Chapter 29: Sweeping the Five Great Prodigies, you call this the Sage Realm?

At this moment,

Su Changqing did not show up, but took action directly!


The huge hand directly suppressed the people coming from outside the holy land!

The whole sky became shaky at this moment, and the void showed signs of collapse!

The terrifying aura of the saint enveloped the whole world!

Almost in an instant, the faces of the people from Xuanming Holy Land, Hidden Dragon Temple and other forces changed drastically at this moment!


They had no intention of resisting at all, because the might of the Saint Realm was not something they could resist!

A huge hand that covered the sky and the sun loomed over everyone's heads and slowly pressed down!


Those who were not good enough in cultivation turned pale, their bodies trembled violently, and they vomited blood!

The people who were ranked in the top five of the Tianjiao list were also shocked!

"He...he is attacking the five of us! ?"

"How arrogant!!!"

"Su Changqing... What a Su Changqing!!"

Jiuyou, Wang Teng, Sima Chen all looked moved, but their eyes were full of pride!

The sixth-ranked one took the initiative to attack the top five?

Especially looking at this devastating posture, he wanted to deal with the five of them alone!

But the amazing momentum, the terrifying pressure... made their heartbeats accelerate, and their expressions couldn't help but become solemn!

"He is ranked sixth, how could he have such amazing skills! ?"

Looking at the huge hand that was becoming more and more peaceful, they couldn't help but feel frightened!

After a moment of doubt,

Jiuyou's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, and he suddenly attacked!

"I don't believe you're ranked sixth.……"

He ran straight towards the huge hand above his head, and his expression changed drastically before he finished speaking!

Because... as he approached, he felt a breath that made his soul tremble!

That, that is the Supreme! ?

Before Jiuyou could react, his body could not move and kept shaking!


He couldn't hold it back any longer, and suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale!

Supreme aura, that was the Supreme aura!!!

At this moment,

Jiuyou's mind went blank, and he fell to the ground with serious injuries!

"Su Changqing...he...he……"

He spoke with difficulty, but couldn't say anything!

At this moment, his whole body was trembling, and he spit out blood again!

This scene immediately made the people of Xuanming Holy Land look horrified!

Their Holy Son, who hadn't even launched an attack, was hit so hard! ?

And this scene... also made Sima Chen, Wang Teng and the other four people in the top five stunned.

"This... How is this possible!?"

"What did Su Changqing do?!"

Their faces became more and more solemn, staring at the huge hand above that was swallowing up the mountains and rivers and constantly suppressing them!

Just as several people were about to take action with gloomy faces,

"Boom! Boom! Boom!……"

As the palm fell, the world was about to collapse!

The ground shook violently, and shocking gullies spread wildly for dozens of miles in all directions!

The surrounding mountains could not withstand the terrifying force and fell apart!

All the weaker gods below the level of saints vomited blood and could not move!

"How is this possible!?"

They crawled on the ground, raised their heads with difficulty, and looked at the approaching huge palm in horror!

Wasn't Su Changqing, the Holy Son of Daoyi Sect, ranked sixth?


How could there be such a terrifying attack!?

Especially Sima Chen and others, who originally wanted to take action, but their faces changed wildly when the palm fell!

"In that palm... there is... there is actually the aura of the Supreme Being! ?"

"What?! How is this possible? He... isn't he in the Saint Realm?!"

Even though they are the most brilliant people in their respective forces, they are now so scared that their scalps explode!

For others, they may not know the terrifying aura contained in that palm!

But how can they not know?

The huge palm that Su Changqing slapped contained the aura of the Supreme that almost scared them to death!

Even if they entered the Saint Realm, they had no qualifications to resist at all!

Because there is a huge gap between the Saint and the Supreme!

Even ten Saint Realm people cannot kill a Supreme!

On the contrary, the Supreme can crush ten Saints as easily as crushing an ant!

Under the Supreme, everyone is an ant!!! But how could Su Changqing, a Saint Realm Saint, carry the aura of the Supreme when he made a move!?

At this moment... several people were no longer as determined as before, but were full of fear under their forced calm expressions!

"No... Impossible!!!"

They had never heard of a Saint Realm guy who could use the power of the Supreme!!!

How could they fight?

Even under this breath, the pride in their hearts disappeared, not to mention the fighting spirit!

At this moment, the huge palm also poured down completely, carrying the destructive breath of destroying the nine heavens and ten earths!

In the terrifying movement of the sky collapsing and the earth splitting, everyone who arrived outside the Holy Land this time vomited blood, and those with weak cultivation fainted directly!

As for Sima Chen, Wang Teng and others, even if they used all their strength to resist, they could not stop the huge palm for a moment!


At the same time, they all spat out a large mouthful of blood, their bodies bent and trembled violently under the terrifying pressure!

Until this moment, they were completely panicked!

If Su Changqing wanted to kill them, it would be no problem at all!!!

A strong sense of life and death crisis surged in their hearts, even the top five of the Tianjiao List before, they were all afraid of Su Changqing in their hearts!

This... is this really the means that the Saint Realm can show? ?!

Until Sima Chen and others turned pale and knelt on one knee on the ground struggling to support themselves because they could not bear it anymore... the huge palm disappeared!


"Bang, bang! Bang!……"

Several people had originally begged for mercy, but now they felt their bodies lighten and suddenly fell to the ground!

Everyone's eyes were full of fear, and their hearts were almost jumping out of their throats!

Seeing the top five on the list being suppressed by Su Changqing alone, at this moment, everything was silent!

Most people had already fainted, and some people fell down after a sigh of relief with lingering fear!


The sound of rapid breathing continued to rise and fall at the scene.

Everyone had already been sweating profusely, looking at the Shengzi Peak where Su Changqing was in Daoyi Shengzong in horror!

"Su Changqing...he...he is definitely only at the Saint level! ?"

"1.. He alone suppressed the top five on the previous list!!!"

"Is Su Changqing still human? How on earth did he do this?"

"The Son... The Son……"

Not only the outsiders who came to Daoyi Holy Sect, but even the disciples of Daoyi Holy Sect were completely stunned, with cold sweats running down their backs!

The terrifying blow just now made them feel how close they were to death, as if they had half a foot in the gate of hell!!!

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, and comments are all OK, give the author a little support, please everyone!!

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