Chapter 68: Xia Qingxuan's scalp tingled. Is this Su Changqing? It's too amazing!

With the opening of the secret realm, more and more people are pouring into it, but most of them have lost their lives.

At this time,

Lin Fan, under the guidance of the old man, avoided many dangers.

""Old Yu, I feel that those people can't compete with me for the Supreme Innate Spirit."

He muttered happily as he listened to the screams and the terrifying roars of the beasts behind him.

Judging from the current situation, he didn't need to worry too much.

However, at this time,

Old Yu's face twitched when he heard this.

"Hurry up and get the Supreme Innate Soul Essence before everyone else!"

He was very anxious. After all, even if he got the Supreme Innate Soul Essence, he would not be safe.

Because by then, Lin Fan would surely become the target of public criticism!

It seemed that he had to take action again this time!

But for the Supreme Innate Soul Essence, it was nothing.

At least by then he could absorb Lin Fan's energy to restore himself, and he would probably be close to rebuilding his body!

At this moment,

Lin Fan's face changed, and then he turned around and saw several figures approaching him quickly!

"Huh! Someone is catching up so soon! ?"

He felt the breath of several people and was immediately shocked.

Three people!


Yu Lao in the ring spoke:"Get out of the way, let them go first."


Lin Fan grinned and stood up.

The three Saint Realm masters saw that Lin Fan was only in the Myriad Realm, so they didn't care too much.

"I didn't expect that this Wanxiang Realm kid was so lucky that he could get here so quickly."

"The innate supreme spirit is mine!!!"

"You can get it first!"

They didn't stay for too long, just took a glance and quickly headed towards the depths!

Seeing this scene,

Lin Fan grinned and hurried on his way again.

"This is the first time I've seen someone so eager to die.……"

He murmured quietly, without any worry.

After all, it would be a miracle if the innate supreme essence could be obtained so easily.

And those saintly strong men in front of him, if nothing unexpected happened, would all perish!

After all, not everyone is like him, with the help of Old Yu.

Before Lin Fan could walk far, several figures rushed in front of him like ghosts!

"Damn it, luckily I didn’t take the other two passages, those people…are all dead!!"

"Now it seems that the innate supreme essence is at the end of this passage!"

"Humph, what does it matter if you know? It’s only real if you can get it!"

"Let's see who can win the Supreme Innate Spirit!"

A burst of discussion came from the front, even accompanied by a roar.

Obviously, someone took action.

Or... these people triggered the formation or mechanism!

Lin Fan was a little nervous at first, but when he saw that no one was paying attention to him, he felt relieved.

"Mr. Yu, I’m afraid these people won’t live long, right?"

"Well, but you still have to hurry up to prevent someone from finding the Supreme Essence!"

A voice came from the ring, urging.

Lin Fan was no longer just focused on searching for treasures like before. His storage bags were already full of

"No problem!"

He smiled and quickened his pace!


At the same time, in front of them

, according to what was revealed in Su Changqing's diary, Xia Qingxuan had just avoided an extremely dangerous killing array. It was said that if an immortal entered, he would lose a layer of skin even if he didn't die!

"What a close call!"

Her eyes flickered, and she felt scared.

If Su Changqing hadn't revealed it in his diary, she might not have come here now!

It was at this moment,


A huge roar and whistling sound came from behind.

Hearing the noise,

Xia Qingxuan's expression changed, and then turned around

"Someone is following us?"

She was surprised, but after realizing that those auras were all saints' auras, she stopped worrying about it.

How many people who can cultivate to the saint level are fools?

The other two passages were obviously dangerous, so their goal was naturally the passage they were walking on.

The violent roar and screams also confirmed that some of the taboos and formations revealed in Su Changqing's diary had been triggered!

At this time, several saints who were obviously in a very embarrassed state in the back also saw Xia Qingxuan.

"Bei Ming Saint? I didn't expect her to arrive here so soon!!"

"Look, come she is fine?!"

"Really, it must be the Northern Sea Saint who gave her the amulet, right?"

They were surprised to see someone in front of them, but when they saw it was Xia Qingxuan, they were relieved.

After all, as the Northern Sea Saint, how could she not have this little strength?

But seeing that she was safe and sound, they were still a little unbalanced. Before coming here, they had experienced many dangers!

After hearing the discussion of several people,

Xia Qingxuan ignored them and continued to move deeper. When others saw Xia Qingxuan walking and stopping, it seemed that she had avoided all dangers, and their pupils shrank.

"Could it be that she knows how to get out?"

When they saw this, they took a deep breath.

Without any hesitation, they continued to move forward along the path Xia Qingxuan had walked through!

Having come this far, they were unwilling to give up even if there was still great terror ahead.

But before they had taken a few steps...……


The entire passageway shook, and cracks appeared on the ground!

Several people's faces changed drastically!

""Not good!!!"

They cried out in shock, but the next second they were enveloped by a red mist!

Then, several saintly warriors had fierce eyes, but their gazes were empty.

"Puff! Puff!……"

They even disregarded everything and immediately attacked the others!

The people in the back who were not so impatient saw this scene and their eyes froze!

"This... Why is the Saint of Bei Ming okay?!"

"That's not right!!!"

"Damn... Why on earth is this happening!?"

More and more people arrived here, their faces pale and terrified! (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Any formations and mechanisms in this secret realm are likely to kill them!

Even if they are in the realm of saints, they are bound to make mistakes!

But, those few people before clearly followed the path of the Saint of Beiming, but why were they fine, but the people behind them got into trouble?

And then,

Xia Qingxuan turned around and disappeared at the corner of the passage. After waiting for a long time, there was still no movement.

The people present looked at each other with a horrified expression.

"what's the situation???"

"Could it be that... the formations and mechanisms inside are triggered randomly! ?"

They were confused, but they didn't stay there for too long!

Because if they were a step slower, perhaps the innate supreme essence would fall into the hands of others!

As for Xia Qingxuan being the Saint of Beiming, so what?

Such an opportunity can be snatched by everyone!

A saint had deep eyes, and then snorted coldly:"Maybe... she deliberately went the wrong way!!"

After that, he walked in the opposite direction of Xia Qingxuan!

In the eyes of many people, this saintly strongman had not taken a few steps, and the void roared in an instant!


A sword sounded!

A long sword suddenly flew out from the stone wall next to him, and before the man could react, an arrow pierced his forehead!


���Some people were completely dumbfounded when they saw this scene!

It even made those who were about to follow stop immediately and gasp!

"What is going on!!!!"

Exclamations were heard at the scene, and everyone’s scalp exploded!

It’s not okay to follow him, and it’s not okay to walk anyway?

What’s wrong with this logic?

Could it be that the Saint of Bei Ming has a pass to this secret realm?

How is it possible!?


At this moment,

Xia Qingxuan heard the exclamations and screams coming from behind, and the corners of her mouth curled up

""I will definitely come to thank you when I get out this time!"

Her eyes sparkled, and she was full of gratitude to Su Changqing!

Because in the diary, Su Changqing had written down all the dangers in this secret realm according to his memories.

And as the holder of the diary, she also kept going deeper by reading the diary without encountering any danger.

On the contrary, the others were either dead or injured!

It was undoubtedly a foolish dream for those people to catch up with her now!


Lin Fan should be behind, right?

Thinking of this,

Xia Qingxuan didn't take it too seriously, because she had learned from Su Changqing's diary that there was an old man in the guy's ring.

"Presumably, those people want to go with me, or want to go deeper in the opposite direction from me?"

When she thought of this, she smiled more.

The reason why those people behind her always encounter danger is not because of the problem of where to go.

The main reason is under their feet!

Because in the previous area, there are too many traps and dangerous formations!

Su Changqing has completely pointed it out in his diary!

I only need to pay attention to a few steps and cleverly avoid every dangerous place.

But those people don't know, so, only death is waiting for them!

Without thinking about it anymore,

Xia Qingxuan took a deep breath and continued to avoid all dangers as revealed in Su Changqing's diary.


But when she reached the end of the passage, she was stunned.

Because there was no way forward, but a dead end! That's not right!

But soon, the diary copy was updated synchronously!

【There is no road at the end of the secret realm. In fact, it is just used to confuse those people!】

【If you can reach the end, you will have reached the location of the innate supreme essence!】

【On the right side, press the third brick from the bottom to open the stone door!】

【It is said that this supreme being from ancient times was really cunning. Every brick could be touched, but only one brick was the correct way to open it!】

【If you attack rashly, you will definitely trigger the terrifying killing formation set up by the Supreme Being himself!】

【The innate supreme essence is in the palace at the back!】

【I don’t know what Qingxuan is doing now if she went to that secret place?】

【I believe that even if she doesn't know the dangers in the secret realm, she can still get the innate supreme spirit, right?

Seeing the updated diary content,

Xia Qingxuan's hair stood on end, and she was shocked.


"The Supreme Essence of the Innate is inside! ?"

She originally thought that Su Changqing could not remember so many details, and just wanted to explore it by herself.

Fortunately, he did not act rashly.

Otherwise, she might have finally come here, and what was waiting for her was not the Supreme Essence of the Innate, but the threat of death!


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