I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 25 I have evidence

As he talked, the NPCs became angry.

But there are still no NPCs arresting people, and Scar Man will not actively provoke NPCs.

The chef spoke at this time and asked Jiang You: Do you have any evidence?

Jiang You lowered her eyes and complained silently, I said it casually, how could it be possible?

If there is any evidence, it is also my own.

I didn't expect these NPCs to be so reasonable, and they all need evidence when catching a thief.

But compared to the scarred man, she obviously has an advantage.

Jiang You maintained a calm posture and said: Chef, these transfer students come to our Perfect Culinary Academy. They talk nice and come here to study. I'm afraid they actually want to steal the secrets of our academy. They Stealing food from our restaurant must be for research.

Scar Man: You fart! You...

Jiang You's heart skipped a beat. She didn't know how the NPCs would react if Scar Man called out that she was also a transfer student.

But she didn't want to gamble.

In order to prevent such a situation, Jiang You suddenly raised his eyes, raised his voice, and said, Stop him! He wants to run!

Then, before the scarred man could react, Jiang You flew up and kicked the scarred man directly in the stomach. Then, with quick movements of his hands, he stuffed a large handful of green peppers into the scarred man's mouth, and then covered his mouth. mouth.

The NPCs who were stunned by Jiang You's sudden movement couldn't help but follow her and control the scarred man together. Some even helped her hold the scarred man's mouth.

The scarred man stared at Jiang You with fierce eyes. He struggled several times, but was unable to break free from the restraints of the NPCs and could only be suppressed to the ground.

Seeing this, Jiang You felt relieved and expressed her deep appreciation for the NPCs' progress.

Jiang You tugged at his slightly wrinkled clothes and continued: I guess the evidence must have been placed in his dormitory. He wants to escape now to destroy the evidence. We can arrange staff to go to his dormitory. If we conduct an inspection, I believe we will find evidence of his theft.”

Chef, if you are willing to trust me, I can lead people to search and we will definitely find the real thief.

The head chef looked serious. His eyes swept across the faces of Jiang You and Scar Man, and then nodded: Okay, I'll give you half an hour.

Jiang You: Roger it! Chef, promise to complete the task!

He took four staff members in white and walked to the dormitory building.

Jiang You walked at the front. She clicked on the communicator, edited the message quickly, and asked Jiang Ling to go to the doorman's room to find a plate with the restaurant's logo on it, and reminded her that the doorman's body was a catfish and was afraid of light.

When she walked out of the restaurant, Jiang You seemed to feel something, and she looked back.

Their eyes met, and she knew Jiang Ling understood what she meant.

If the plate cannot be found, the only option is to use the extracted black pills in her hand and forge some food residues that can be proven to be taken out of the restaurant.

Jiang You took the NPC into the dormitory building. In the single dormitory on the second floor, except for the players who were no longer here, everyone else's rooms were locked.

After leading the NPC to Scar Man's door, Jiang You pulled the door handle.

Sure enough, it couldn't be opened.

She was happy, but she pretended to be angry and said to the NPC: The room door is locked in broad daylight. There must be a ghost. The evidence must be in his room. There is indeed a ghost in this transfer student.

An NPC heard Jiang You's words and went up to give it a try.

The door is locked and cannot be opened without a key.

Jiang You spoke sincerely and full of anxiety: What should I do now? The chef only gave me half an hour. What if I can't complete the task? I don't want to betray the trust of the chef.

The NPC comforted her: Xiao Jiang, don't worry, I'll go downstairs to find the dormitory to get the spare key.

Yes, Xiao Jiang, the chef is very nice, you don't have to worry.

Jiang You leaned against the door, waiting for the NPC who went to get the key to come back. She suddenly heard a slight noise in the room.

At the same time, a message from Jiangling came over. She said that it had been put away. In order not to be so deliberate, she put the plate in the drawer of the table.

Jiang You felt calm.

Isn’t there evidence?

As the key turned, the door opened.

A foul smell hit her face in the room. Jiang You couldn't help but frown. She held her breath and walked in.

The single dormitories on this floor were all the same in layout, so Jiang You thought there would be no difference.

After entering Scar Man's room, she realized that the layout was indeed the same, but Scar Man's room was full of garbage, wads of toilet paper, cigarette butts and wine bottles.

Jiang You remembered that the college restaurant did not provide alcohol or tobacco, so these could only be brought by the scarred man.

I don’t know what Scar Man is doing with these things when he enters the dungeon?

During the rummaging process, Jiang You saw the quilt lifted up on his bed, and there was a woman's long hair, blood stains and some unknown liquid.

Jiang You's frown never relaxed after entering Scar Man's room.

She endured her nausea and went to check elsewhere.

Suddenly, an NPC opened a drawer to reveal a slit and said, Here it is!

Jiang You followed the sound and saw that the NPC was holding a plate with the icon of the Perfect Culinary Academy restaurant engraved on it.

Jiang You looked angrily: I knew it was him! A despicable and shameless transfer student!

The plate was held by the NPC, and several people quickly rushed to the restaurant.

The chef was sleeping on a deck chair with his eyes closed.

Hearing the sound, he looked towards Jiang You and the others.

Jiang You asked the NPC to hand the plate to the chef.

After taking the plate, the chef looked at the light, nodded, cheered slightly with a serious expression, and asked: This is indeed a plate from the restaurant, where did you find it?

Jiang You didn't speak and allowed the NPC to reply: In the transfer student's room, he hid the plate. We looked for it for a long time.

The head chef looked at Jiang You with a scrutinizing gaze and continued to ask the NPC: Are you sure you found the plate with your own hands?

Facing his gaze, Jiang You couldn't help but wonder, was she exposed in any way?

In order to avoid suspicion and fear of being accused of saying that she put the plate in, she entered the room after the NPC and never came close to the table from beginning to end.

Looking at it from the NPC's perspective, there is no chance that she would have faked the evidence.

The NPC answered truthfully: Chef, of course. Who else could he have found instead of him?

Only then did the head chef look away. He nodded and said, It seems that the person who stole the food has been caught. You can take him down.

Facing the scarred man's murderous gaze, Jiang You couldn't show a trace of fear as he listened to the game notification sound of the completion of the side mission in his head.

She silently pinched her palms, resisting the urge to laugh out loud, and checked the mission rewards.

[Dear player, congratulations on completing the side mission: The person who steals food,

You have received a reward, the appreciation of the chef, (the chef is the master of the Perfect Cooking Academy restaurant, and all restaurant staff must obey his orders unconditionally. And you are the one who has been appreciated by the chef, and they have the same respect for you. Respect, I will not refuse your request.)

Warm reminder, due to the special nature of the reward, it is only valid in this copy. 】

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