the gate.

She has not seen any teacher come in from outside the academy in the past two days.

Jiang You recalled the dungeon introduction of the game. Perfect Cooking Academy implements closed management.

From this point of view, this closed management targets everyone.

Within a few minutes, the front of the building became deserted.

Jiang You walked out of the forest, and suddenly there was a snap, and a gray rabbit was thrown at Jiang You's feet.

Looking back, Liu Qing was standing ten meters away from the forbidden area. He said, Come on.

Jiang You: ...

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