I'm picking up trash in the copy

Chapter 14 The novice halo is so powerful

The Fish Scale player instantly realized what it meant to go from hell to heaven. His eyes were red and his eyes were bright as he said, One hundred points, I will transfer them to you now!

Hearing this, the scarred man sneered: Don't be stupid, she just wants to cheat you out of points while you are still alive. Do you really believe she wants to save you?

The other players went from being shocked at the beginning to suddenly realizing it.

Indeed, Cheng Qianli didn't even say he could save the fish-scale player, so why did someone jump out and offer to go to the psychological consultation room for him as long as he got 100 points?

The fish-scale player's movements were hesitant, and he looked at Jiang You suspiciously: How can you do it for me?

When handing in cooking homework, for the sake of fair grading, we did not write down whose homework it was. Instead, we placed it in the order it was submitted and received a serial number plate.

Then when the results are announced, it is naturally not based on the names of the dishes, but based on the number plates in the players' hands.

Jiang You was the first to submit her homework, and she received the No. 1 card.

She handed her number one card to the fish scale player, then took the number seven card from the fish scale player and said, In this way, you can wait until the rankings are announced and then transfer your points to me.

After giving Scar Man extra points for his cooking homework, Director Li turned her attention to the players. She said expressionlessly: No. 7's dish is the last. Which student is No. 7?

In the eyes of everyone watching the show, Jiang You took two steps forward. She raised the number seven card in her hand and said, Director Li, number seven is mine. My name is Jiang You.

The fish scale player was holding card number one and was blocked by Jiang You. His tall and slender figure couldn't cover him at all.

But at this moment, he felt that Jiang You's figure was radiant and extremely tall.

Director Li pushed up his black-rimmed glasses, looked past Jiang You and looked behind her.

The fish-scale player met Director Li's cold gaze behind his black-rimmed glasses, and his heartbeat accelerated infinitely at this moment.

Fortunately, Director Li quickly withdrew his gaze and said nothing more.

Director Li pushed up his black-rimmed glasses and said, Very good, Jiang You, right? It will be in the psychological consultation room at eight o'clock tonight.

Jiang You responded: I understand, Director Li, I will go on time and accept the counseling seriously.

Seeing this scene, some people had an inexplicable look in their eyes. Since the exchange of number plates is an act allowed by NPC, the operability of the ranking of cooking tasks is much higher.

Stealing other people's number plates and directly exchanging other people's rankings is simply a costless business.

In this cooking assignment, Scar Man came first. Everyone saw him cooking with his own blood, so they were not surprised that he won first place.

The second place was Cheng Qianli, and no one expressed shock. The big guys in the gaming world had their own methods, and no one dared to take his attention away.

Several players have set their sights on the woman in the apron. She is the third one this time. She dresses like a housewife all day long and has no reputation in the game world. She should be a newcomer who has only passed a few dungeons.

Although I don’t know why she was ranked third, as long as I can grab her number plate when submitting the homework later, I don’t have to worry about being ranked last.

Ranked fourth is the NPC aunt. Some people cast their eyes on her and then looked away in a hurry.

Although she has not had any conflicts with players since she entered the dungeon, she always acts alone and completes the courses of this academy seriously. It seems that she is really a good student who comes to school.

But no one will forget the ferocious look of the NPC aunt on the shuttle bus.

NPCs in the dungeon need to meet specific rules before they can attack players. However, NPCs who sneak into the dungeon through the shuttle bus are much less restricted by the dungeon.

No one wants to mess with them.

Someone looked at Jiang You. This was also a good goal, but it was too stupid. Taking the initiative to go to an information consultant for someone was different from seeking death.

The last thing the game world has no room for is good people.

Especially bad good people who have no strength, they often die the fastest.

Ignoring the unclear looks from others, Jiang You and Yu Lin players quickly completed the points transaction.

With a ding dong sound, one hundred points were credited to the account. Jiang You checked the panel. Her points were no longer zero, and the game points showed one hundred.

However, the game store still shows that it has not been unlocked.

It seems that only by clearing the dungeon can the mall be unlocked.

However, with the points, her skills are finally no longer gray, and now show that the [Classification] skill is usable.

Watching Director Li go out, Jiang You turned around and walked out without looking at the other players.

Before taking two steps, Jiang You was stopped by Zhao Kai with his hand: Are you really going to the psychological consultation room tonight? You will die.

One sentence attracted the attention of others, some were curious and some looked confused.

The Fish Scale player breathed heavily and stared at Jiang You, fearing that she would deny the agreement she just made.

If Jiang You goes to Director Li to explain, I wonder if the ranking will be changed back. The NPC obviously knows that they exchanged number plates.

If Director Li agrees, what will he do?

Jiang You turned around, and the sun shone in from behind the door. She turned her back to the light, and her hair shone in the sun.

Jiang You curled up her lips, as if she heard something incredible. She glanced at the nervous Fish Scale player and said, Of course I want to go. Don't worry, I won't break my promise.

As for Brother Zhao, do you want to know what will happen if the cooking assignment is rated last but violates the college rules and does not go to the psychological consultation room?

When his intentions were revealed, Zhao Kai quickly denied: That's not what I meant. I was worried about you.

Anyone can see how false Zhao Kai's words are.

Worried that if I die, Brother Zhao won't have anyone to help with trial and error? After all, the newcomer's aura is only useful for the first copy, so of course we must make good use of it.

Seeing Zhao Kai's shocked expression, Jiang You continued: Brother Zhao has been following me to make choices. Isn't this the reason?

Zhao Kai: ...

Without further words, Jiang You turned around and quickly left the laboratory building.

The scarred man clicked his tongue, She's actually a newcomer. No wonder she's so stupid. She's willing to take risks for others even if she has 100 points. Does she think that the newbie Halo can ignore the rules of the academy?

The woman in the apron rolled up her floral apron and looked up at the wall clock. The time showed eleven thirty, not yet school time.

She licked her lips and said with an unclear tone: The college rules: During study time, you are not allowed to leave the teaching area without permission.

Reminded by the woman in the apron, the scarred man raised his head and glanced at the wall clock, then looked at the door with a deeper look.

Perhaps, Jiang You is not stupid. No one will take the initiative to violate the rules established by the dungeon unless she wants to die.

The fact that she was able to safely leave the teaching area during study time only meant one thing: her understanding of the copy was higher than theirs.

Either receiving special tasks or unlocking special events, both of which can improve the score when the instance is settled.

This newcomer was not as simple as he thought. She took the initiative to go to the psychological counseling room, and she must have her own plans.

Is there something in the psychological consultation room that he didn't notice?

The woman in the apron suddenly spoke again, her tone full of envy: The halo given to newcomers in the game is so powerful! Newcomers will not be immediately wiped out if they violate the rules in the dungeon.

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