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Chapter 246 Workload doubled

A dining table in the staff canteen can seat four people. The seat next to Jiang You is still empty, and Lin An sits down next to her.

There was only an unsightly apple in front of Jiang You. Lin An looked at the food in front of Jiang You, which was even less than in the morning. She pushed her plate that she had not yet taken off her chopsticks towards, and said in an earnest tone: Sister, you eat?

The plate with apples in front of her was squeezed away. Jiang You lowered her eyes. On the plate that Lin An brought over, the food piled up was brightly colored. It seemed that the saturation was specially increased. She didn't know how she found it in the cafeteria. These dishes came out.

Overly bright colors are just like food that only has a single white color, which makes people completely unappetizing and looks very unreliable.

Jiang You sent Lin An's dinner plate back and smiled softly: No, Lin An, you can eat.

Lin An took the chopsticks and looked at the food placed diagonally in front of Cheng Xin. It was the same. There were only fruits. Could it be that my sisters only like to eat fruits and not other foods?

Thinking about it, Lin An buried her head, rotating the chopsticks in her hands quickly, and she ate the colorful food on the plate bit by bit.

Lin An made no sound while eating. Jiang You only watched her chopsticks move on the plate. Each bite she took was not very big, but the frequency was very fast, and the brightly colored food quickly decreased.

On the table, in addition to the red apple that Cheng Xin initially pushed to Jiang You, there were many other types of fruits in the center.

The fruit plates are placed in the middle of the table, where people sitting on both sides can reach them by raising their hands.

Cheng Xin got these fruits, but they were not enough for one person to eat. She got the amount of fruits for two people.

Although Jiang You didn't feel hungry anymore after finishing her morning workload, she still ate the fruit in front of her.

2 p.m.

Except for Gao Hao, who was sent to the warehouse by Director Yang, and player No. 8 who disappeared, all the remaining interns showed up at the No. 8 production workshop on time.

Upon entering the eighth production workshop, the first thing Jiang You noticed was that the work station arrangement in the workshop had changed. There were originally five rows of work stations neatly arranged, but now there were only seven positions left in the last row.

Walking to the original workstation No. 23, Jiang You discovered that the corresponding serial number plate on the table belonged to No. 24. This was Lin An's position, and her position had also moved one position.

Intern No. 10, who was originally sitting first in the second row, moved from the second row to the first row and found his own workstation where workstation No. 9 was originally.

To the left of intern No. 10 is the seat of intern No. 9, and further to the left is Zhou Doudou, who is already sitting in front of his work station. He has pasted the serial number plate on the table, which perfectly corresponds to the mark on the table. The serial number displayed on it is 7.

The work station belonging to No. 8 is gone, and the good work station belonging to No. 45 has also disappeared in the eighth production workshop.

Jiang You was sitting at her workstation. In addition to the changes in the workshop, she also found that the materials used to make the plush toys in the morning had been replenished, and every box was full.

Among all the boxes containing materials, one box became different. The box containing cotton on the table was replaced by a larger one.

On the workstations of all the interns, there is a large box full of snow-white cotton, which is fluffy and soft. The large box seems to have more than twice the capacity of the previous box containing cotton.

And next to everyone's workstation, there is an empty basket.

Director Yang, a workshop manager, arrived late.

A short man with stubby limbs came in from the door. The sound of the door opening and footsteps told every intern sitting at the workstation who was coming. Every time Director Yang came in, he would deliberately make a loud noise, as if he was afraid that his presence would be ignored.

Director Yang was very satisfied with the attention everyone paid to him. Under the attention of the interns, Director Yang walked to the front of the workshop with a stack of paper.

Distributing the stack of papers in his hand from the first row, looking at the interns who were quietly passing the papers, Director Yang cleared his throat and said, Because you have done a good job in the production work this morning, it fully reflects the Everyone’s hands-on ability, so this afternoon, you can start the formal production work in the workshop.”

When the stack of papers was passed from the first person to the last person, there was just one last piece left.

Every intern received a piece of paper with pictures handed out by Director Yang.

This is the first order assigned to our workshop, to make four hundred and fifty killer whale dolls. This order is the work you need to complete this afternoon. There are not many tasks. Before leaving get off work, each of you interns You only need to make ten equally distributed killer whale dolls, and you will have completed the afternoon's workload.

Listening to Director Yang's words, Jiang You blinked and turned his eyes, and saw the same doubt flashing in the eyes of someone next to him.

If each person made ten dolls, the total would not be enough to complete the order of 450 killer whale dolls that Director Yang mentioned. So, is it that Director Yang has not finished his request, or is there something wrong with Director Yang’s calculations?

If there are forty-five interns working in the eighth production workshop, and each of them has ten plush dolls, they will just complete the number of four hundred and fifty plush dolls. However, it is definitely impossible for Director Yang to do the work by himself. In addition to the two missing interns, there are only 42 people working. According to his requirements, the final number will be 30 less than the order.

Will Director Yang really miscalculate the workload of the workshop? Jiang You felt that it was unlikely.

Looking at the interns, Director Yang's eyes flashed with calculation. He continued to talk to everyone about the afternoon's work requirements: Unfortunately, this is the initial work arrangement.

Everyone should have noticed that there are not enough people in our workshop now, so what should we do? Director Yang said, smiling and sighing.

Under the bright lights of the production workshop, Director Yang's smile looked very bright.

He said: In order to complete the first order in our workshop, you can only work overtime. Due to the reduction in the number of people in the workshop, the number of killer whale dolls that each of you needs to complete is no longer the ten originally planned, but twenty. .”

In a few words from Director Yang, the workload doubled in an instant. Listening to his excited voice when he said twenty, Jiang You was now sure that Director Yang was not incapable of calculation, but that he was too calculating. .

There were not countless fools among the more than 40 people sitting at the workstation. Although those special NPCs did not question Director Yang's arrangement, Jiang You heard the person on the left clasping his fingers and whispering: This won't work. Are there just three hundred and forty more killer whale dolls than the order?

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