Chapter 72: The Immortal Demon Clan migrates, targeting the Great Xia Dynasty? The first fabricated event!

【Since the current location of the demon tribe in the Western Desert will face a huge natural disaster in a few days, the Undead Demon Tribe will migrate to Zhongzhou during this period. During this period, they have the intention to attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty and want to destroy it in one fell swoop. The purpose is to gain a foothold as soon as possible and have a place in Zhongzhou!】

【If it is the same as last time, then the battle between the Dayu Divine Dynasty and the Immortal Demon Clan will end in a miserable defeat!】

【And this is also a major war that the Dayu Divine Dynasty will face before the war of collapse comes!】

【This battle almost destroyed the entire dynasty, but fortunately the Human Emperor and the Princess escaped and did not fall into the hands of the Undead Demon Clan!】

【Otherwise, the Dayu Divine Dynasty would probably be completely destroyed! 】

Su Changqing used the number of times he fabricated the incident in the Undead Demon Clan

"Next, just wait and see the show……"

He muttered to himself, not worrying about what will happen next.

Anyway, the Undead Demon Clan will develop in the direction he made up, so he can prepare for the future in advance. Anyway, in the original work, the existence of the Undead Demon Clan is completely unnecessary.

It's just a stupid ancient tribe written by the author to make the male protagonist show off.


In another room,

Murong Dieyi's aura was more refined than before. He opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

"It seems that practicing in Daoyi Shengzong is also a good thing."

She muttered, and felt a wave of envy in her heart.

Because the spiritual energy on Shengzi Peak is much more pure and rich than other places!

And this place of practice that countless cultivators dream of, Su Changqing can easily have.

It can almost be said that he can enjoy the resources of the entire Daoyi Shengzong!

Just thinking about it makes people grit their teeth!

But after finishing the practice,

Murong Dieyi didn't know what to do next, and was bored.

"I don't want to take the initiative to look for him again!"

She hummed in her heart, obviously having made up her mind.

She had gone there several times before, but Su Changqing was either writing a diary or thinking about other women!

This guy is really annoying!

But soon, the updated content of the diary copy appeared in front of her.

After Murong Dieyi looked carefully and read the updated content, her eyes widened suddenly!

"Not only Xiang Yuan, not the demon race... will become traitors to Jiuxuantian in the future! ?"

"They will be migrating soon, moving the entire demon tribe to Zhongzhou, and also attacking the Dayu Dynasty? ? ?"

She was trembling in her heart at the news revealed by Su Changqing.

The Undead Demon Tribe is so bold?

Or should I say so confident!?

It takes at least half a month to reach Zhongzhou from the Western Desert!

But they are still thinking about attacking the Dayu Dynasty and destroying it!

The most outrageous thing... is what Su Changqing revealed in his diary, the Undead Demon Tribe finally succeeded!!

After the success, the Human Emperor and Princess of the Dayu Dynasty had to flee!

This development of the matter made Murong Dieyi feel confused, but she could not guess the Undead Demon Tribe's operation.

Shouldn't they act low-key? As a result, they just arrived and wanted to snatch the position of the old dynasty in Zhongzhou!?

Oh my God!!!


At this moment, in Zhongzhou.

In the Beiming Holy Land,

Xia Qingxuan had returned to the Holy Land safely, and was overjoyed.

"I didn't expect that the Supreme Innate Spirit could be obtained so quickly.……"

"But all this is thanks to Su Changqing!"

She was staying in the room, sensing the changes in her body with a burning gaze.

Since absorbing the innate supreme soul essence, the whole person seemed to be much more relaxed, and the spiritual power in the body felt inexhaustible.

Once the soul essence is completely absorbed and refined, she may be able to impact the eighth level of the saint or even the great perfection in one fell swoop!

The figure of Su Changqing appeared in her mind, and

Xia Qingxuan revealed a touch of gratitude in her eyes, and decided to find time to visit him.

"The innate supreme essence that so many saints are jealous of and fighting for is now in my hands.……"

"As for that Lin Fan? If nothing unexpected happened, the old man in his ring should have suffered too much damage. If it happens again, it will be his death!"

There was a flash of murderous intent in her eyes, and she snorted coldly.

If it wasn't for the fact that she wanted to leave as soon as possible, she wouldn't have let Lin Fan go so easily!

Before Xia Qingxuan could think too much,

"Updated! ?"

She sensed the update of the diary copy and checked it immediately.

When she saw the content updated by Su Changqing, she trembled suddenly!

The Undead Demon Clan would be the traitor of Jiuxuantian?

Even... in two months, they would attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty!?

And destroy it?!

What's going on???

Why does it feel a little unlikely? Is what Su Changqing recorded now true?

The Dayu Divine Dynasty was defeated, and the Emperor and the Princess had to flee?

Is this the good thing done by the Undead Demon Clan?

Xia Qingxuan thought about it in her mind, but she still didn't dare to believe it.

"This is impossible! ?"

She was full of surprise, not understanding why Su Changqing's last memory was like this.

Logically speaking, how could the immortal demon tribe far away in the Western Desert be the opponent of the Dayu Divine Dynasty?

Strange, too strange!

Everything in Su Changqing's diary now seemed to be unexpected!

Could something like this really happen!?


At this moment, in the imperial palace of

Dayu Dynasty , Su Youwei has already entered the realm of God King, and has become more and more proficient in controlling the power of the Divine Phoenix in her body!

"Soon, I will be able to come to you in person, Su Changqing!"

She showed a sly smile on her face, and her heart was even more urgent.

If she could meet Su Changqing, would it be possible to attract his attention?

After all, this guy has mentioned her less and less in recent times.

Instead, he is quite concerned about other women.

Especially when the secret realm was born before, Su Changqing did not consider herself first, but wanted to write a letter to Xia Qingxuan.

Now, the innate supreme essence is probably in the hands of the other party.

In this way,

I have to work harder in my cultivation, otherwise I will fall behind too much!

Just thinking about it, Su Youwei felt a headache

"But... it's so boring to practice all the time……"

She held her chin helplessly, feeling aggrieved.

If her cultivation level was higher at that time, she might have been able to snatch the innate supreme spirit.

When Su Youwei was feeling depressed, the update of the diary copy cheered her up.

"This guy updated again, what did he update this time?"

She checked it immediately, but the more she read, the more strange his expression became.

Until the end, she was shocked! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Undead Demon Clan will migrate to Zhongzhou and attack the Dayu Dynasty!?

What's going on!?

Especially at the end...

The Undead Demon Clan will beat the Dayu Dynasty to pieces, and my father and I will have to escape!?

Su Youwei was extremely shocked by what was written in Su Changqing's diary, and her mind was blank!

"How could it be? ? ?"

She couldn't believe it, but she thought that Su Changqing had not written anything in his diary for such a long time.

What he wrote had already been proven to be true!

So now... two months later, the Undead Demon Clan will attack the Dayu Divine Dynasty?

By then, a war will break out between the two sides!?

The chaotic world has really begun!!!


In the shock of all the diary holders, in the West Desert, the residence of the Undead Demon Clan!

In this desolate demon city filled with demonic energy...

Almost at the moment when Su Changqing's diary was updated, all the people of the Undead Demon Clan trembled, as if they had felt a connection with something!

But this feeling was also fleeting, so not many people in the Demon Clan took it to heart.

It was also at this time, in the center of the Demon City, in the Demon Clan's ancestral hall.

The clan leader Xiang Jun now had an ugly face, and his eyes revealed anger!

"Yuan'er, don't worry.……"

"As for that Su Changqing, I will kill him with my own hands and use his head to sacrifice to you!"

"This hatred is irreconcilable!!!"

"No matter how Daoyi Shengzong protects Su Changqing, he must die!!"

His voice was extremely low at this moment, and his body was shaking uncontrollably!

He couldn't hide his anger at the moment!

Since the last confrontation with Daoyi Shengzhu,

Xiang Jun has been thinking about going to war with Daoyi Shengzong, but was stopped by several other elders of the demon clan.

"My son has the blood of the Demon King in his body. If nothing unexpected happens, he will become the person who leads the demon race to revive. But now he has died at the hands of Su Changqing!"

"No matter what your opinions are, at worst I won’t be the chief of the demon clan. Su Changqing… must be killed, even if it means going to war with Daoyi Holy Sect! ?"

He glanced at the demon clan leaders present and said it in a decisive tone!

After the words fell, everyone could only nod silently.

Soon, everyone's body trembled, and a trace of confusion flashed across their faces.

When they recovered, no one could notice.


Xiang Jun took a deep breath and said with a sullen face:"Now is not the time to tear our faces with Daoyi Holy Sect!"

"The biggest sandstorm in hundreds of thousands of years is about to come, and now the demon tribe must migrate!"

""Let's go to Zhongzhou, leave the Western Desert and head to Zhongzhou!"

He spoke slowly, and after seeing everyone else nod

, an idea suddenly occurred to his mind.

Under the gaze of everyone,

Xiang Jun frowned, and then continued:"When we get to Zhongzhou, what we have to do is to gain a firm foothold, so... I decided to take action against the Dayu Divine Dynasty at that time!"

"If they can destroy it, then the demon race can take its place. After destroying the Dayu Divine Dynasty and gaining a firm foothold, they can kill Su Changqing!!!"

He spoke coldly, and the void around him was trembling and roaring!

Others felt the supreme aura emanating from Xiang Jun, and nodded in agreement almost at the same time.

Perhaps they didn't know what was going on.


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