Chapter 24: The Little Immortal Platform is about to be born, and the great battle for the world begins!

Half a month later, in Daoyi Saint Sect.

On the Holy Son Peak,

Su Changqing looked at the Holy Maiden Peak not far away, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"In half a month, Ling Qianxue actually took the initiative to find me twice……"

He muttered to himself, feeling very happy.

The past half month was calm and nothing special happened.

If things continued to develop in this way, he wouldn't have to worry about the identity of the villain.

As for the enemy?

It seemed that he didn't have to worry about that.

Because during this period of time, in addition to enjoying life leisurely every day, he occasionally wrote a diary to tease the heroines.

Some small details in the original text were revealed.

That is why

Su Changqing enjoyed his life while watching the three heroines gradually increase their trust in the diary.

"If this continues, it would be great.……"

"But the diary cannot stop. The three diary holders have a high trust in the diary, so it must be maintained.……"

He muttered a few words, thinking about what he should make up later.

But... just as he was thinking, his face suddenly changed!

At this moment,

Su Changqing's face became serious and he took a deep breath.

"I remember it!"

"Now that more than half a month has passed since the recruitment of new disciples, something big will happen soon!"

His eyes brightened, and he immediately had what to write next.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't take a few days for the Tianjiao List that appeared in the original text to be published!

Wouldn't it be perfect if I made up something myself? Su Changqing did it as he said, without any hesitation, and finally decided to update his diary today.

【After a few days of rest, I almost forgot one thing!】

【It shouldn’t be long before the list of geniuses will be published in Jiuxuantian, right?】

【If I remember correctly... this list of geniuses does not only appear in Jiuxuantian, but also comes from Xiaoxiantai, and every world has its branch!】

【The emergence of the small fairy platform will trigger the emergence of a list of geniuses in the heavens!】

【The great struggle of the heavens and the worlds, the chaotic world is about to begin……】


With the update of Su Changqing's diary, the Holy Maiden Peak.

Ling Qianxue originally wanted to know about Lin Fan's news, but this person seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth.

"If you have the guts, just stay away from your face for the rest of your life!"

She said coldly, the murderous intent in her eyes was hard to conceal!

Before she could think about whether to go to Shengzi Peak today, she continued to persuade her senior brother not to lose his fighting spirit.

The diary copy slowly appeared.

Senior brother finally updated it?

Ling Qianxue immediately read it attentively, but was surprised.

"Tianjiao Ranking? Xiaoxiantai? ?"

She was completely confused and couldn't figure out what this was.

Especially the last sentence in the diary, the troubled times are about to begin?

At this moment,

Ling Qianxue trembled all over, her eyes full of solemnity:"What is going on? There will be so many things happening in the future! ?"

"The Little Immortal Platform comes from the myriad worlds?"

She immediately felt that her senior brother knew too much, and before people had time to digest it, new things in the future would come one after another!

As for the chaotic world?

Could this also be the cause of the dark turmoil?

In an instant,

Ling Qianxue threw the idea of killing Lin Fan out of her mind, and only wanted to understand the so-called Tianjiao Ranking and the future from the myriad worlds The struggle for the great trend!

"Senior Brother... what did you... experience in the future! ?"

In addition to being surprised, she was also eager to know everything!


Dayu Dynasty, at this time.

Su Youwei was staying in the room, propping up her chin in boredom.

"Damn Su Changqing, why haven’t you updated your diary yet?"

"I want to read the diary!!"

She walked back and forth, stamping her feet from time to time, looking quite cute.

In fact, during this period of time, Su Changqing's diary would occasionally reveal some small things about herself and the other two girls in the future.

Especially that she would always stick to Su Changqing in the future...

Thinking of this,

Su Youwei's little face flushed and pouted.

"Am I really that clingy? ? ?"

She didn't quite believe it and snorted.

However, many of the things Su Changqing revealed in his diary were surprising!

But unfortunately, some things have already been revealed!

Just as Su Youwei was waiting for the diary to be updated, a copy of the diary appeared and opened automatically.


She blinked in surprise when she saw the first line of words.

The Tianjiao list is about to be released?

However... this so-called Tianjiao list is still a branch of the Xiaoxiantai in the heavens in each world?

I have never heard of it.

But in the near future... the chaotic world will befall Jiuxuantian?

Even the great struggle of the heavens and the worlds will begin!? Oh my God!

After reading the updated content of the diary,

Su Youwei ate her hands and blinked in surprise.

"No way? Troubled times are coming???"

She was a little caught off guard and a little nervous.

She had not yet fully awakened the power of the Divine Phoenix, and had just begun the path of cultivation.

As a result, troubled times are coming?

At this time,

Su Qingyun arrived, and feeling the increasingly powerful aura of his daughter, he said with satisfaction:"My dear daughter, you are now at the seventh level of the Spiritual Sea! ?"

It has been less than a month, and she has made rapid progress from just entering the door and almost broke through all things!

Such a rapid speed surprised even him, the Human Emperor.

Seeing her father coming over,

Su Youwei just nodded perfunctorily, and then asked quite seriously:"Dad, do you... know about the Little Fairy Terrace?"

She was eager to know what was revealed in Su Changqing's diary.


Hearing his daughter's words, Su Qingyun, the Human Emperor, changed his face!

"You...what did you say!?"

"Xiaoxiantai, Daddy, do you know?"

" told you?"

""Dad, don't worry about it. Do you know anything?"

Su Youwei was shocked when she saw her dad's expression.

It seemed that Dad knew something?!

Su Qingyun's expression became confused, and then he trembled all over!

"Xiaoxiantai? Your father knows a thing or two!"

After he came to his senses, his expression became solemn, and he said slowly:"Our Divine Dynasty has been inherited from ancient times to the present day, and the historical materials left by our ancestors have recorded that when Xiaoxiantai appears in the world, troubled times are coming!

It has been tens of thousands of years since the last time Xiaoxiantai appeared. I was not born at that time, and I had forgotten it. But now that you said that,……"

Hearing this,

Su Youwei opened her eyes wide. There really is a small fairyland! ?

"What Su Changqing said... is it true? ? ?"

She took a deep breath, her eyes full of disbelief. So much so that when Su Qingyun asked where she got it from, she didn't notice it at all.

In response,

Su Qingyun took a deep look at Su Youwei who was stunned, and his expression became more solemn.

"Could it be that Wei'er learned this information through Shenhuang???"

"Is the chaos coming?……"

He had a thousand questions in his mind, and he couldn't help but worry.

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed! I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets, and comments are all OK, give the author a little support, please everyone!!

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