Chapter 76: Su Changqing goes to Zhongzhou, Xia Qingxuan is in a dilemma, should he go with her?!

In the various deductions,

Xia Qingxuan only felt a little powerless. If a war breaks out, Dayu Divine Dynasty will surely be in great trouble.

"Su Changqing... is he going to make a move?"

She muttered to herself, and she couldn't help but look forward to it.

According to the last content in Su Changqing's diary, he would not stay in the Southern Region and would go to Zhongzhou.

Then, will she see Su Changqing again?

How should she thank him then?

At least, she couldn't let him know that she had a copy of the diary.

Just thinking about this,

Xia Qingxuan's heartbeat accelerated, and she was a little nervous.

"If Su Changqing would help, then... could the situation be reversed?"

She took a deep breath and still felt that if the Great Yu Dynasty went to war with the Undead Demon Clan, the former would have little chance of winning.

Even though the Undead Demon Clan had been in seclusion for many years, the other party's foundation was real!

Once it was a life-and-death fight, how would the Great Yu Dynasty respond?

In the end,

Xia Qingxuan only felt a little headache and shook her head.

"If this time, it will be the same as what Su Changqing revealed in his diary……"

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she no longer struggled.

If this was still the same as Su Changqing said, she had no other reason not to believe it.

In the future, maybe she and Su Changqing would really be close comrades-in-arms, and face the enemies of the heavens together!

But... in Su Changqing's memory, she had already died in the battle of the heavens.

Thinking of this,

Xia Qingxuan's expression suddenly became firm, knowing that it was not only Su Changqing who wanted to change, but she also wanted to change the future!

"If we face the dark turmoil together, won’t we… not fail! ?"

She thought of the final dark turmoil, that terrifying era, and couldn’t help but mutter to herself.

But she also knew very well that if she wanted to change, she had to become stronger!

At least… to surpass Su Changqing’s previous life!

Just as Xia Qingxuan was thinking about continuing to practice in seclusion during the next period of time,


Xia Yilin's voice came from outside the room.

Hearing the noise,

Xia Qingxuan put away her thoughts and returned to normal.

"Come in. As soon as she finished speaking, the door of the room was opened. Xia Yilin ran in excitedly and looked up and down at Xia Qingxuan in front of him.

"Sister, you have made another breakthrough? ?"

"I never thought that the innate supreme essence in that supreme secret realm would be taken by you!"

"Dad said, if there are no accidents, I'm afraid it won't take three hundred years for you to become the Supreme!"

He chuckled, looking excited.

Hearing this,

Xia Qingxuan rolled her eyes and said unhappily:"If you have something to say, just say it. If you have to fart, just fart!"

""Oh, sister, look at you, when are we going to the Southern Region again?"

Xia Yilin blinked and asked eagerly.

Since he came back, he has been practicing hard.

Now his cultivation has reached the fourth level of Saint!

Especially with the blessing of the skills sent by Su Changqing, he now has the confidence to continue to challenge Su Changqing, who is ranked third on the Tianjiao List!

Xia Qingxuan frowned and snorted coldly:"You want to challenge Su Changqing again! ?"

"Yes, now I have the confidence to defeat him and become invincible!"

"Are you confident? You are improving, but others are not? I heard that Su Changqing's current cultivation is already at the sixth level of the Saint Realm!"

"??? No way? No no no, so what if he is a sixth level saint? I will definitely defeat him this time!"

Xia Yilin was startled, but he quickly spoke seriously.

Seeing this,

Xia Qingxuan narrowed his eyes, and then used his cultivation to slap Xia Yilin!

""Sister, what are you doing? ? ?"

Xia Yilin's face changed, and he responded hurriedly, bumping into someone and retreating!

Feeling the pain on his hands, he grimaced and shook his hands.

What's going on with his sister

? Why did she suddenly attack him?

Xia Qingxuan glared at Xia Yilin and scolded him,"You can't even deal with me, how can you challenge Su Changqing? What are you going to use to defeat him?!"

"Even I don't dare to say that I can defeat him. Why don't you practice well and think about challenging others all day long?"

"Maybe you will fight side by side in the future. What's the point of being his enemy?"

She was quite troubled by this brother. Just as Su Changqing said, he was stubborn!

At the end, she couldn't help but think of Su Changqing's diary about the future.


Xia Yilin listened to what Xia Qingxuan said, his face was dull.

"Sister, you……"

He opened his mouth, his head was about to explode.

What’s wrong with my elder sister?

Ever since she came back from a trip to the Southern Region, she has changed completely!

I said something about Su Changqing and was scolded.

I wanted to challenge Su Changqing, but was also scolded!

My elder sister even said some incomprehensible words, such as now, I will fight side by side with Su Changqing in the future?

It seems that Su Changqing has said this before?

What is going on? ? ?

Looking at the confused Xia Yilin,

Xia Qingxuan didn’t want to talk too much, shook his head, and said:"Okay, if you have nothing to do, go back and practice well!"

"With your current strength, you can never be a match for Su Changqing!"

"If you really want to defeat him, first of all, calm down and practice, and secondly... don't keep talking about being invincible all the time!"

"I... this... but I just want……"

Xia Yilin wanted to say something, but when he saw Xia Qingxuan glaring at him, he quickly shut up.


I'm impressed!

How could my elder sister speak to Su Changqing, an outsider?

She has no confidence in her own brother...

Not daring to say anything more,

Xia Yilin could only curl his lips and turn away.

Looking at her brother's back as he left,

Xia Qingxuan snorted coldly,"Close the door."

When she saw Xia Yilin close the door and leave, her expression revealed a complicated look.

If it is true as Su Changqing said, Zhongzhou is about to be hit by a storm!

Who will be better, the Dayu Divine Dynasty or the Undead Demon Clan?

What will be the ending?

Su Changqing should be on his way to Zhongzhou now, right?

After a moment,

Xia Qingxuan didn't think too much about it, and put aside her thoughts to continue refining the innate supreme spirit!

"No matter what, first improve yourself, and then take it one step at a time.……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She took a deep breath and continued to refine the innate supreme spirit.


At the same time, hundreds of thousands of miles away from Daoyi Holy Sect, a huge teleportation array was shining brightly and vibrating.

When the light faded,

Su Changqing appeared, looking towards Zhongzhou.

"There are still ten days to go.……"

He muttered with a smile on his face.

The Undead Demon Clan would attack the Dayu Dynasty and start a war. This was not in the original text!

It was just that because of the number of times he made up the incident, the development of the Undead Demon Clan was changed!

That is to say, one month later, the Undead Demon Clan will really attack the Dayu Dynasty!

As for why he made up this matter, the main reason was not to get rid of the Undead Demon Clan, but to make every diary copy holder completely believe what he revealed or made up in the diary!

Especially the little Lolita of the Dayu Dynasty!

This matter was specially made up for that little Lolita!

It was to make Su Youwei's trust value reach the level of extreme trust!

At the same time, it was also to win over some forces in advance!

As long as the Undead Demon Clan completely went to war with the Dayu Dynasty, he would end this war, and the Dayu Dynasty would owe him a favor!

Destroying the Undead Demon Clan was the worst reason!

Thinking of this,

Su Changqing continued to make up something in his diary......

【The letter was sent to Dayu Divine Dynasty a month ago. By now, Youwei should have received it, right?】

【I hope the Dayu Divine Dynasty can be prepared before the Undead Demon Clan takes action, otherwise, this battle will not be easy!】

【At the moment, it should take another month to reach Zhongzhou. By then... the war may have already begun!】

【In the previous life, because he had not yet met Youwei, he did not think that the Undead Demon Clan could cause a big wave. However, he never thought that it was precisely because of this that a hidden danger was left that almost destroyed Jiuxuantian in the War of the Heavens!】

【In this life, since I can't let go, then... try my best to change it!】

【I hope... everything will be in time, and everything... will leave no regrets! 】

After he finished writing this diary, he had expectations in his eyes!

And this time, he will be the real Qing Mo in this war, and he will use this opportunity to completely appear in front of the world!

Tell the world that the Son of Daoyi has entered the world!

It can be said that it is the layout and paving the way for a series of things to come!

Without staying too long,

Su Changqing continued to the next teleportation array

"The Undead Demon Clan must have reached the halfway point now, right?"

His eyes flashed.���, a smile slightly raised his lips.

Although Jiuxuan 5.7 days is very small among all the heavens, it is only for all the heavens.

From the South Region to Zhongzhou, even for a saint, it would take nearly a month to cross without the help of a teleportation array!

It would be faster if a teleportation array was used, but it would take more than half a month at the fastest!

A large teleportation array like this requires top-grade spirit stones.

What Su Changqing lacked the most was top-grade spirit stones. When he arrived at the next teleportation array, he casually took out a handful of top-grade spirit stones and teleported again.


It was at this time that the Dayu Divine Dynasty.

Su Youwei was still waiting for news from her father, and had no intention of continuing to practice.

"Why isn't it updated?"

She muttered, not being able to sense the update of the diary copy.

Logically, Su Changqing should be on his way.

It's unknown when he will arrive.

According to the information revealed in Su Changqing's diary, the Undead Demon Clan will attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty in more than a month!

It was at this time that the diary copy responded and slowly appeared in front of him!


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