Chapter 79: The war has begun! Is the Great Yu Dynasty actually ready? How is it possible!

The next day, during this period of time, the Great Yu Dynasty has been on close alert!

Just when everyone thought that the arrangement of the Dynasty was a little unnecessary,


In the Divine Dynasty, there was a violent roar from all directions!

For a moment, everyone was stunned and looked around.

"What's going on!?"

"what happened???"

"The sky...changed!!!"

The people of Dayu Divine Dynasty were all shocked, and they all looked up at the sky that was suddenly covered with dark clouds. At this moment, they could feel that the heaven and earth were shaking!

It was also in the countless gazes that countless figures appeared in the void in all directions!

Everyone looked more than just a human, some even had wings, horns, and thick and long tails covered with scales!

When seeing more and more such figures appear in the void, the expressions of the cultivators in Dayu Divine Dynasty all changed drastically!

"Then...are those people from the demon tribe?!"

"What's going on? The Undead Demon Clan? ? Are they going to attack us! ?"

"Aren’t they far away in the Western Desert? When did they come here? What are they going to do?"


No one thought that the Undead Demon Clan had surrounded the Dayu Divine Dynasty!

It looked like a war was about to start!

And... it was still a big war!

Because everyone could feel the amazing aura from the figures that appeared from the Undead Demon Clan!

Among them, there were many demon elders in the Xiantai Realm, and the aura on their bodies shook the world!

The whole sky was eclipsed!

It was like the end of the world!

It was at this moment, accompanied by the violent explosions from 930 heaven and earth...

In the void, an amazing crack appeared in the void in front of the demon army, and people from the demon clan kept walking out!

As the number of demons increased, the surroundings of the Dayu Divine Dynasty were filled with dense crowds of demons!

Until the end...

As the patriarch of the Undead Demon Clan, Xiang Jun, who was at the peak of the fifth level of the Supreme Heaven, stepped out of the void!


His appearance made the whole sky even darker!

The space around him was distorted!

The terrifying Supreme Lord enveloped the entire Dayu Divine Dynasty!

Listening to the endless exclamations below,

Xiang Jun's strange pupils flashed with an astonishing light!

"The Dayu Divine Dynasty... will be destroyed today!"

"In this battle, the Undead Demon Clan will gain a foothold in Zhongzhou!"

He spoke slowly, his voice was like rolling thunder, making the roar between heaven and earth more intense! In less than two days, the Undead Demon Clan arrived at the Dayu Divine Dynasty, infiltrated, and arranged a teleportation formation!

Now, everything is ready!

Then the next step is to implement the plan and raid the Dayu Divine Dynasty!! Now the initiative is in the hands of the demon clan. The Dayu Divine Dynasty may not know that the Undead Demon Clan will attack them, and it will certainly not be able to deal with it calmly. It will be easy to take it down!

Just thinking of this,

Xiang Jun showed a sneer, as if the Dayu Divine Dynasty was already in his pocket!

But just as he was about to give orders……

""The Immortal Demon Race!!!"

A roar came from the center of the Divine Dynasty! The sky and the earth exploded!

The sky was filled with demonic energy and dark clouds, but at this moment, it was as if a pair of invisible hands pushed it away!

Then, another supreme aura descended, confronting Xiang Jun invisibly!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!……"

Just an invisible confrontation made the whole sky shake and explode!

The many monks and people of Dayu Divine Dynasty who were originally terrified were no longer as afraid as before!

""Your Majesty the Human Emperor!!!"

They were excited. With His Majesty the Human Emperor here, the Dayu Divine Dynasty would be fine!

But... the demons were clearly coming in force this time, and a war was inevitable!

In the eyes of countless people, a figure quietly appeared from the void, and the supreme pressure was raging, as if roaring!

As soon as Su Qingyun appeared, he glanced coldly at the demons scattered around the Divine Dynasty!

"Undead demon clan, are you guys… going to go to war with Dayu Divine Dynasty! ?"

Finally, with anger on his face, he set his eyes on Xiang Jun.

Sure enough… the Undead demon clan really came!

And beside Su Qingyun, Black Crow and several immortal masters of Dayu Divine Dynasty also slowly walked out of the void!

They didn't look at other people, but locked their eyes on the powerful ones in the demon clan who were also in the immortal realm!

Su Youwei was also among them, feeling uneasy!

"Everything Su Changqing said in his diary is correct!"

"Even if it was the day when the immortal demons were going to make their move, it was correct!!"

Her heartbeat quickened. It had been exactly two months since Su Changqing revealed his intentions!

It couldn't be more accurate!!!

So... did Su Changqing come?

Su Youwei thought of this and her eyes could not help but glance at the Divine Dynasty below.

"I haven't seen him.……"

But after she reacted, she sighed.

It has been several days since Su Changqing updated his diary, and I don’t know what’s going on now.

But now, the Undead Demon Clan has secretly made preparations to surround the entire Dayu Divine Dynasty!

The next war is inevitable!


Seeing Su Qingyun's angry expression,

Xiang Jun narrowed his eyes and continued to compete with him in secret!

"This battle will be the first battle of the Undead Demon Clan after they end their seclusion from the world. In this battle, the Undead Demon Clan will gain a foothold in Zhongzhou!"

"No matter who is in the dark, anyone who helps the Dayu Divine Dynasty will be regarded as the mortal enemy of the Undead Demon Clan!!!"

He ignored Su Qingyun and spoke in a deep voice! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

His words were full of warning!

Without any hesitation...

Xiang Jun looked at Su Qingyun and others opposite him again, his eyes full of indifference!

""This battle will destroy the Dayu Dynasty!!!"

He spoke coldly, full of confidence!

The Undead Demon Clan secretly surrounded the Dayu Dynasty, and as early as a few days ago, he had already infiltrated some of the main forces into the Dayu Dynasty!

Once the war started, the Dayu Dynasty would definitely not be able to cope!

Then what awaited them was only destruction!

So there was no direct declaration of war, completely out of the desire to fight quickly!

Although there would inevitably be casualties, (afbh) it would not be as tragic as a direct declaration of war!

As one of the top forces in Zhongzhou and even Jiuxuantian, the Dayu Dynasty was well prepared, even if the Undead Demon Clan could overthrow it, it would not be easy!

It was also under the signal of Xiang Jun's eyes...

The cultivation of the elders of the demon clan burst out, and the earth-shaking Xiantai realm aura surged, and the terrifying demonic aura covered the entire Dayu Dynasty!


They shouted almost in unison!

In an instant, the overwhelming demons all burst into action, wreaking havoc in the Divine Dynasty and killing people!

Especially inside the Divine Dynasty, among the many people of the Divine Dynasty……

"Puff! Puff!……"

The demons who infiltrated the city immediately took off their disguises!

They did not spare even the common people!

Instantly, screams rang out one after another!

Seeing the undead demons suddenly attack... the expressions of the immortals in the Divine Dynasty changed. They did not expect that the other party would kill so many people!

""Looking for death!!!"

They all turned cold, and the void trembled when they raised their hands!

In an instant... the demon cultivators who were still slaughtering the people exploded and died one after another!

Xiantai Realm, invincible under the Supreme!

And those demon cultivators who were the main force of the God King, even the Saint Realm, could not withstand the terrifying Xiantai pressure!

But before the several Xiantai masters of the Dayu Divine Dynasty could completely suppress those demon cultivators who were slaughtering,

"Boom! Boom!……"

The several immortal realms of the demon race did not stand idly by and rushed towards them!

In an instant, as the immortal realm of the Dayu Divine Dynasty was restrained, the cultivators of the Undead Demon Race were no longer a threat and slaughtered again!

Seeing this scene,

Xiang Jun did not take action, but only stared at Su Qingyun, who looked angry. As long as the other party took action, he would take action to restrain him!


But soon, he realized that although the other party was angry, there was a frightening sneer on the corner of his mouth!

Something was wrong!

But, before Xiang Jun could think too much...

Su Qingyun tried his best to restrain the anger in his heart, and glanced at the demon cultivators who were fighting with an extremely cold gaze!

"Undead demon clan, very good……"

"Tianwu Army!"

"Bloody Army!"

"Refining the God Army!"


He shouted fiercely, and a strong wind blew, and the whole sky seemed to be shaking!


""Tianwu Army, meet the enemy!!!"

A roar that seemed to contain the anger of countless people came from the north of Dayu Divine Dynasty! The expressions of the demons changed, and they all turned their heads to look!

They saw... an overwhelming, dark and terrifying army coming with a monstrous momentum!

Every soldier was wearing golden armor, showing a murderous intention!

The void was turbulent, and the roar was endless!

This group of troops,���A rough estimate is that there are at least millions!!!

The demon cultivators who were still slaughtering wantonly saw this scene and their expressions changed!

"What's going on!?"

They were stunned. Could it be that Dayu Divine Dynasty had been prepared for this?

But the next second...……

""The God-Refining Army, meet us!!!"

Another earth-shattering roar came from the southeast!

Xiang Jun and the others were startled and looked over immediately!


When they saw another huge army of millions of people appearing in the air, almost covering the sky, their pupils shrank!

In this army, no one was lower than the God King Realm!!!

They were dressed in silver armor like heavenly generals!

The fierce murderous aura emanating from their eyes made their hearts tremble!

The whole world was roaring, as if it was about to collapse completely!

At this moment,

"Bloody Evil Army... meet the challenge!!!"

A deep voice that sounded like it came from the Nine Nether Hell came from another direction again!

As many eyes looked over, another army of one million stepped out of the void, in neat formation, with evil spirits on their bodies that shook the entire sky!

And unlike everyone else, they were wearing extremely hideous blood-colored armor!

If you look closely... that was not the original color of the armor, but was dyed with endless blood. Around these people, it was more like the souls of countless dead people were roaring!

The terrifying evil spirit swept across the world, causing the demon cultivators and even Xiang Jun to tremble in their hearts!

What's going on??

The Dayu Divine Dynasty... had been prepared for a long time!?

How is this possible!?


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