Chapter 7: Spoiler of the future, point out the problem of the Saint Princess!

At this time,

Su Youwei was struck by lightning and stood there in a daze


"Phoenix Mark? Phoenix Power? He...he said……"

She couldn't help but look at the bronze mirror beside her, and raised her hand to touch the red mark on her forehead.

This... is this the mark of the Divine Phoenix! ?

But why didn't my father mention it to me?

If the diary is fake, and Su Changqing has never seen me, how could he know that there is a mark on my forehead and clearly say it! ?

In an instant,

Su Youwei felt dizzy and her chest was heaving.

"Am I really Su Changqing's Taoist partner? And the mark he mentioned... is really the Divine Phoenix Mark?!"

She didn't think about how to get involved in the gossip between Su Changqing and Ling Qianxue. Now her heart was in turmoil.

If what Su Changqing said was true, then she……

【Unfortunately, Su Youwei, this little loli, was unable to withstand the amazing power of the Phoenix, so this power was sealed by the Human Emperor of the Dayu Dynasty, and no one was allowed to mention it. She has been struggling to find a solution.】

【If I remember correctly, Su Youwei doesn't know yet how powerful she will be after awakening. The Human Emperor will tell her ten years later!】

【It was also on that day ten years later that Su Youwei and I expressed our feelings to each other and we got together. On the wedding day, powerful people from the Nine Profound Heaven gathered in large numbers and came to the Daoyi Holy Sect to send their blessings. Thinking about it now, I still feel moved by the grand ceremony.】

【But this little Loli is quite clingy. After getting married, she is inseparable from me. She goes wherever I go. Fortunately, Qianxue and Youwei are not too hostile. Except for the dislike between them at the beginning, their life afterwards became much sweeter. It is really nostalgic.】

【Now, the little girl should still think that she has a bad constitution and is weak, right?】

【In fact, this is entirely because the power of the Phoenix was sealed by the Human Emperor, and the little Loli has not been able to awaken it. She only needs to find the Nirvana Pill and take it, and then she can awaken the power of the Phoenix. Then take any pill that can nourish the body for a few days, and she will be reborn from the ashes! 】

After the content of the diary was updated,

Su Youwei was even more surprised, and her big and bright eyes opened even wider.

"What!? I…I took the initiative to express my feelings to Su Changqing, and my father betrothed me to him?!"

"Hmm! ?"

But before she could say anything with her face flushed, she saw the more shocking content behind! She had the power of the Phoenix in her body!?

Because she couldn't bear it, her father sealed it when she was born. Now it has not awakened yet, which is the fundamental reason for her weak body!?


What is going on???

Is everything in Su Changqing's diary true!?


【Apart from the little loli Su Youwei, Ling Qianxue's situation isn't much better at this point in time, right?】

【At the moment, she is definitely unable to make any progress in her cultivation, and she cannot find out the specific reason. Although her previous cultivation was very smooth, if she continues to practice, she will inevitably suffer from the backlash of the cold and fail!】

【The biggest reason for this is that her skills are incomplete. Since she possesses the Ice Soul Holy Body, she can create her own skills after growing up. However, the skills she is currently practicing are incomplete, making it difficult for her to make progress!】

【Back then, Ling Qianxue had no clue, so her cultivation regressed. If she had known earlier that her skills were incomplete, she would need to find the inconspicuous Xuanyin Jue on the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion, practice it, and harmonize the accumulated coldness in her body. Only in this way could she successfully break through the seventh level of the Divine King!】

【Now that I'm reborn, I don't have to think about those things, and it feels quite relaxing!】

【Let's just live well in this life……】

【Looking back now, it is also surprising that after having Qianxue and Youwei as my Taoist companions, I will have a third Taoist companion!】

【The witch of the Youhai Demon Sect...Murong Dieyi!】

【The relationship between us is quite magical. It can almost be said that we got to know each other through fighting. We were rivals in the early stage, but later on we were able to come together inexplicably!】

【Now thinking about it, that time was happy. I haven't been to Youhai for thousands of years.……】

【Murong Dieyi is currently the Saint of the Demon Sect, and is even called a witch by her own sect. In fact, she is not that scary. Only after a deep contact can one clearly understand her character. 】

At this time, on the Saint Peak of Taiyi Sect.

Ling Qianxue originally wanted to see what happened to her, but she never expected to see another person's name.

"Su Youwei? The princess of the Dayu Dynasty... and also Su Changqing's Taoist partner! ?"

"I...I'm still sharing a room with her! ?"

"No, no, is this really my future self???"

She looked at the contents of the diary and suddenly felt dizzy.

Especially after seeing Su Changqing say that Princess Dayu had the mark of the Divine Phoenix and contained the power of the Divine Phoenix, she was even more shocked! From this point of view, Su Changqing didn't seem to be talking nonsense!

The other party could also clearly describe the current problems of Princess Dayu's body, and there was such a detailed solution!

Ling Qianxue couldn't help but look dazed, and murmured:"Is this... true?"

"Both Su Youwei and I are Su Changqing's Taoist partner?"

"Hmm!! ?"

Just as she was lost in thought, she saw that the diary mentioned her again!

The technique was incomplete, and further practice would fail?

The third floor of the Sutra Library, the Xuanyin Jue?

These... were talking about her current situation!?

How did Su Changqing know that her current cultivation was difficult to improve, and even gave a solution!?

Could it be that this guy was secretly observing her?

Otherwise... there was only one possibility!

Everything written in Su Changqing's diary... was true!!!

At this point,

Ling Qianxue's thoughts were already extremely complicated, and she didn't know how to sort them out!

"I do not believe……"

Finally, she took a deep breath, her body filled with chills, and began to use her internal energy to verify the contents of the diary she had seen!

Not finding anything unusual, she couldn't help but snort coldly. Sure enough

, Su Changqing was talking nonsense in the diary!

But the next second...

Ling Qianxue trembled all over, and her face changed drastically!


She felt an astonishing chill rushing towards her dantian, and spat out a mouthful of blood covered in frost!

This, the backlash of the chill...

How could this happen! ?

She really suffered a backlash just as Su Changqing said!!!

In an instant,

Ling Qianxue's chest rose and fell, and her entire face turned pale!

"Scripture Pavilion...Xuan Yin Jue……"

She immediately thought of what she had seen before, and headed straight for the Sutra Library!

What Su Changqing said was true, it was actually true!!!

…… ps:

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