Chapter 51: Directly ranked third on the Tianjiao Ranking? Undefeated?!

At this moment, Jiuxuantian had already fallen into deep shock. No one could have imagined that Su Changqing had done another earth-shattering event!

"Did Su Changqing kill Xiang Yuan? How could he be so terrifying? He was ranked sixth, but he had just suppressed the top five of the original Tianjiao Ranking not long ago. Now even Xiang Yuan, who was ranked fourth, died in his hands. How terrifying!!"

"How could there be such a scary guy? From the beginning to the end, I have never heard of Su Changqing losing. Is this the sixth place? It must be in the top three! ?"

"Saint Daoyi was too domineering. Facing the immortal demon race that had existed for hundreds of thousands of years, he did not take them seriously at all. He even threatened that if there was a next time, he would destroy the demon race. Looking at Jiuxuantian, few forces dared to say that! ?"

"In other words, Xiang Yuan originally wanted to kill Su Changqing, but was killed instead? Even because of the intervention of Xiang Yuan's protector from the Undead Demon Clan, the Undead Demon Clan lost a supreme strongman? Oh my God!……"

At this moment, the people of Jiuxuantian were even more shocked and exclaimed!

Whether it was the human race or the demon race, all the major forces were shocked!

They didn't expect that such a big thing would happen at the grand ceremony held in the South Region!

Even just now, the Holy Lord Daoyi and the patriarch of the Undead Demon Clan almost opened the prelude to the war between the two sides!

At the same time... countless forces were also shocked!

Because the current Tianjiao List has only appeared for a short time, and such a big thing has already happened!

Once the Undead Demon Clan really goes to war with the Holy Sect of Daoyi, then other forces will surely have friction and collisions between their disciples because of the existence of the Tianjiao List! Maybe it will evolve into something like Su Changqing and Xiang Yuan, thus starting one war after another!

At that time, Jiuxuantian will break the peace of more than 100,000 years and enter a chaotic world!

But what is most shocking is that Su Changqing, after suppressing the top five people on the original Tianjiao List, took action again and killed Xiang Yuan of the Undead Demon Clan!


However, just when Jiuxuantian was in shock,


The sky shook, and something strange happened!

I saw... the Tianjiao list on the sky was now shaking violently!

Around it, there was a brilliant divine light!

The whole world was shining under the light, and it looked extremely sacred!

Especially the breath of the heavenly way descended, so that every cultivator in the Nine Profound Heavens could feel it! As the clouds rolled, there was endless thunder across the sky!

Then, with the roar becoming stronger and stronger, the names on the Tianjiao list changed!

I saw that the name of Xiang Yuan, who was ranked fourth, was directly erased!

Then... the name of the third place was ranked fourth!

As for the sixth place, Su Changqing's name had divine light flowing, and slowly entered the third place!

【No. 3: Daoyi Holy Sect—Holy Son Su Changqing!】

【Battle record: never lost since entering the world! 】

The change in the number of places on the Tianjiao list once again caused an uproar!

Countless people in the Nine Profound Heavens were completely excited when they saw Su Changqing move directly from sixth to third place!

"Su Changqing...he...he ranked third. I said that with his ability, it would not be difficult for him to be in the top three!!!"

"I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Let’s not talk about what happened before the Tianjiao List came out. Even until now, Su Changqing has only made two moves, and he’s ranked third so quickly. I’m afraid his strength can still allow him to compete for a higher ranking!"

"He has never lost since entering the world... My God, how strong is Su Changqing? Can he compete with the number one and fight for the first place! ?"

"Among the younger generation, the current Tianjiao List is undoubtedly the best representative. Although the first and second will be very strong, I think... Su Changqing seems to really have the ability to compete for the first place!"

"How could he be ranked third after defeating Xiang Yuan? Could it be that... Xiaoxiantai would rank people based on their own strength?"

"Too scary, is this the most powerful son of Daoyi Saint Sect? Before, I thought Su Changqing was not strong enough, but now it seems that he deserves it!!!"


Countless cultivators were shocked after seeing the changes in the Tianjiao Ranking!

The result now has exceeded their expectations!

Although the record is just a few simple words, this is undoubtedly the best description of Su Changqing's record!


Especially by killing Xiang Yuan, Su Changqing became the third on the Tianjiao Ranking in one fell swoop. He made the people of Jiuxuantian feel numb!

Such an existence is too against the will of heaven! Today's Jiuxuantian can no longer maintain the peace of the past. Countless forces and Tianjiao who are not yet ready to show themselves to the world have taken it seriously!


While all parties were amazed at Su Changqing's rising ranking, the Tiansha Forbidden Zone, one of the five forbidden zones of Jiuxuantian!

In the forbidden zone, the most bizarre thing is a huge soul river, where countless souls without consciousness are wandering!

This is also one of the reasons why the Tiansha Forbidden Zone is so frightening, that is, every disciple in the Tiansha Forbidden Zone likes to extract the souls of their opponents for devouring and cultivation. As for the souls of some strong men, in addition to devouring, some people tame them and make them companion souls!

Countless souls in the soul river, not entering reincarnation, are trapped in the soul river for generations.

But now, the forbidden zone, which has always been as calm as dead water, is completely sensational!

Especially in the soul river, countless lonely souls no longer swim as usual, but are all still.

Exclamations one after another are constantly heard at this moment!

"How is it possible!? Su Changqing killed Xiang Yuan who was in fourth place and now ranks third, pushing Shazi down to fourth place??"

"Oh my god, doesn’t that mean that the Tianjiao Ranking thinks that Su Changqing is stronger than Shazi! ?"

"Su Changqing's strength is really���So strong!? What a scary guy!……"

Every disciple in the Tiansha restricted area was shocked and his scalp was numb!

In the deepest part of the restricted area,

Yu Li was still practicing, but at this moment, he stopped with a frown after hearing the calls.

"What's the matter?!"

He slowly opened his eyes, and his pupils were grayish white.

But in the next second, he recovered like an ordinary person.

The disciple who came to report was extremely anxious and said hurriedly:"Shazi, something bad has happened, Su Changqing... he... he killed Xiang Yuan of the Undead Demon Clan!!"

"Oh? What does this have to do with me?"

Yu Li looked surprised. He didn't expect that Su Changqing, who ranked sixth, actually had the strength of the top five. But what does it have to do with him?

The disciple said again:"No, after Su Changqing killed Xiang Yuan, the ranking of the Tianjiao list changed.……"

"Shazi, you... you have fallen from third place to fourth place!"

Hearing this,


Yu Li's pupils shrank, and he stood up suddenly, with murderous aura raging all over his body!

…… ps:

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