Chapter 53: A look scares away many geniuses, Xia Qingxuan's mind is shaken!

At this time,

Xia Qingxuan looked at Xia Yilin who was trembling beside her and took a deep breath.

"There are so many things that will happen in the future.……"

Her eyes flickered slightly, and the doubts in her heart were dispelled.

After all, if it was false, how could Su Changqing not consider the consequences of going to war with the Undead Demon Clan and directly kill Xiang Yuan?

This time, I learned too many things.

Now my mind is in a mess.

Amidst the exclamations and admiration, the shadow of Saint Daoyi slowly dissipated, until this moment, the terrifying pressure dissipated.

Let the weaker cultivators also breathe.

Before, it was too terrifying!

They even thought they would be implicated, and now they still feel scared when they think about it.

As for Su Changqing's direct ranking of third, it made everyone present feel uneasy!

Murong Dieyi looked at Su Changqing in the void, and her heartbeat accelerated.

"He actually got the third place directly!!!"

She was shocked and couldn't imagine how strong Su Changqing was.

From the previous fight with Xiang Yuan, it can be seen that he still has some strength left!!

In this case, wouldn't he be able to compete for the first place?

Recalling the previous contents of Su Changqing's diary,

Murong Dieyi said in her heart, as expected, her eyes revealed a spirit.

"What he said... is true!"

She now believes more in the future revealed in Su Changqing's diary!

In this way, she will be with him in the future...

Thinking of this, she blushed.


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd,

Su Changqing glanced at Xiang Yuan's body not far away, then looked up at the sky above.

""Come out!"

He spoke calmly, his expression calm.

Before fighting with Xiang Yuan, he had already sensed that there were several auras hidden in the sky above.

It can be said that from beginning to end, there were eyes watching his every move from above!

Hearing this, everyone at the ceremony was stunned.

"What's the meaning???"

"Who else!?"

"No way? How come I didn't know there was someone else?"

Everyone heard Su Changqing's words, looked at the sky above without any abnormality, and scratched their heads in confusion.

No one...

But after Su Changqing waited for a while, there was no movement in the sky.

""Not coming out?"

He muttered, and then the cultivation of the third level of the Saint suddenly burst out, and he slapped a palm towards the void in the sky!

This palm seemed casual, but it carried a terrifying momentum that made even the Saint Realm change color!


Soon, the void roared and the sky shook!

Just one palm, as if to destroy the sky!

The amazing aura made the scene of the ceremony exclaim continuously!

In the eyes of the treatment, several figures gradually appeared!

And their auras were extremely powerful!

After they appeared, everyone looked a little unnatural, as if they couldn't understand how Su Changqing found them...

Seeing these people, the scene was in an uproar again!

"Why are there so many people here???"

"Why do these people look so unfamiliar? No, that's not right... the seventh and eighth on the Tianjiao list... Oh my god, there are people on the Tianjiao list. Are they also looking for Su Changqing?"

"Oh my god, the auras on them...are all at the Saint level! ?"

"Why are they hiding in the void? They should have arrived before, why haven't they shown up yet? ?" There was a lot of discussion in the major holy places.

They naturally recognized the people they saw.

Especially among those people, there were several people on the Tianjiao list! As for the other young men who were not seen, they seemed to be at the Saint level, and none of them were weak!

At this time,

Su Changqing looked at the several figures above with a calm expression.

"These guys……"

He muttered in his heart, and knew what these people were planning.

The forces behind these people must be the top ones in Jiuxuantian.

However, he was not worried.

Facing Su Changqing's gaze, the faces of the people from the major holy places and restricted areas in the void changed!


Some of them are on the Tianjiao List, and some are planning to enter the world when the Tianjiao List is released.

The purpose of coming here this time is very simple!

That is... to defeat Su Changqing, who is at the peak of his fame on the Tianjiao List, and to be ranked on the list! But unexpectedly...

Xiang Yuan, who is ranked fourth on the Tianjiao List, is one step faster than any of them, so they can only wait and see.

However, facing Xiang Yuan, who is ranked fourth on the Tianjiao List, Su Changqing has no pressure at all, and he suppressed him almost the whole time.

In the end, he even killed him domineeringly!

And the fearlessness of Saint Lord Daoyi, who doesn't even care about the momentum of going to war with the Undead Demon Clan, scared them a lot!


Everyone present quickly gave up the idea of challenging Su Changqing.

If they go again, it would be simply courting death...

Facing the gaze of Su Changqing, the first blue-robed young man ranked seventh on the Tianjiao List, hurriedly bowed and smiled unnaturally:"Son Daoyi, I'm just passing by, passing by……"

After he finished speaking, his figure instantly disappeared from the spot.……

"The reputation of Saint Son Daoyi is indeed well-deserved. Now that the sect has summoned him, I will definitely visit him if I have the chance!"

"Well done! Xiang Yuan really deserves to be killed!"

"Since there is nothing to do right now, I... won't bother you anymore."

They all spoke up and left in a hurry.

If Su Changqing suddenly attacked, they would have no way to deal with it.

After all, the opponent's current strength has ranked third on the Tianjiao list!

If they challenged him again, wouldn't that be pure abuse?

Almost in the blink of an eye, several Tianjiao who were hiding in the void ran as fast as they could.

Seeing this scene, the people at the ceremony took a breath of cold air.

"Su Changqing scared away so many geniuses with just a glance. This time, he has secured the third place in the genius list. Perhaps only the first and second are qualified to compete with him!"

"His strength is too terrifying, isn't it? Then why didn't he fight for a higher position before? Could it be that... he wanted those people to come to him on their own initiative! ?"

"This, this, this... isn't this just playing the pig and eating the tiger! ?"

"It seems that after the battle with Xiang Yuan, Su Changqing has already shocked the local geniuses, and no one dares to challenge him anymore!"

Everyone felt dry-mouthed when watching this scene.

Su Changqing is too scary! (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Such a person hides too deeply, which makes people more afraid!

Because so far, no one knows the true strength of this Daoyi Saint!


Amid the commotion at the scene, everyone in the Beiming Holy Land felt their scalps tingle.

"Even if Su Changqing didn't say anything, all the geniuses on the genius list were scared away. Fortunately, he didn't attack the young master.……"

"This person is so terrifying, what level of strength has he reached! ?"

"I feel that although Su Changqing is a saint, he is much more terrifying than other saints!!"

They undoubtedly gave a very high evaluation, and they were even more shocked.

Judging from the current situation, I am afraid that not many people will dare to challenge Su Changqing easily after this!

After all, Xiang Yuan's death is enough to shock countless people!

Listening to the discussion of the crowd,

Xia Qingxuan also nodded, his eyes flickering slightly.

"He held back before, otherwise……"

She looked at Xia Yilin beside her, otherwise her brother might not be able to avoid death!

Then in the fight with Xiang Yuan, Su Changqing seemed like a completely different person!

In the process, he also mentioned many times what Xiang Yuan would do in the future and his identity as a traitor!

So much so that now, even if she didn't want to believe it, she couldn't find a place to refute it.

Under several gazes, although Xia Yilin was more daunted and scared in her heart, she looked unconvinced and said stubbornly:"One day, I will surpass Su Changqing and walk out of the invincible road!!!"

"Shut up!"

Xia Qingxuan heard it and said unhappily:"Come with me to apologize to them!"

In her opinion, perhaps it was because of her brother that Su Changqing faced so many troubles.

Even if it was nothing to Su Changqing, she still felt a little guilty.

In fact, for some reason... her desire to talk to Su Changqing became stronger, and she wanted to confirm it again.

In Xia Yilin's confusion,

Xia Qingxuan looked firm, mustered up the courage, grabbed her brother beside her, and walked towards Su Changqing lightly into the void.

Everyone was surprised to see this scene.

Su Changqing immediately showed a vicissitudes of life, and his eyes revealed a nostalgia that seemed to be suppressed.

Soon, when Xia Qingxuan approached, she saw the nostalgia in Su Changqing's eyes, and her heart trembled.


She���Xia Yilin said to him.

But when Xia Yilin came to Su Changqing, his previous stubbornness disappeared.

However, although he did not dare to look at Su Changqing, he did not want to apologize.

Seeing this, Xia Qingxuan was about to say something...

Su Changqing looked at Xia Yilin with nostalgia, chuckled and shook his head, saying:"He is just like this, it's okay."

"Su... Daoyi Saint, I'm sorry, I'm here on behalf of my brother.……"

"No problem"


Xia Qingxuan wanted to say something, but when she saw Su Changqing's weathered face and eyes full of nostalgia, she trembled slightly.

Next to her,

Xia Yilin heard Su Changqing's words and his mouth twitched.


He really couldn't understand why the other party seemed to know him very well.

When he saw Su Changqing staring at his sister, he finally couldn't speak when he thought of how scary the other party was and how he had taken the other party's immortal skills.

At this time,

Xia Qingxuan faced Su Changqing's gaze and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if he had really known him for a long, long time.

"Then... Holy Son, we will take our leave first."

She was worried that if she didn't leave, she might really feel strange emotions.

Upon hearing this, Xia Yilin immediately ran back to the group of people in Beiming Holy Land.

If she stayed any longer, she might really go crazy!

Xia Qingxuan tried her best to suppress the shock in her heart, and she turned around and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment,

"Qingxuan, actually...I am the one who should apologize."

"I have imagined countless times that we will meet again. I have so many things to say to you, but I don't know how to say them. How can I express to you the endless longing buried in my heart? If there is no chance in this life, it would be fine if we can just be friends.……"

Xia Qingxuan heard the soft murmur and her body trembled.

"Su Changqing...I……"

Her heart trembled and her face became hot at what she heard.

For some reason, she did not feel disgusted, but instead had the urge to turn around and ask for clarification.

Knowing that she could not stay any longer, she took a deep breath and left quickly.

Seeing this,

Xia Yilin hurriedly followed and asked in confusion:"Sister, can't you stay a little longer?"

"Huh? Sister, you don't look right."

"Su Changqing is really strange. If I can calm down for a few more years, I will definitely be able to……"

He hummed as he spoke.

Before he could finish,

Xia Qingxuan frowned and said unhappily:"Shut up!"


Xia Yilin looked stunned. What happened to his elder sister?

He felt something was wrong...


Xia Qingxuan's heartbeat was very fast, and her steps were even faster than Wang's.


She muttered in her heart, and the contents of Su Changqing's diary kept appearing in her mind.

She even read the diary copy again from the beginning.

Even if she read it again, she would still feel shocked.

At this time,

Xia Qingxuan was unaware that her heart had been shaken, and Su Changqing's mumbling before leaving was still echoing in her ears.

"Just friends?……"

Her expression revealed a bit of complexity, and she didn't know how to explain her current feelings towards Su Changqing.

Because she felt a little reluctant about what she heard. She wanted to look back at Su Changqing again, but she quickly dismissed the thought and held back.


Looking at Xia Qingxuan's back as she left,

Su Changqing's mouth curled up slightly. He knew in his heart that after all this operation, he was about to get her.

"Finally, I have almost fooled everyone and defeated an opponent.……"

He was secretly happy and returned to sit next to Murong Dieyi.

After a while, after some episodes, he continued.

However, it was precisely because of the previous events that the Daoyi Holy Sect has already attracted countless people!

"I want to join Daoyi Holy Sect!!!"

"Anyway, I changed my mind. Even if the chance is slim, I want to give it a try. If I can become a disciple of Daoyi Shengzong, I will be so happy!!"

"With such a powerful Holy Son and such a protective Holy Lord, isn't this the holy land that countless people have always longed for?"

"I quit the assessment and I'm going to Daoyi Shengzong……"

In all the major holy places, young talents from all walks of life came to Daoyi Holy Sect to take the test without any hesitation!

Now in their opinion, Daoyi Holy Sect is undoubtedly the best choice!

No other choice!


Don't worry: ꧁༺thầń❤tốí❤ćáő✿‿

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