I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 17 Thumb Octopus: I vomited

Since activating the exclusive skill of the trash can - garbage sorting, the things she puts in have an extra layer of protection, and the trash can will not be disposed of by itself.

Jiang You can safely use the trash can as a storage prop without worrying about the last accident.

What the object looked like before it was put in, it will still look like when it is taken out.

Jiang You took out a transparent glass from the corner of the room, washed it, filled it with water and put it on the table.

She put some black powder into the water. The powder melted into the water, and a touch of blue slowly spread out, turning into the same color as the incense.

Jiang You said that it was true.

These black powders are extracted from the braised beef in the restaurant.

She only left a small part of the braised beef, but she didn't expect that she would also be ranked fifth in the cooking homework, which was enough to prove the importance of this substance in the academy.

The food in the restaurant, Dr. Xiao's incense, and the water Director Li gave them to drink were all made of the same special material.

[Congratulations to the player for reaching 30% of the progress of the side mission and getting a clue: The Land of Rest. 】

Jiang You silently recited the words resting place and thought about where in the academy it fit.

She originally guessed that the source of the special materials was in the college's planting or breeding area. Now combined with the clues, the possibility of the planting area is much greater.

Combined with the word sleep, it seems that something is buried underground.

Jiang You thought of those little black people like shadows in that overly tall forest.

Will it be there?

Suddenly, there was a sticky sound, and a small octopus climbed onto the table.

Jiang You looked at the ground and saw that the basin that originally contained the small octopus had been knocked over and water spilled all over the floor. It climbed up along the legs of the table, leaving a trail of water and mucus on the road.

The little octopus crawled toward Jiang You. It was very small, with its head only as big as Jiang You's thumb. Its eight claws wrapped around Jiang You's hand on the table, and crawled to the mouth of the cup filled with blue liquid.

The sticky feeling made Jiang You feel uncomfortable all over, but she didn't move. She wanted to see what this thumb-sized octopus was going to do.

The body of the thumb octopus is the NPC uncle. The big octopus was put into the trash can. After sorting and processing, Jiang You opened the trash can and saw an octopus the size of a thumb and a black one that was much larger than the thumb octopus. ball.

The black balls are the same substance separated from the food in the restaurant. They are both special materials that can mutate people.

The thumb octopus has dark eyes and a watery appearance. It looks clear and stupid. Maybe this is its original appearance.

With a click sound, the thumb octopus climbed from Jiang You's hand to the mouth of the cup and fell into the blue water.

Jiang You saw that the thumb octopus first turned around in the water, and then began to drink water in large gulps. The blue liquid in the cup disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The body of the thumb octopus did not become larger, but its skin turned blue, as if it was dyed by blue liquid.

Jiang You took out the thumb octopus, and its dark beady eyes followed Jiang You's movements, looking a bit like it was drunk.

But it didn't mutate again as Jiang You worried.

Still looks stupid.

Jiang You felt relieved. She threw the thumb octopus into the basin, added some water, and was about to wash her hands.

Suddenly, the water in the basin began to vibrate, and a cow brayed outside.

Jiang You casually took out a piece of paper, wiped off the mucus on her hand from the thumb octopus, and approached the door.

The cow's hooves stepped on the floor, and the thump-dong-dong sound made the cups on the table tremble, followed by the sound of human footsteps and the sound of chains dragging the floor.

It could be heard rampaging down the aisles.

A door opened with a bang, then closed again with an even louder sound.

The scarred man opened the door and poked his head out. He saw a group of men in white holding chains, chasing a crazy scalper.

When the scalper saw the open door, his head turned and he ran towards him.

Seeing this, the scarred man stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

In order to prevent accidents, he locked the door.

The sound of cattle hooves trampling on the floor stopped for a moment, and then chains streaked through the air.

Jiang You heard the screams of scalpers, then a bang, and then the sound of heavy objects being dragged outside the door. First, they passed by in neat steps, and then there was the muffled sound of heavy objects being dragged against the ground.

Jiang You pressed against the door, and the sounds outside shook her heart.

The sound slowly faded away, and Jiang You opened the door a crack. A cow's neck and limbs were tied up with iron chains, and a man in white was pulling the chains in front of him.

Where did the scalpers come from in the dormitory building?

Only players who are mutating.

Jiang You remembered a player with horns on his head, and they talked yesterday.

The degree of mutation of that player is not very serious, why did he turn into a scalper so quickly?

It seems that when players mutate, in addition to being induced by contact with special materials, there are other rules.

I don’t know what the status of other players is now?

After thinking about it, Jiang You walked into the bathroom.

There was a full-length mirror in the bathroom. The Jiang You reflected in the mirror looked normal except for a little dark circles under her eyes.

No variation is visible.

She went to the psychological consultation room twice. Her body should have mutated long ago.

But she avoided the initial stage by some strange combination of circumstances, so she still remains normal now.

I don’t know if this counts as the game’s protection for novice players?

But she can't stay like this forever. Among the mutated players, she can't be too normal or too noticeable.

She needs some disguise.

Jiang You opened the game mall and started searching.

Although her game mall has not yet been unlocked, she can still simply search for products and view product introductions, but she cannot use points to purchase things in the mall.

After fixing the product range on disguise props, Jiang You flipped through a few pages and saw the prop she wanted.

[Yi Ye Blind: You can disguise yourself as any person or thing. As long as you have the personal belongings of the disguised person, then in the eyes of others, you are him. (Warm reminder: It can only cause visual errors, not a real transformation. , if the distance is too close, it will fail.).

Price: 50 points. 】

The price is not very expensive, but it's a pity that her game mall is idle and can't buy anything.

Jiang You sighed, there are still three days left, and the main task of the dungeon needs to wait until Friday, the cooking competition.

Only by passing the first copy can you truly have points and unlock the game mall.

Jiang You really didn't expect that in another world, she would still be so poor.

It was just one o'clock in the morning, too late. Jiang You threw away the phone and collapsed on the bed.

Drowsily, she heard a gurgling sound, like the sound of someone blowing bubbles in the water.

Jiang You rubbed his eyes and followed the sound.

Placed in a basin in the corner, the thumb octopus returned to its original color.

And in the basin, a very familiar little black ball appeared.

The thumb octopus is poking the black ball with its claws and swimming back and forth in the water.

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