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Chapter 27 She is not human

Jiang You touched his neck, wondering who actually ate the couple's lung slices. How is the doorman doing now?

At the entrance of Perfect Cooking Academy, the doors and windows of the guardroom are closed.

In the room that was blocked by curtains, the floor was in mess, and the white-clothed doorman fell to the ground.

His limbs seemed to be tied up, and he struggled constantly, but he was still unable to move. The flesh on his neck was dented, as if he had been hit by a blunt object.

And there was a bloodstain on his face.

After the explanation, Director Li stopped looking at Jiang You.

Jiang You quickly looked away and pressed his beating heart. Although he didn't suffer any real damage, the feeling of being suddenly controlled by someone was a bit scary.

Since entering the dungeon, she seems to have always been controlled by others. Zhao Kai, Doctor Xiao, Director Li, she has always been in a passive position.

In the past two days, Jiang You has only used the binding props a few times, using the storage in the recyclable trash can and the sorting and restoration function.

As for the game skills, Jiang You has never used them once. The main reason is one word: poor.

Check the account balance. Four hundred points can be used to use advanced skills four times. Advanced skills can obtain a designated trait.

Jiang You decided to use advanced skills.

Although the 20-point primary skill is the cheapest, there is a possibility of failure, and 50 points to obtain a random unknown trait is not as cost-effective as 100 points to obtain a self-selected trait.

If the randomly obtained traits are too useless, you will have to spend another chance and points to reclassify them.

[Using advanced classification skills, this skill requires one hundred points. Please confirm whether to use it? 】


[Advanced classification skills have been successfully used, please select the classification object and explain the common points:]

Director Li, she and I are both women.

Jiang You has seen the entire lecture hall. In comparison, the players are all ordinary people, and among the NPCs, Director Li is undoubtedly the most powerful.

Therefore, she decided to choose Director Li as the target to acquire traits.

[The system is determining...the classification failed, please re-explain the common points:]

[Warm reminder: Each time a skill is used, the player has three opportunities to elaborate. After the three opportunities fail, the skill enters the cooling period. The cooling time is: twenty-four hours.

[Note: If the skill fails, points and times consumed will not be refunded. 】

“…dog games.”

Jiang You raised his head slightly and looked at Director Li with an indescribable gaze.

Can't you tell that Director Li is actually a man?

Jiang You re-described: Director Li and I are both human beings.

[The system is determining...the classification failed, please re-explain the common points:]

Not human?

Suddenly, Jiang You remembered that he could become Catfish's doorman and finally Octopus' NPC uncle.

Also, Liu Qing mentioned to her that the NPCs in the dungeon need to maintain their human form.

That means they are not human.

Since they are not human beings, what else do Director Li and her have in common?

What are the system’s criteria?

Can it only be a physical characteristic?

Or would any common ground be ok?

With only one chance left, Jiang You said tentatively: The thing Director Li and I have in common is that we are in the same classroom.

[The system is determining...the classification is successful, please choose the characteristics you want to obtain:

Attack: B,

Life: C,

Speed: A,

Defense: C. 】

Jiang You blinked, is this the characteristic?

From this point of view, Director Li is the fastest, with average defense and health. Since he spent a hundred points to choose, of course he should be the highest.

Jiang You: I choose speed.

[Congratulations to the player for obtaining the trait: Director Li’s speed (the player can have Director Li’s full running speed, thirty meters per second). 】

Jiang You suddenly felt a lightness in her legs. She had a feeling that as long as she wanted to, she could jump tens of meters with one easy jump.

Why jump?

Could it be that Director Li is a rabbit?

While he was thinking wildly, Jiang You heard the name of another familiar dish.

Dongpo Cuttlefish.

Director Li: Dongpo cuttlefish is made with fresh cuttlefish as the main ingredient.

The PPT picture flashed and was replaced by a cuttlefish.

This was the dish chosen by Zhao Kai. Jiang You looked at Zhao Kai on the left. When they came in, there was only one empty seat next to Zhao Kai, so Jiang You could only sit with him.

Zhao Kai's skin was completely black, and he looked like he had taken a bath in ink.

Jiang You watched his reaction carefully.

When Director Li said the name of the dish, Zhao Kai suddenly raised his head, as if a force was controlling him, and looked into Director Li's eyes.

Director Li: Before killing the fish, knock the fish unconscious with a knife, scrape off the scales, then use scissors to cut open the belly of the fish and remove the internal organs.

As Director Li's voice slowly introduced, Zhao Kai's black skin began to turn red, and blood seeped out from his pores little by little. It looked like someone was using a knife to scrape off the fish scales on his body piece by piece.

A pop sound sounded under the table. Jiang You lowered his head and saw a bloody black fish tail. Zhao Kai's legs had disappeared at some point, and fish gills grew out next to his ears at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

The students in the lecture theater listened attentively. No one saw this change, but the players had complicated expressions.

Suddenly, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, like a fairy music coming.

Director Li said: Our open class today will end here. Students can finish class.

She turned off the PPT and walked out of the classroom in just two steps.

I don't know if it was because of excessive attention, but Jiang You felt that Director Li's walking posture and that special pace looked like a rabbit hopping.

Perfect Cooking Academy has very strict time arrangements for students. They are not allowed to leave the teaching area during study time and are not allowed to stay in the teaching area for a long time after class.

The students followed the rules strictly and they left quickly.

There were only seven players left in the lecture theater. Except for Jiang You and Zhao Kai, none of them had been pointed out by Director Li, and their mutations had not worsened.

The fish scale player looked at Zhao Kai's black fish tail, and then touched the fish scales on his face. At this moment, he was extremely lucky that his mutation started from fish scales.

The players in the front row had already left. Qian Yue also stood up, turned around and walked out of his seat, only to find Jiang You still sitting in his original position. To her left was Zhao Kai, whose condition was unknown.

Zhao Kai's eyes were dull, as if he had not yet come out of the illusion, and the mutation on his body was still continuing. He felt that he was definitely hopeless, and he would completely turn into a cuttlefish before long.

Qian Yue: ?

Jiang You pinched the blue pendant bracelet hanging on her wrist, waved to her and said, You go first.

Jiang You and Zhao Kai were the only ones left in the lecture theater.

Jiang You suddenly picked up the book on the table and slapped it hard on Zhao Kai's face.

After two slaps, Jiang You saw Zhao Kai's eyes moved and seemed to wake up.

Zhao Kai looked at Jiang You, rolled his eyes, and seemed to ask, Why did you hit me?

Jiang You smiled softly and said, I'm saving you, Brother Zhao.

A white light flashed from his wrist, and an octopus the size of a thumb appeared on Jiang You's hand.

She put her hand close to Zhao Kai, and the thumb octopus seemed to smell something delicious.

Under Zhao Kai's disbelieving gaze, the thumb octopus clawed its way up to Zhao Kai's face, found his mouth and got in.

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