Chapter 99: Are the Undead Demons really gone? The Nine Profound Realm was shaken!

At this moment, the major forces watching in the bloody rain also reacted and exclaimed!

No one could have imagined that this war was reversed by Su Changqing's intervention!

The Undead Demons were destroyed!

This ancient clan that had been entrenched in the Nine Profound Heaven for nearly a million years just ceased to exist!

At the same time, they also felt Su Changqing's status in the Daoyi Holy Sect. If he wanted to enter the world, the Daoyi Holy Lord would have to take on the supreme status of a thug!

Once this monster from the Daoyi Holy Sect rises, I'm afraid he will really be invincible in the Nine Profound Heaven!

"Su Changqing, I really didn't expect... It was he who asked Saint Lord Daoyi to come. Now he is just a Holy Son, but he can make such a decision. It seems that Saint Lord Daoyi wants to train him to be the next Holy Lord!"

"He is only at the Saint Realm, but he is already able to kill the Immortal Stage and face the Supreme Being. With this terrifying strength, is he really only worthy of being ranked third on the Tianjiao List? I think... before long, his name will be ranked higher! ?"

"I really didn't expect to see such a heaven-defying existence in my lifetime. In the same realm, Su Changqing is seemingly invincible. I just don't know if the Taoist disciple from Zixiao Taoist Palace, who is number one on the list of geniuses, has the same strength as Su Changqing?"

"The Undead Demon Clan was destroyed just like that, just like that... with Su Changqing's intervention, they no longer exist. This guy is too terrifying!!"

"Daoyi Shengzong is likely to become the number one overlord of Jiuxuantian within a hundred years because of Su Changqing!!!"513


Countless discussions were heard one after another, and exclamations resounded through the sky.

No one could remain calm!

Such a terrifying ancient clan was destroyed just like that!

It was precisely because of this that everyone could clearly understand that the troubled times had really arrived!

Maybe after this, there will be many wars like the one between the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty in Jiuxuantian, competing with each other!

Among them, there were several Tianjiao on the Tianjiao List, looking at Su Changqing with deep fear in their eyes.

"We...really saved our lives!"

All of these people were terrified by the terrifying strength that Su Changqing had shown before.


At the same time, among the group of people from Zixiao Taoist Palace, two old men from the Xiantai were pale, and the shock on their faces was beyond words!

"What kind of terrifying monster is this Su Changqing? He...he……"

"His cultivation was at the Saint level, but just like that, he was able to influence the direction of the war between the two top forces. Looking at the entire Jiuxuantian, which Saint could do this! ?"

Their scalps exploded, and the scene of Su Changqing catching the attack of the Supreme before still appeared in their minds!

Su Changqing's horror was simply indescribable!

Especially the things he did, there was no way to evaluate it!

Even the two immortal elders thought it was not qualified!

After all, Su Changqing could say... The Supreme was just like this!

They dared not!

Amid the shocked exclamations of the crowd,

Wang Ye's mind had already gone blank, and his body was shaking uncontrollably!


He gasped for air, his eyes fixed on Su Changqing!

Until this moment, he felt an extremely strong threat and oppression from Su Changqing!

Facing the attack of the Supreme Being, the Undead Demon Clan was completely destroyed!

Even he was not sure about this kind of thing!

Such a guy couldn't be ranked only third on the Tianjiao List!!!

After a moment,

Wang Ye came back to his senses and looked at Su Changqing with fear in his eyes!

"I'm afraid... Su Changqing wants to be the first, and I will lose to him!!"

He breathed rapidly and murmured.

Now his heart can no longer remain calm!

From the beginning to the end, he has been paying attention to Su Changqing. He was absolutely confident before, until now...

Wang Ye only felt that his Tao heart was hit and his confidence was no longer

"How could this happen? I have been reincarnated for so many lifetimes, how come I didn't know that Su Changqing was so terrifying! ?"

"Could it be him……"

After this, his pupils suddenly shrank!

If that's the case, maybe all this can be explained!

I thought that Su Xing would be able to rise completely in the troubled times, but now...

Su Changqing's appearance makes me afraid!

This guy's terrifying level, even before the fight, makes people feel terrified! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


At this moment,

Su Changqing listened to the commotion between heaven and earth, and felt satisfied.

"This fabricated incident seems to be...very successful!"

He glanced around and saw that countless people looked at him with fear and dread.

This also achieved the purpose of shocking the major forces in Zhongzhou.

At the same time, not only Zhongzhou! Even the entire Jiuxuantian will get the news soon!

Thinking of this,

Su Changqing glanced at the entire battlefield, his eyes flickered slightly, and continued to make up his diary.

【The Undead Demon Clan, the traitor of the future Nine Heavens, has been destroyed……】

【Well, there will be one less traitor in the future, which means there will be one less threat in future wars among the heavens!】

【In this way, would Qingxuan not die trying to save me?】

【And in the previous life’s war of the heavens, several Nine Profound Heaven forces were destroyed due to the betrayal of the immortal demon clan. Will their ending be different when the war of the heavens comes?】

【In the war of the heavens, if Jiuxuantian did not have so many traitors, perhaps it would not have been destroyed!】

【After all, it was because of too much internal strife in Jiuxuantian before the War of the Heavens. It was precisely because of this that many traitors, led by the Undead Demon Clan, appeared in the War of the Heavens. These guys should all be liquidated!!!】

【The current destruction of the Undead Demon Clan is not enough to bring about too many changes in the future. This is just the beginning!】

【In this case……】

【Then, I will continue to change every ending of my previous life. Everything must never be the same as last time! 】

He made up things that were not in the original text and wrote them all down in his diary.

Even if he shocked the major forces in Zhongzhou, even the entire Jiuxuantian, it was not enough!

The Battle of Destruction has not yet arrived, and the many wars before the Battle of the Heavens have not occurred, not to mention that the wars of all sizes in the Battle of the Heavens have not occurred.

There are still too many things waiting for me to make up, and change everything completely!


At this moment, with the update of Su Changqing's diary copy.

Under the incredulous discussions and gazes of the people in Beiming Holy Land...

Xia Qingxuan looked at the diary copy that appeared in front of her again, and shock appeared in her beautiful eyes.

"In addition to the Undead Demon Clan, will there be other traitors in Jiuxuantian in the future! ?"

"Is this just the beginning?!"


She looked at the contents of the diary copy and was even more shocked.

Su Changqing wanted to settle accounts and change all the bad endings!

He had already changed the endings of the Undead Demon Clan and the Dayu Divine Dynasty, but that was not enough!

How much more would need to be changed later?

In that case,

Su Changqing would have to bear all of this alone. It must be more tiring than in his previous life, right?

Just thinking about it,

Xia Qingxuan's heart was shaken, and her eyes couldn't help but look at Su Changqing on the battlefield.

"You guy……"

In addition to feeling distressed, she also felt sorry for him.

If she could help, Su Changqing would feel more relaxed, right?!


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