Chapter 87: All-round crushing! All forces were shocked, so strong?!

On the battlefield, the people of Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan all noticed the terrifying movement of Su Changqing and stopped killing in fear!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on the terrifying big demon that was annihilated in the blink of an eye!

Four of the five demon stars used one of the most powerful secrets of the demon clan, and even if they summoned the Undead Sky Demon, it was gone in just a short while! ?


Everyone on both sides had their minds buzzing and blank!

When they saw the Heavenly Demon appearing before, they thought it would be a means that Su Changqing would find difficult to deal with!

But now... how to explain it???

Many cultivators of the Dayu Divine Dynasty were stunned and gasped!

"Even though those four guys used their strongest killing moves, it still didn't work! ?"

"How terrifying is Su Changqing?"

"Oh my god, the terrifying secret method that can almost kill a saint is not a threat to Su Changqing? ? ?"

Even though they didn't see Su Changqing, they couldn't help but scream out in shock!

Especially the people of the Undead Demon Clan, their faces were full of fear at this moment!

"Of the five demon stars, only one is left, Fan Yu!!"

"How could this happen? That was an immortal demon that even a saint at the Great Perfection couldn't deal with, and every time it launched, it would cost its life. How could this happen? ? ?"

"this this this……"

"Isn't Su Changqing only at the sixth level of the Saint Realm? He...he……"

Every demon cultivator's scalp exploded, and they could not believe what they saw!

Four of the five demon stars were already dead!

All of them were shattered!

Su Changqing killed them all by himself!

05 But before they could be too shocked... the last of the five demons, Fan Yu, suddenly trembled violently, and the vitality in his body seemed to be wiped out in an instant!


His body fell straight to the ground, and there was a roar! At this moment, his aura completely dissipated between heaven and earth!

It turned out that he was not fine... but as the leader of the five, he was the first to bear the brunt of the collapse of the Heavenly Demon...

Even if he was not destroyed like the others, his vitality had long been wiped out, and his soul could not even escape!

Until this moment, none of the five sons of the Demon Star, who were originally high-spirited, survived!

All of them died at the hands of Su Changqing!

Seeing this scene, the demon cultivators on the battlefield had their eyes cracked, and their bodies trembled involuntarily!

"All dead... all dead! ?"

"Su Changqing...killed the five demon stars alone!! ?"

"What did he do? It seems that he didn't do much before? It seems that he just pointed his finger, but that finger was so terrifying! ?"

They were immediately horrified and their scalps exploded!

The Holy Son of Daoyi Sect, Su Changqing, who was ranked third on the Tianjiao List, was much more powerful than they imagined! Is this really only the third place, not the first place in the rightful sense?

In their opinion, it would not be so easy for the first place on the Tianjiao List to face the Five Sons of the Monster Star!

After a while, the morale of the disciples of Dayu Divine Dynasty and Daoyi Sect was greatly boosted when they saw the monster cultivator who was still in a daze!


They were extremely excited and charged again!

This time, it was much smoother than before!

The destruction of the five demon stars was like a reassurance to everyone!

It was at this moment that the amazing dim light converged...

Su Changqing's figure reappeared, the dim light on his fingertips completely disappeared, and the saint incarnation gradually dissipated!

""That's it... nothing special."

He murmured softly, shaking his head.

This look of disappointment and dissatisfaction in the battle made the people of the Undead Demon Clan angry and their faces turned pale!

However, little did they know that Su Changqing really looked down on them. After all, these guys of the Undead Demon Clan were to be killed! But unexpectedly, these guys were only good-looking but useless!


As Su Changqing's figure appeared, countless onlookers and independent cultivators all stared with wide eyes, because Su Changqing now looked not only unharmed, but also seemed to be still unsatisfied.……


Everyone was swallowing hard, with a look of shock on their faces!

They really didn't expect that

Su Changqing could easily resolve the terrifying attack of the Five Monster Stars!

Moreover, he was not injured at all!

On the contrary... the remaining four of the Five Monster Stars all died!

Before that, they only saw Su Changqing just point a finger, that's all!

"Oh my god!!!"

An unbelievable cry was heard, completely detonating the onlookers!

At this moment, everyone was breathing rapidly, staring blankly at Su Changqing standing in the air with his hands behind his back in the battlefield!

"This is Su Changqing, the third on the Tianjiao list? Too scary, he just moved his fingers and the four saintly Tianjiaos of the demon race were annihilated! ?"

"The strongest part of the Undead Demon Clan is not their bodies, but their souls. However, facing Su Changqing's finger, all their souls were shattered.……"

"This... I had heard before that Su Changqing was the strongest saint son in the history of Daoyi Holy Sect, and I thought it was an exaggeration. Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, I realize that I was too superficial!"

"Su Changqing is so scary. Looking at his current state, he hasn't even used his full strength just now! ?"


The exclamations that could not be stopped came from the mouths of the cultivators one by one, echoing outside the battlefield!

Even the immortal masters could not help but show surprise when they looked at Su Changqing!

There was probably no other saint in the entire Jiuxuantian!!

Even if there was...

I'm afraid there would be only a handful of them!


On the other side, above the sky, everyone in Zixiao Dao Palace was also filled with shock!

"Su Changqing...what kind of monster is this! ?"

"Although I don't want to say it, I'm afraid... I'm afraid he can fight against Daozi with this kind of strength!"

"What a terrifying monster! Could it be that the war between the Great Yu Dynasty and the Undead Demon Clan will change because of him?"

Everyone spoke up, looking at Su Changqing on the battlefield, with more shock in their eyes!

They had already arrived and saw that the Great Yu Dynasty was gradually losing!

But with the arrival of Su Changqing, it seemed that the situation on the battlefield was turning around!


Su Changqing killed five Tianjiao of the Undead Demon Clan without any effort!

Those were five saints, but Su Changqing crushed five God Kings as easily as he did... (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Amid the exclamations and discussions of the crowd,

Wang Ye's originally calm face also showed a solemn look.

"Su Changqing……"

He murmured, his deep eyes flickering slightly!

This guy's strength is indeed extraordinary!

Especially that finger just now, which made him a little afraid!

This was never the case in the past!

This time,

Su Changqing was also the only genius who could surprise him!

Facing the remarks of the Dao Palace disciples,

Wang Ye took a deep breath, his expression became serious, and nodded lightly:"Su Changqing... can indeed fight with me, and can indeed be my opponent!"


"It's impossible for him to change the direction of this war alone. Without other arrangements, there is no way to stop the Undead Demon Clan!"

He made a simple analysis, but his eyes were still fixed on Su Changqing.

What trump card does this guy have?

Or... is the finger that just frightened him the strongest killer move of Su Changqing?

While Wang Ye was thinking, many disciples and elders of Zixiao Dao Palace couldn't help but take a deep breath.


Even Daozi admitted Su Changqing's strength, which inevitably made them gasp!

At the same time, everyone also understood that Su Changqing and those people from Daoyi Shengzong were still unable to end this war!


Everyone in the Beiming Holy Land cried out in surprise, just like everyone else!

Xia Wenzhe, the Holy Lord of Beiming, was also stunned as he looked at Su Changqing, who had just made another move and easily killed the demon cultivator!

"The aura of this kid is indeed that of a sixth-level saint, but... the strength he showed is far more than that of a sixth-level saint!"

He spoke lightly, with doubts between his brows.

What made people most curious was the means he felt Su Changqing used to deal with the huge demon that covered the sky and the sun!

It looked like a finger, but in fact, he could sense that the finger contained a terrifying power that could destroy the world!

Beside him,

Xia Qingxuan was also staring blankly at Su Changqing, who was extremely wanton on the battlefield and easily destroyed a large number of demon cultivators.

"This guy……"

Her heartbeat quickened. She had never expected things to turn out like this!

At first, she was still worried that Su Changqing would have a hard time facing the five saintly geniuses of the demon race, but she had never thought... she was totally overthinking!

Su Changqing was almost not serious, but he could easily kill them!

Such strength made her fearful!

After taking a deep breath,

Xia Qingxuan's beautiful eyes involuntarily revealed a trace of spirit, and she was even more looking forward to it!

"How strong are you...?"

"This time, can you still hold back?!"

She murmured in her heart, and she was no longer as anxious as before, but calmed down a lot.

The strength displayed by Su Changqing seemed that even the Saint Realm could not do anything to him!

At this moment on the battlefield, this man could run rampant!

But suddenly...……

"Look, those... those are the Xiantai realm! ?"

"The Xiantai realm in the demon race is going to attack Su Changqing!!!"

"This time, even if Su Changqing has a protector, if he doesn't have a trump card prepared, he will be in danger, right?!"

There were bursts of exclamations from all around!

Xia Qingxuan was even more stunned, secretly cursing in her heart that he was shameless!

"Dad, we……"

She subconsciously wanted to go over, but a big hand held her shoulder.

Looking back, she saw the Northern Ocean Saint shaking his head. She took a deep breath and gritted her teeth.


On the battlefield,

Su Changqing had just killed several demons.���Monk Wang then turned his head and looked to the right.

He saw... two figures approaching at an incredibly fast speed while teleporting through the air!

Seeing this,

Su Changqing frowned and immediately retreated!

"Xiantai realm?"

He narrowed his eyes, stopped and looked at the two demon race Xiantai strongmen who looked like young men who were not far away!


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