Chapter 183:

After the words fell, the people of the Sky Python Clan took a deep breath, and looked at Su Changqing who was surrounded by many people, with murderous intent in their eyes!

But they knew very well that this matter could only be handled by the clan leader who was a supreme power!

Because not to mention that the First Saint Lord was the Supreme, the most important thing was that Su Changqing's strength was unfathomable. Even if he was only a saint of the seventh heaven, he could still pose a threat to the Immortal Platform!

The chance of them succeeding was almost zero!

Qiu Yao withdrew his gaze from Su Changqing and glanced at the several supremes around him who did not belong to the human race!

"I don't believe you can keep your composure and fail to see that Su Changqing will achieve supreme success in the future.……"

He had no hesitation since he had the killing intention! He was even more determined to kill Su Changqing!

Because he also saw the killing intention in the eyes of the other supremes, but these guys were obviously hesitating!

In this case...

Qiu Yao took a deep breath and rushed out without any hesitation!

"If this boy is not eliminated, how can we, who are regarded as aliens by the human race, have peace in the future! ?"

"You might as well think about the Undead Demon Clan!"

He rushed towards Su Changqing at a terrifying speed, and shouted loudly!

The overwhelming aura of the Supreme burst out, and the pressure came!

Faced with this sudden movement, the expressions of many surrounding forces suddenly changed!

"what's the situation!?"

"That is... that is the leader of the Sky Python Clan! ?"


Many people exclaimed after seeing Qiu Yao approaching Su Changqing!

There is a Supreme, and then attack Su Changqing!

Especially after feeling the obvious killing intent from Qiu Yao, the scene suddenly became a sensation!

The other several demon clan supremes also frowned when they heard what Qiu Yao said!


But they had to admit that they knew what Su Changqing would represent when he grew up!

Rather than leaving this hidden danger, it was better to solve it! After all, they had not forgotten the destruction of the Undead Demon Clan! Even if there would be considerable risks, if they joined forces and attacked together, even if Daoyi Shengzong had already formed an alliance with Dayu Shenchao, they would still have a chance to strangle Su Changqing in the cradle!

For a while, the supreme masters of several major forces who had not had much contact or even had not crossed paths were already exchanging glances in secret!


At this moment,

Qiu Yao's words and actions immediately caused an uproar at the scene!

"Qiu Yao? He wants to attack Su Changqing! ?"

"The Sky Python Clan had a battle with the Daoyi Holy Clan 20,000 years ago, but they were defeated in that battle and have since disappeared. Unexpectedly... the Blind Man has appeared again, and it seems that he wants to kill Su Changqing! ?"

"Could it be that because of the previous incident with the Undead Demon Clan, coupled with Su Changqing's performance in the Tower of All Heavens, the Sky Python Demon Clan felt threatened, so they wanted to kill Su Changqing even at the risk of their lives?!"

"This time, I'm afraid things are not that simple. Since the Sky Python Clan has chosen to attack Su Changqing, they must have some confidence. Perhaps... not only Qiu Yao, but also others will get involved!!"The supreme masters in each force are now deducing and guessing!

They did not act rashly, but watched everything quietly!

After all, no one knows which other forces will get involved in the ranks of killing Su Changqing this time!

Just as they expected, murderous auras slowly appeared in multiple directions!

Hearing the sudden burst of supreme information behind them, coupled with Qiu Yao's words, everyone looked back!

Then, they saw Qiu Yao, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes and a surging supreme aura on his body, approaching in the blink of an eye!

"What’s going on?!"

The Daoyi Saint Sect’s people’s expressions changed drastically when they saw this!

The Sky Python Clan?

They appeared again!

And this time, the opponent’s supreme power wanted to kill the Holy Son!!!

Ling Qianxue, Murong Dieyi, Xia Qingxuan, and Su Youwei all changed their expressions suddenly after sensing the amazing supreme aura!

"How could this happen!?"

They had not thought that there would be a supreme being who would want to kill Su Changqing!

Facing the supreme being's pressure that almost covered the entire world, even if they wanted to take action, they were suppressed and had no way to use their cultivation!

However, at this time, (to read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Daoyi Saint Lord had already been prepared, but he was still surprised when he saw Qiu Yao!

"Qiu Yao!?"

He frowned, he didn't expect that his old rival who had disappeared for so long would show up now!

Not only that, he wanted to kill the Holy Son of his own holy land!

In the shocked eyes of everyone,

Daoyi Saint Lord snorted coldly, and his supreme cultivation also burst out:"I didn't expect that you dare to show up!"

"In this case, let's settle the old and new hatreds today!"

Without any hesitation, he flashed in front of Su Changqing and waved his hand to offset the opponent's supreme pressure!

Then, he directly stopped him!

As the two fought,


A violent roar was heard, and the shocking fluctuations made many people change color and avoid it!

During the fight between the two, they rose directly to the sky!

Qiu Yao looked at the Daoyi Saint Lord in front of him, with a strong resentment in his eyes!

".Kong Huai!"

He spoke coldly, and attacked with all his strength!

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous!

More than two hundred years ago, the Sky Python Clan could have risen, but it was almost destroyed by Daoyi Shengzong led by Daoyi Shengzhu!

In the end, it had to disappear. After years of forbearance, the current Sky Python Clan, even if it does not have much reputation, is enough to become one of the top forces in Jiuxuantian!

The reason why it appeared again was entirely because of Su Changqing's performance in the Zhutian Tower!

This time it was not only to kill Su Changqing, but also to avenge Daoyi Shengzong!


Seeing the Holy Lord and the Supreme Patriarch of the Sky Python Demon Clan fighting fiercely above the sky,

Su Changqing blinked and couldn't help but sneer in his heart!

"Kill me?"

""It seems that I have already made these guys feel threatened?"

He muttered, his expression as calm as ever.

Because... it's not that easy for these people to kill me!


Dayu Divine Dynasty, Beiming Holy Land (Li Nuo's), and Demon Sect will not watch helplessly!

But suddenly……


Another breath of supreme power rose into the sky!

A supreme power from the demon race not far away suddenly rushed out and headed straight for Su Changqing!

"The Divine Elephant Clan, Bai Lie!!"

Many powerful people from various forces recognized this Supreme!

A Supreme of the fifth level!!

The Supreme named Bai Lie, as if traveling through the void, appeared not far in front of Su Changqing in the blink of an eye, with murderous intent in his eyes!

But before he could make a move,

Su Qingyun frowned, snorted coldly, and blocked Su Changqing's life!

"Your opponent is me!"

He didn't hesitate at all and attacked directly!

He still had a lot to learn about Su Changqing, so he couldn't let him get into any accidents!

Not to mention that the Dayu Divine Dynasty had already formed an alliance with the Daoyi Holy Sect!

He couldn't just stand by and watch!

In an instant, the two supreme beings collided, and a deafening roar resounded through the world!

: Hồng Mông Chí Cao

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