Chapter 22: How did Su Changqing know? All verified!

The next day,

Shengzi Peak.

After Su Changqing had spent the whole morning in idleness, he finally remembered to continue to add the second diary.

"Ling Qianxue and Su Youwei's trustworthiness is not bad, but Murong Dieyi……"

He muttered to himself, saying that currently the witches of the Demon Sect have a relatively low trust in the diary.

This won't do, you must believe it completely!

After thinking about it,

Su Changqing's eyes lit up and he chuckled,"I just don't believe it, I can't let you believe it 100%!"

"So what if she's a witch? It's useless!"

He was quite confident about this and didn't worry too much.

After all, he had read the original novel.

Although the author seemed stupid in some aspects, some of the plots were not unbearable to watch.

Without thinking too much,

Su Changqing continued to write the second diary.

【There are too many things in the future.……】

【Fortunately now, for a short period of time, Junior Sister Qianxue and little Loli Youwei will be safe and sound!】

【As for Dieyi……】

【Oh, if I remember correctly, she should be clearing the way for the Demon Sect today and heading to the Ten Thousand Demons Cave at the bottom of the Nether Sea to target the lineage of the Third Elder of the Inner Sect.】

【However, this time, Dieyi was too confident. Although he completed the mission, he was also injured in the fight with the three elders of the inner sect of the Demon Sect!】

【By the way, at the bottom of the dark sea, a hundred miles away from the bottom of the Demon Sect, there is an abandoned ruins of the Demon Emperor!】

【Among them, there is a ten thousand year old magic fruit formed from the remaining essence and blood of the Demon Emperor, which should be ripe by now!】

【If Dieyi could get this opportunity now, then... a part of the ancient demon in her body would be activated, and her strength would at least be able to break through to the Saint Realm in a short period of time!】

【Not only that, the timeline for growth should be shortened】

【It’s just that there is no way to tell Dieyi about it at the moment, but it doesn’t matter. It’s just a ten thousand year old magic fruit. At worst, when I revisit the old place and see Dieyi, I will give him the fortune created by the magic fruit!】

【In this life, we...will all be fine!】


Demon Sect, at this time...

Murong Dieyi has secretly left the sect and is heading towards the sea under the sect at an extremely fast speed!

"The Three Elders……"

There was a dangerous light in her purple eyes, and a sneer on her lips.

Secretly colluding with other sects to erode the foundation of the Demon Sect?

Then kill them!

Suddenly, a copy of the diary appeared.

Murong Dieyi was stunned for a moment and frowned slightly.

"Why update at this time? Su Changqing... I don't like your update time."

She said, but her eyes were fixed on the content of the update.

Why did you mention those two women again?

Seeing the first line of the diary, she looked a little unhappy.

But looking down...

Murong Dieyi was stunned for a moment, and her body trembled slightly.

" did he know!?"


She saw in the diary that Su Changqing had told her the purpose of this action in detail.

Especially the destination, the target to be liquidated...

He said everything correctly!!!

What's going on!?

You have to know that only she and the Demon Lord knew about this action!

Even the disciples and elders of the sect didn't know anything at all. They only knew that the third elder had gone out and hadn't returned yet.


Su Changqing, who was far away in Daoyi Holy Sect, could tell it all!?

This guy was really reborn!?

Otherwise, how could he tell it in such detail??


Murong Dieyi licked her lips, with curiosity still in her eyes.

"Su are really interesting!"

"I will get hurt?"

When she saw that she would get hurt, she sneered.

In her opinion, this point would not happen!

Then she read on...

Murong Dieyi was stunned again, chance?

""Devil Yuan Fruit? ? ?"

When she saw this, her heart began to beat violently, and her eyes revealed a hint of desire!

This guy also knew what bloodline he had!?

But after being shocked, she felt strange again.

Since there was a Devil Yuan Fruit, why didn't the sect find it?

If the cultivation was not enough, the Demon Lord would not be able to find it, right?

The content of this diary made Murong Dieyi feel very contradictory, half believing and half doubting.

"do not care……"

She didn't think too much about it. After reading the diary, she rushed to the destination of this trip, the Ten Thousand Demons Cave!

This time, she must settle accounts with the traitors in the sect!


Two hours later, in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave, there were corpses everywhere, all of them died tragically! Especially the surrounding seawater, which was red and full of pungent smell! At this time, the purple light in Murong Dieyi's eyes was extremely strong, which looked quite scary.

""Third Elder, go ahead!"

She laughed grimly and pulled her hand violently.

A bloody heart suddenly appeared in her palm. After a fierce squeeze, it turned into blood mist!

In front of Murong Dieyi, an old man with a weak breath had his pupils contracted and opened his mouth but could not speak.

"As expected... As expected of someone with the blood of the ancient demon……"

Before he could finish his words, his body and soul were annihilated!

When the old man died, the grim smile on Murong Dieyi's face disappeared, and his expression suddenly turned pale.


She gasped for air, and blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

She was really injured!

How could it be...

Su Changqing was right!

Not only did he know what I was going to do, he even knew that I would get hurt after doing it!

Oh my God!!!

At this moment,

Murong Dieyi was shaken again, feeling unbelievable.

"Then...the opportunity he mentioned, the magic fruit……"

Her body was shaking with excitement. Now she was really moved!

If what Su Changqing said was true, she would be greatly improved if she got the magic fruit!!!

Anyway, up to now, everything the other party said was right!


After taking a deep breath,

Murong Dieyi recovered a little from her injuries and went straight to the place she saw in the diary!

"Su Changqing, I hope you are not talking nonsense, otherwise I will not forgive you!"

She snorted and continued to speed up!

At the same time, her heart became more and more eager!

I hope it is true!

It took nearly half an hour for

Murong Dieyi to arrive at the sea area under the sect, a hundred miles away.

"This... is the abandoned ruins left behind by a fallen Demon Emperor?"

She looked around and indeed saw the remains of buildings.

But where is the Demon Yuan Fruit?

She immediately searched for it and stopped after a moment!

In the darkness not far ahead, there were bursts of purple light flashing continuously. As she approached, she could feel the strong demonic energy!

She looked directly at the object and found that it was a strange fruit that was purple in color and covered with complex patterns. It was only the size of a fist!

Around them, there were even huge monsters that were corroded by demonic energy!

Seeing this scene,

"That... that is the Demon Yuan Fruit?!!"

Murong Dieyi's mouth suddenly became dry and she could no longer remain calm. She had to believe it!

From that fruit, she could hear the urgent voice of desire!

That was the opportunity that Su Changqing talked about. Once she could get it, she would get a huge improvement!

This guy, what he said is true!!!

…… ps:

The old author has released a new book, and I will definitely work hard to update it, quality guaranteed!

I beg for your data support for the new book!

Flowers, evaluation tickets package���You can leave comments to give the author a little support, please!!

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